Bible Devotions

Back up as of March 12, 2022

This page lists our

Bible Devotions and our


"Help for Making Life Better"

pages on this site.

Note that we have many pages of Bible study

on the

Psalms & Scriptures


Bible topics like: Who is the devil?

- -

We have help on how to deal with difficult topics like

abuse  and  addiction

unusual topics like
Inspirational Movie Scenes,

Family Fun Ideas &

Tips on Christian Dating and Romance

Our Powerful

Spiritual Warfare


is in the middle of the page.

Be sure to scroll all the way down.

We have many unique topics

that might interest you!

New Pages:

Psalm 111

Psalm 133 - An Audio Presentation  by Beth

Topic of - Receiving God's Love and Feeling Accepted

Who I am in Christ

  Heavenly Father's love letter

 My King My Savior - Experiencing God's love - especially part two!

Feeling the Love of God

Psalm 139 Insights to God's love

Falling in Love with God

Heavenly Father's Love

Prayer for Intimacy with God

Psalm 63 - warmth and closeness with God

Accepting yourself so you can better accept God's love

Receiving God's Promises of Love (This is part one of a three-part teaching.)

God Promises (This is part two.)

God's Love (This is part three.)

Finding Freedom - Finding Peace

David - Insights about God's Love

Dancing with Jesus - For Women Only - You are a beautiful princess at an elegant ball

Guide me, Lord - Creating Harmony with the Lord- Women will enjoy this more than men

Lion of Judah

Topic of - How to Hear God's Voice

   God's will for my life

 God's voice Psalm 29

Hearing God's Voice - Features "Can I Buy a Vowel?" story

How to Hear God's Voice

Bible Wisdom - "The View From Above"

God's Words are God's Wisdom

Topic of - Best Answer to the Question of

How do I get healed?

Receiving Physical Healing

- - 

How does God decide who gets rewarded in heaven

This includes info on crowns. 

Do you really know what God says about judging or are you just listening to what others say ?

 How does our Free will work? 

  Is God's will always done?

  How do I understand God's daily will for me?

What is:  The Fear of the Lord?

Why do the wicked prosper?

How can the wicked do such terrible things?

Why do the wicked have no fear of  God?


What is the Trinity?

Who is the devil?

More Questions:

How can we understand the devil's lies and strategies?

How do you get to heaven which is also called "get saved"?

Why is Jesus called The Good Shepherd?

 Should we pray to Mary the mother of Jesus?

Why choose to be Pro-Life?  


What does the Bible say about Cursing / Cussing

Topic of  - Bible Characters - Each page is unique

NEW - Obadiah

John the Baptist




Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Jacob - Insights into the Mysteries of Jacob

Anna and Simeon




Insights into "David & Goliath" Victories Go midway down this prayer page.

Topic of- Grieving (including grieving the loss of a loved one)

Grieving  Music and Prayer

Hymns that Heal

Grieving a loss

Grieving spouses

Emotional pain

Grieving the death of a baby

Grieving the death of a child 

Grieving the death of a marine 

Grieving the death of a pet

We also have Prayer for Grieving on the left-side Nav Bar

We also have Funeral Prayers on the left-side Nav Bar

Topic of - Faith

New:  Strengthening my Faith

Shield of Faith

Oh Ye of Little Faith - How to increase your faith

Faith Without Works - A fictional story devotion 

Trusting God - A fictional story devotion

 Jesus walking on water - A study on increasing faith in God

 The Lion of Judah

Growing your Faith

Trusting God - 4 quick thoughts and devotions to increase trust

Topic of  - Marriage

Love Notes

 Marriage in the Midst of Conflict - how to add FUN !

Marriage Miracles for women -

GREAT Marriage Tips

NEW Joy for Older Couples

Adding romance

The Five Love Languages

Communication Tips

Romantic Ideas for Marriage

Autumn Romance tips    (Lots more romance on our Holiday Link Page)

Healing Prayer for Marriages

Inspirational Marriage Thoughts   (Powerful Help for Marriages)

The Secret to Great Relationships

Marriage Tips

Christian Wedding Vows

Christmas Marriage Prayer

Tips for a Happier Marriage at Christmas and all year

Secrets for Husbands

Victory over Lust

Topic of - Parenting and Family

NEW 4 Family Devotions

Fun with kids - Songs and activities

Sabotage in Family Relationships

 Action Bible children's songs for home and church

Bible Armor for kids

Ideas for Teaching children and teens about God

Porn-free kids and teens

Family Devotions

Family Devotional Ideas

Bible devotions for children and teens

Baseball insights for parents

Bible Activities for Kids - Fun Page for Kids

Johnny Appleseed - Fun Family Page

 Bible Crafts for Children   Bible Fun for Children

Great Devotional for Teens - God is the Potter

Teen skits

Family &  church Skit -  Jonah (Great for kids) 

 Teen or church skit-   Psalm 3

Psalm 1 - How reading Psalm 1 as a child impacted my teen and adult years.

Belt of Truth - Teaching your child about Honesty

Entertainment Ideas for Christians (ideas for children and teens)

HELP for Dysfunctional FamiliesFun Science Experiments for the whole family

Topic of - Pornography

** Get Free from Pornography  

Victory over Lust

** What's Wrong with Porn?

**Porn-free kids and teens  The average age to start 10-years-old

Psalms is long  -

   Take NOTE - OTHER topics after Psalms 

Topic of - The Book of Psalms 

Each page is unique.

Psalm 1  - Commentary

Psalm 1 - Gaining godly wisdom and protection  (not a commentary)

 Psalm 2 Jesus the anointed one (not a commentary)

Psalm 3 - Insights and a Skit -  From Powerless to POWERFUL

 Psalm 4  Prayer of Comfort and Guidance inspired by Psalm 4 (not a commentary)

 Psalm 5 - Guidance  (easy commentary)

 Psalm 6  For those who are hurting

 Psalm 7 When you are under attack! (simple commentary)

NEW Psalm 9 With my whole heart (not a commentary)

 Psalm 10  Arise God and Do Something

(a commentary)

 Psalm 12  Inspiration & Renewed Strength

(a commentary)

Psalm 13    God... how long? (a commentary)

 Psalm 14 The Fool says...(not a commentary)

Psalm 15  Inspiration for better priorities and choices
(a commentary)  

Psalm 18 and The names of God      (not a commentary)

Psalm 20 - A model prayer for help   (not a commentary)

Psalm 22 verse 1 - easy Bible Study

Psalm 22 - indepth study of the main verses

Psalm 23    A multiple-day Bible study  (a commentary)

Psalm 24   (a light commentary)

Psalm 25    Seeking guidance from the Lord (a commentary)

Psalm 27 - Insights and Prayer       (a commentary)

 Psalm 29:3-5  devotional  (not a commentary)

 Psalm 31 - Dealing with the coronavirus emotions and difficult times of our life

NEW - Psalm 32:7 A page when you need more of God - right now... more peace, more refreshment, more strength

A page for anxiety or fear - or other overwhelming emotions

 Psalm 36 - How can people be that evil?

(a simple commentary)

Psalm 37:4  How do we receive the desires of our heart?

Psalm 40 -  How to have VICTORY  (an easy to understand commentary)

Psalm 42     Strategies for Victory

 Psalm 43 - our emotions  (a commentary)

Psalm 46 Prayer inspired by the psalm (not a commentary)

Psalm 46:10 Be Still and Know - Finding Peace, Love, and Power (not a commentary)

 Psalm 49:5 Feeling Surrounding by Trouble

Psalm 51 - Repentance and Restoration of Joy

  Psalm 53   similar to Psalm 14 (not a commentary) 

  Psalm 54    How to handle trouble (a commentary)

 NEW Psalm 57 Exalting God   (not a commentary)

Psalm 61  -   (a commentary)  Coming to God in times of distress

 Psalm 62 -   An easy psalm page  (not a commentary) 

Psalm 63   Prayer and Insights   (a commentary)

     Psalm 66:10
                               God refines us as silver


Psalm 69   Scripture Prayer for being overwhelmed  (not a commentry) 

 Psalm 70 Prayer and Inspiration for God to rescue me    (not a commentary) 

Psalm 73 Why do the wicked prosper?  (a commentary)

 Psalm 77 Difficult or Desperate situations (not a commentary)

 Psalm 78  a simple commentary)

Psalm 82  

Psalm 84 - promises -  (not a commentary)

 Psalm 86   Scripture Prayer for Difficult times (not a commentary)

 Psalm 88 Prayer For those Caught in Despair (not a commentary)

Psalm 91  Comfort during distressing times (not a commentary)

Psalm 92 Prayer - Great Prayer for the family (not a commentary)

Psalm 93

 Psalm 94 Justice (a simple commentary)

Psalm 95  Finding Inspiration & Creating Dedication
 (a commentary)

Psalm 96 insights   (a commentary)

Psalm 98  Inspirational Joy  (a simple commentary)

Psalm 100:4 - Discovering a Prayer Pattern about Thanksgiving to God

 Psalm 101 - Inspiration

 Psalm 102 - A Song for times of Suffering
(not a commentary)

Psalm 103 - Prayers and Short Devotions (not a commentary)

Psalm 103 Healing Prayers 

Psalm 104 - Insights and Prayer  (a simple commentary)

 Psalm 105 - People seeing color for the first time  (not a commentary)

NEW Psalm 106:3 Righteousness  (simple commentary)

Psalm 107  Beauty and Blessing  (a commentary)


Psalm 108 verse 1

inspiration to steady our Christian walk

(a commentary)

 Psalm 109   unjust suffering  (not a commentary)

NEW Psalm 111 - Amazing Praise page   (not a commentary)

Psalm 117   An easy Bible study  (a commentary

  Psalm 118  Joy and Victory (not a commentary)

Psalm 119   A teaching on Psalm 119 (a partial commentary)

 Psalm 120  Insights (a commentary)

Psalm 121 The Faithfulness of God - (a commentary)

Psalm 122:6-9  A Prayer page for Israel  (not a commentary)

Psalm 123  (not a commentary)

Psalm 124 - God rescues us!  (not a commentary)

 Psalm 125 - Inspiration and Blessing (a simple commentary)

NEW Psalm 126  A Psalm of Joy - Sowing then Reaping -  Joy!
(not a commentary)

 Psalm 127 - Choosing Priorities Wisely
(a commentary)

Psalm 130    A psalm of comfort and hope  (an easy commentary)

Psalm 131    (an easy commentary)

NEW Psalm 133  an audio presentation by Beth 
( not an commentary )

 Psalm 136    A Psalm of God's love  (a commentary)

Psalm 136 also tells us how people

such as Rahab

who grew up without a family who followed God

- still found out about - 

The One True God.

 Psalm 138 verse 7   a devotional for times when we are in the midst of difficulty 

Psalm 139 God expressing his Love to us (a simple commentary)

Psalm 141  Help for growing spiritually (a commentary)

 Psalm 141 verse 3 Insights to help us in everyday life

  Psalm 142 - A cry to God for Help  (a commentary)

Psalm 145   A Praise to God   (a commentary)

 Psalm 146 - A Lighthearted devotional

  Psalm 147   PRAISE  (a commentary) a section on
Fear of the Lord is included

Psalm 148    Praising God  (an easy commentary)

 Psalm 149  Praising God  (a commentary)

Psalm 150 the FUN Psalm!

Topic of - Insights into Bible Scripture

NEW: Obedience is Better than Sacrifice
1 Samuel 15:22

The tiny book of Obadiah

Proverbs 17:22 

Insights into God as Potter & We as Clay

Who is the Devil?

 Be Still - Psalm 46:10  - Knowing God's Peace, Love and Power

 God's Perfect will vs. God's Permissive will

God is our Rock

Jesus tells us to be Fishers of men - Mark 1:17 & Matt. 4:19

 Tabernacle Insights

 Jesus said, "Come"

Revelation 3:16

The Great Commission Matthew 28

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John - who were they?

Prayer of Jabez

Hebrews 12:1-3 - Running the Race

Understanding the Trinity

Fruit of the Spirit

Daily Bible verses to live by

Tim Tebow video inspiration on John 3:16

Anna and Simeon see baby Jesus - Amazing insights into the story

The most twisted and misunderstood verse

Matthew 6:24 Bible Study

Wise and unique Thoughts on Judging People

Feed my Sheep - John chapter 21

James 4:7 - The Bible verse of Champions

Topic of - The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer is the name of Part One   (a commentary)

Our Father Prayer is the name of Part Two  (a commentary)

Topic of - Pages for Men

NEW - Inspirational comments about dating from men & women

NEW: How to inspire FUN during times of conflict

 AMAZING Tips for Husbands

AMAZING Dating Insights for Men

 Miracles for your Marriage -  -  for Men

Full Armor of God Prayer for Men

  Life-Changing Prayer for Men

 Life-Changing Prayer for Men Part 2

 Life-Changing Prayer for Men Part 3

Life-Changing Prayer for Husbands and Fathers

 The Destiny of Men

Inspirational Secrets for Husbands

Romance tips for Beginners

Inspirational Thoughts for Dad

Victory over Lust

NEW - Help for Purity in Dating

New- Healing from Infidelity

Topic of - Pages for Women

NEW - The Joy of the Bride of Christ

NEW - Guidance - Has the word "dance" in it. A unique page showing how we dance with Jesus.

NEW Inspirational comments from men & women about purity in dating

NEW   Marriage Miracles for women whose marriage is in trouble

NEW: Marriages NEED FUN

 How to inspire FUN during times of conflict

 Help for Purity in Dating

 Praying for Protection for our Daughters while they are dating

Healing from Infidelity

 Mr. Right Dating page

 Full Armor of God for Women

 Powerful, Victorious Women

For Mothers 

A Woman's Dating Page

 More Dating Insights for Women

Dancing with Jesus - You are a beautiful princess at an elegant ball.

Victory over lust

Topic of - Dealing with Past Mistakes

Healing from Abortion

Past Mistakes Devotion and Prayer

Prayer for loved ones who are emotionally wounded

Topic of - Healing

A Teaching on Receiving Healing from God

Healing from Abortion

Inspirational Thoughts about Healing

Inspirational Thoughts about Healing week 2

Topic of - Biblical Financial Wisdom

Biblical Finances

Money by the Book

Topic of - Pages for those who have been abused

Our Main Abuse page:

Prayer for healing from Abuse - including sexual abuse

Help for healing from Abuse

Josh McDowell's testimony

Prayer for a Friend or Family member who has been abused

 Prayer for those who have been traumatized by spiritual abuse from some type of church leader or occult leader

Prayer for those in an abusive Marriage

Topic of   - Dealing with Shame and inner healing

You can be Healed of Shame

Finding Freedom - Finding Peace

Comfort from God

Healing from Abortion

Healing from Abuse

NEW - Prayer for loved ones for their emotional wounds

Topic of  - Suicide

We need Hope - encouragement for those who feel hopeless and depressed

Prayer for Depression

Prayer for loved ones when a suicide has occurred

Help for teens after a suicide

Psalm 6  For those who are depressed

Our site is not an adequate resource for the topic of suicide.

Please continue to seek help with other websites

and professionals.

Topic of  - Rejection

Dealing with Rejection

Topic of - Forgiveness

Beginning Forgiveness - a week-long Daily Devotional

Learning to Forgive

Learning to Forgive - the audio version

How to Forgive - Specific tips and strategies

How to Forgive Part Two

Show Notes on Forgiveness

Trading God's dime for our nickel

Also consider: Learning to pray for my enemies

Psalm 109 might help

We have a large section of Spiritual Warfare Devotions!

Topic of - Spiritual Warfare - Becoming Strong in the Lord

Champions for Christ

Armor Power Music

Remind me, Lord

Armor Shoes that Zip and Zing with Enthusiasm

Shoes of Peace - Feeling God's Calmness and Peace

Sword of the Spirit Prayer

Shield of Faith - Being a Powerful Christian

Breastplate of Righteousness - insights on being strong in Christ

Helmet of Salvation - prayer and insights to increase zeal for God

Full Armor of God

CHAMPION MUSIC to stir up the POWER of God in YOU!

Breakthrough Prayer

 Spiritual Warfare prayers

Full Armor of God devotions

Full Armor 4-Day Devotional

The Full Armor of God (Power Proclamations)

Spiritual Battle (Secrets to Winning)

Power Words for Winning our Battles

A Spiritual Warfare Strategy - Stay Amazed

        Stay Amazed  - weekly thoughts (based on the above page)

Sword of the Spirit - a swashbuckling tale to ignite your zeal!

The Belt of Truth -  The church is weak from the sin of  lying

How to be an Overcomer - An entertaining true story of how to use the full armor of God to be an overcomer!

Prayer for Enemies (Information about praying for your enemies)

Topic of - The Cross

At the Cross

Jesus Dying on the Cross

Topic of - Receiving God's Love and Feeling Accepted

NEW: My King My Savior - Experiencing God's love

Feeling the Love of God

Psalm 139 Insights to God's love

Falling in Love with God

Heavenly Father's Love

Prayer for Intimacy with God

Psalm 63 - warmth and closeness with God

Accepting yourself so you can better accept God's love

Receiving God's Promises of Love (This is part one of a three-part teaching.)

God Promises (This is part two.)

God's Love (This is part three.)

Finding Freedom - Finding Peace

David - Insights about God's Love

Dancing with Jesus - For Women Only - You are a beautiful princess at an elegant ball

Guide me, Lord - Creating Harmony with the Lord- Women will enjoy this more than men

Lion of Judah

Topic of - How to Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

Creating Self-Acceptance and Peace with yourself

A Healthy Self-Concept

Help with Self-acceptance

A Woman's Dating Page

Topic of - The Return of Christ

NEW   Matthew 25 - The Parable of the 10 virgins

Why did the Foolish get left even though they expected to go?

What does it mean to "buy oil"?

Why did Jesus say, "I do not know you"?

What is the Rapture of the Church? A Pro-Rapture Commentary

End time Thoughts

Mark of the Beast

Bible verses to live by

Topic of - Heaven

What is Heaven like? (What is it like? How do I get there?)

NEW - How do you get rewards in Heaven?

Topic of - Addiction


Addiction Devotions for Victory

New -

Music and POWER Prayers for

addiction & temptations

Powerful Addiction Prayer and Inspiration

Prayer for Addictions

Addiction Spiritual Warfare Prayer

How to Stop Drinking

Finding Freedom - Finding Peace

** Get Free from Pornography  

** What's Wrong with Porn?

**Porn-free kids and teens  The average age to start 10-years

Victory over LUST

Topic of -  Inspirational Thoughts

 Inspirational Thoughts on Various Topics

 Inspiration from a woman named Hannah

 Daily Enjoying Jesus - considering how a visible Jesus would act

Let's start with a Picture

God Roars for us

Help for the Storms of Life

Baseball Insights

Inspirational Strength

Inspirational Insights from David's life

Inspirational Thoughts about Healing

Inspirational Thoughts about Healing week 2

Saying Yes and Saying No

Inspirational Thoughts

Daily He leads me - Encouragement & Prayer for Daily Living

Inspirational Thoughts to Defeat -  Worry

C. S. Lewis Thoughts

Daily Following Jesus

Becoming more like Jesus

Shoes of Peace devotional about Feeling God's Peace

Inspirational Encouragement

Communication Tips

Inspirational Kindness

Inspirational Courage

Inspirational Thoughts about Fear

Inspirational Thoughts about Change

Inspirational Thoughts - Keys to Creating A Great Relationship with God

Inspirational Marriage Thoughts (Powerful Help for Marriages)

Inspirational Thoughts for Dad

Inspirational Comfort from God

Topic of - Our Spiritual Condition

Breaking down harmful walls

Waking up in areas we have fallen asleep

Encouragement for Daily Living
Daily on-fire for God

 A Spiritual Checkup: Influence, Excitement, Time

Explaining Salvation to others

 Jude - the brother of Jesus - Speaks

Faith without Works - a fictional story that illustrates this

Are Mormons Christians?

Understanding the Trinity

Topic of - Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

Inspirational Kindness

Topic of - Justice

Thoughts and prayer for Justice in life

Thoughts and prayer for Justice for a Friend

Topic of -Renewing your Mind

Renewing your Mind

Topic of - Hebrew Language

Learning Hebrew

Psalm 104 has a Hebrew lesson in it.

Topic of - PEACE

Musical Peace

Shoes of Peace Prayers

Armor Shoes

Inspirational Peace

Topic of -  Physical Fitness

 Exercising Praise

Christian Fitness Encouragement and Prayer

Senior Citizen Fitness (includes tips and prayer)

Rebounding (mini-trampoline) exercises and prayer

Topic of - DISC Personality Styles

Introduction to DISC personality styles 

(Insights and Prayer)

 Opposites ATTRACT and then they ATTACK!

  Dealing with Anger

Parenting Styles

Our audio page has an audio explaining the DISC styles

Renewing your Mind - highlighting examples from the DISC Styles

Power Words - examples from the DISC Styles

Nothing is Impossible - (This is part 1) highlighting DISC examples

Doing the Impossible - (This is part 2) highlighting DISC examples

( New Year Prayer for each DISC style - New Year )

DISC Personality

Topic of - Praise

Inspirational Thoughts on Praise and Worship

Prayer and Worship

Exercising Praise

Champion Faith Music

Psalm 111:1 Praise Him

Praise Dance Moves - Contains video

Topic of -Inspirational Videos

NEW - Seeing Snow with fresh eyes

Inspirational Colossians Bible verses

The Storms of Life

Inspirational Music and Motivation

Inspirational Movie Scenes

Christian Movie Suggestions

 Bible stories for children

Full Armor of God Music videos

Comfort of God

Topic of - Music

 Music and Prayer for Healing Addictions

Music Ministers

Music for feeling God's Love

Refreshing and Relaxing Music, Prayer, and Scripture

Hymns that Heal


Armor of God POWER music

Music for children for church and home

Grieving Music

Bible Armor Music for kids music

NEW - Psalm 111 - Praise Him

Topic of - Miscellaneous

NEW -  Talking about Yoga

Exposing the New Age Movement

The Storms of Life

Waking up the Church

What is Lukewarm Living?

 Who is the devil?

Beware the New Jesus

Love: A simple command, a difficult assignment

Mary - Examining the concept of praying to Mary

Inspirational Miracles in the Bible

The Mysteries of Jacob's life  Beth's theories about the mysteries

Election: Who are the Elect?  Explaining that God offers salvation to everyone


When in Rome do as the Romans do  A challenging study about Christian Persecution

Info page - Mainstream Evolution is now attacking even the idea of a Creator

Topic of - Jewish Feasts and topics


Rosh Hashanah

Yom Kippur

 The days of Awe

Feast of Tabernacles

Tabernacle Insights

Psalm 122 - Pray for Israel

Psalm 27 (has a Jewish section at the bottom of the page)

Topic of -United States concerns

 July 4th info

 Best Pro-life Reasoning

Pro-Life news in 2019

Topic of - Daniel

Daniel and the Lions' Den - A poem

Back to the top of Bible Devotions

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

Is God's will always done?


Overcoming Offense

New Page:

How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

New Page:

Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

Morning Prayer for

New Page:

Mother-in-law Prayers for

New Page:

Walking Supernaturally

* * *

Finding Noah's Ark

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Victory, Power Prayer

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Increasing JOY


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation

Opposites attract and then...




for Jesus

Our summer Newsletter 
went out

June 20.


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which is called

The Inspirational Life

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Understanding the Trinity

- -

Questions of Life

- -

Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

- - 

Secrets for Husbands

- - 

Prayer for Men

- -

Life-changing prayer for fathers

- - 

Prayer for Women

- -

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

- -

Prayers for my Adult Son

- -

How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

- - 


MUSIC for adults

- -

Links to all our pages on the Psalms