Psalm 12
A Psalm of David
Inspiration and Renewed Strength
from the 12th Psalm
The highlighted
KEY verse
Verse 5
"The Lord replies,
'I will arise and defend the oppressed,
the poor, the needy.
I will rescue them
as they have
longed for me to do.'"
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Lord! Help!
Godly men are fast disappearing.
Where in all the world can dependable men be found?
2 Everyone deceives and flatters and lies.
There is no sincerity left.
(TLB version)
David is crying out to God because godly men are getting harder and harder to find.
Even faithful men who keep their word (but who aren't dedicated to God) are disappearing.
As life feels like it is getting harder and tougher,
and as
the sinful world increases in popularity and clout,
we see many people
turning away from God
and turning away from
their promises and their responsibilities.
I have seen this in the world that we live in.
Over the last couple of decades,
sin has become more out in the open.
People are becoming proud of
what they used to be
ashamed of.
Sin is now popular.
Lying has become routine.
Commercials and TV shows portray lying as funny.
Men of Honesty
used to be
honored and respected.
Now they are the brunt of jokes.
Dedication to Honesty
is now thought of as
naive and foolish.
As we see in the next verses,
many people aren't just liars
but they are
Proud Liars.
But before we go on to verses 3-4,
I want to explore
what happened
that caused things to change.
I wrote and posted
the following "What Happened" section
on my blog in
September 2014.
Have you been wondering the following questions:
"What is going on in this world?
Why is sin getting so accepted?"
Here is the
Progression of Rebellion against God:
First we - Practice our Sin
Then we - Defend our sin.
Then we - Boast about our Sin.
author unknown
That is the progression
Rebellion against God.
Many of us in the U.S.A.
have wondered what is going on
in our country.
The Answer:
It is the Progression of Rebellion against God
that explains
what is going on in our country.
There has always been sin in our country.
When I was young, almost everyone in our country
respected God
too much to
defend their sin or boast about their sin.
When I was young, people practiced their sin, but they did not defend their sin nor did they boast about their sin.
The Downward Spiral
The first step downward that I saw was that people began to defend their sin. They defended their sin, but they did not boast about their sin. At this point, whenever people sinned, they were still embarrassed about it, but they found ways to defend what they were doing.
We can always "prove" we are right
but is the Lord convinced.
Proverbs 16:2 TLB
Sadly, I have said for many years:
"The national pastime is not baseball,
it is rationalizing sin."
Today I look at my country
and see that
people are now
not just practicing their sin
(without true godly repentance),
and they are not just defending their sin,
they are:
Boasting of their sin.
The U.S. has entered the
third stage of rebellion -
Boasting of sin.
Many are now proud of their sin.
Boasting about sin
a very hard heart toward God.
Today people do not just want you to
accept their sin,
they want you to endorse their sin.
They want to control your thoughts.
They want to
what you say AND how you think.
The sins of my country are many. In fact, the Bible says that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.
I sin and fall short.
But I have had as a goal in my life,
that when I sin,
I will not defend it nor boast about it.
Sometimes I feel very embarrassed when I sin
and fall short,
but I have decided
to put as part of my character
face my sins.
I will not ignore them or pretend God doesn't care.
I want to keep my heart tender toward God.
I care more about
my relationship with God
than I care about covering my sins.
What about you?
3-4 But the Lord will not deal gently
with people who act like that;
he will destroy those proud liars who say,
“We will lie to our heart’s content.
Our lips are our own; who can stop us?”
In David's world -
and in our world today,
many people are not just sinners
but proud sinners - defiant sinners.
These defiant sinners dare anyone
(including God)
to try to stop them.
They live a life of deception and delusion.
But they can't live there forever.
Lord replies,
“I will arise and defend
the oppressed, the poor, the needy.
I will rescue them as they have longed for me to do.”
What a beautiful verse!
What a great promise from God!
Here we see God coming to the defense
of his people.
but he doesn't always use his power.
The word "Arise"
gives us the picture of God
what he has the Power to do.
Here I envision a picture of
- who has been sitting on the throne -
but is now standing up
and starting to
take care of
the wickedness. . .
just as we have prayed for him to do.
Don Moen
Consider our page on the word "Arise" - Psalm 10
Though I am surrounded by troubles,
you will bring me
safely through them.
You will clench your fist
against my angry enemies!
Your power will save me.
Psalm 138:7 TLB
6 The Lord’s promise is sure.
He speaks no careless word;
all he says is purest truth,
like silver
seven times refined.
God's truth is totally complete.
God's truth is pure.
God gives us a picture of
impure silver
being taken from the ground
and refined over and over
until everything
is taken out.
The product that is left
pure silver.
God says, "Silver 7 times refined..."
The Number
Note that many Bible scholars believe that the number 7 is used by God to indicate perfection or completion.
Think about:
7 days in a week gives a complete week
7 notes in a musical scale
7 colors in the rainbow
So in this verse,
God is telling us that
His Word
is like silver
that is refined to
perfection and completion.
As for God,
his way is perfect;
The word of the Lord is true.
He shields all who hide behind him.
2 Samuel 22:31 TLB
God doesn't lie. God IS Truth.
God doesn't say things he doesn't mean.
Think about this -
God didn't give his words to Moses
and the other writers of the Bible
and then later think -
"I'm not sure I really wanted to say that."
God speaks no careless word.
Every word of God was well thought out.
God meant every word he said.
As verse Psalm 12:6 says,
"God speaks no careless word."
Dedication Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
You were not careless
in how you drew the lines of morality.
I will not be careless
in how I interpret your commands.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of
Before we continue,
take note
that this psalm is contrasting
the words of the ungodly
with the words of the Living God.
7 O Lord, we know that you will forever preserve your own from the reach of evil men,
8 although they prowl on every side
and vileness is praised throughout the land.
Evil may be on every side of us,
but God is carefully watching us every moment.
Verse 8
Instead of the word "prowl" some translations use the word "strut."
That gives me thoughts of pride.
The Hebrew word is "halak".
It means "to walk, to go."
The wicked strut about
[in pompous self-importance]
on every side,
As vileness is exalted and baseness is prized
among the sons of men.
Psalm 12:8 AMP
God instructs us
live in this world
while trying not to allow
the wickedness of this world
to affect us.
One of our key missions
is to trust in God and wait patiently
for him to save us.
The Bible tells us...
But the salvation of the righteous is from
the Lord;
He is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 And the Lord shall help them and deliver them;
He shall deliver them from the wicked,
And save them,
Because they trust in Him.
Psalm 37:39-40 NKJV
One of the great
Psalm 12
is that it reminds us that
God is going to
GOD is going to save us.
God IS going to save us.
God is GOING to save us.
God is going TO save us.
God is going to SAVE us.
God is going to save US!
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