Prayers and Insights
The Shield of Faith
is found in Ephesians chapter six.
This shield is part of the
Full Armor of God
that we are instructed to put on.
We also have pages on the
Helmet of Salvation,
Shoes of Peace, and Breastplate of Righteousness -
What exactly is the Shield of Faith?
is our inner conviction
that the Words of the Bible are true.
That inner conviction keeps
us believing the Bible no matter what.
That inner conviction CAN grow stronger!
Presenting our First Prayer
Dear God of heaven and earth,
You are Lord of all.
There is no place that you are not.
There is no time that you were not.
You are eternal, omnipresent, and all powerful.
I will place all my faith in you and in your Word.
I dedicate myself to you.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
The Bible tells us that
Shield of Faith is used to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one.
Usually the darts are doubt darts.
The devil and his demons frequently
try to tempt us
to doubt the Word of God.
Strong Faith
The more faith we have in God and God's Word, the less chance we have to be hurt by the fiery darts of the devil.
When the doubt darts come, God teaches us to pick up our Shield of Faith and quench those doubt darts.
How Faith Grows
A new Christian does not have a strong faith in the Bible. When trouble comes, he will waver.
To strengthen our Shield of Faith we must read the Bible and verbally declare that we are dedicated to the truths of the Bible. And we must practice being obedient to God.
Our faith grows as our trust and our obedience to God grows.
Faith is hearing what God says and doing it.
This website has several pages
that will help you grow your faith.
Some of them will be listed
at the bottom of the page.
Choosing the Right Words
Certain words will deepen our faith.
When we speak words of
faith in God and faith in His Word,
our inner conviction of trust is deepened.
God planned for us to use our mouth to help us create a stronger faith in Him.
Here is an Example that will
Grow Your Faith
One way I grow my faith
is by verbally putting on the full armor of God regularly.
After I put it on, I feel stronger and more dedicated to God.
I pretend that the pieces are visible and tangible.
This habit has strengthened me and deepened my faith.
Each time I put on the Full Armor of God, I say different words.
Below is one example of how I put on the
Full Armor of God
God of Creation - Mighty and True,
I come before you to thank you for giving me your strong armor.
I praise You for the power and authority you give me to use for your purposes.
Today I put on the Helmet of Salvation. Thank you, Lord, for saving me from hell and providing a heavenly home for me.
Lord, You designed my helmet to protect my thoughts. I will cooperate with You this day. I will allow godly thoughts to flow through my mind this day, and I will reject ungodly thoughts.
Thank you for my Shoes of Peace.
When I allow godly peace to guide me, I feel so good inside.
I put on my Shoes of Peace. They cushion each step that I take. These shoes help to reduce the friction and irritation that can naturally come as I live in this ungodly world.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
I want to be right with You.
Lord, I invite You to speak to me about any sin that I need to confess and ask forgiveness for. I want to feel totally comfortable with You.
Thank you for your wholehearted forgiveness toward me. And thank you for this breastplate that covers my heart - which is the very inner part of me.
Wearing this breastplate reminds me that You want me to guard my heart. You want my heart to be tender and protected from impurity. I will make decisions that will protect my heart from sinful things.
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Today I renew my dedication to Your truth.
I will live within the boundaries of Your truth. I want to follow you more closely each day. I will tighten my belt so that I can feel it restraining me and protecting me from sin.
I pick up my Shield of Faith.
I will recognize doubt darts, and I will quickly respond.
I declare that every doubt dart that is fired at me will be met with faith and trust in You, Lord, and in Your Word.
Thank You for the Sword of the Spirit.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit, and I give voice to the Word of God. I will become more and more comfortable speaking out Scriptures.
I will remind myself that when I speak out Your Scriptures, Your power is unleashed.
Now I am dressed and ready to live a life of dedication
to You, Lord,
in my words and in my actions.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
Truth is what GOD says is Truth.
No matter what someone else tells me,
No matter what I believe, no matter what I feel,
no matter what I experience.
Proclamation Prayer
Shield of Faith
I declare to the Lord that:
I trust Your Word.
I can depend on Your Word.
I will rely on Your Word.
I will lean on Your Word.
Your Word is truth.
Your Word teaches me what is right.
Your Word teaches me how to follow You.
Your Word is everlasting.
Your Word does not move with the wind or change with public opinion.
My Shield of Faith in Your Word is growing strong.
My Shield of Faith will quench all the fiery doubt darts of the enemy of my soul.
I will trust You.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
Take note:
Living by a godly standard will have the following result in your friendships:
A standard will draw the right people to you and repel the wrong people from you.
Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 13:20 ESV
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Do not be deceived:
"Bad company ruins good morals."
1 Corinthians 15:33 ESV
Proclamations about the Shield of Faith
I declare that this is my shield of confidence in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
My Shield of Faith chases doubt away.
My Shield of Faith will remind me that God is big enough to handle all my problems.
Strong faith in God makes me feel good inside.
My faith in God will grow strong.
God doesn't need my analysis of the situation.
I pick up my shield of confidence that God will direct my steps this day.
My Shield of Faith protects me from lies that would reduce my confidence in the Lord and diminish my effectiveness for Him.
Other Spiritual Warfare Proclamations
With God, I am greater than any force against me.
I realize that I am going to have to think God's thoughts in order to achieve God's goals.
I will invest in God's kingdom this day with deposits of kind words.
I will invest in God's kingdom this day with deposits of gentle actions when I need to be gentle and firm actions when I need to be firm.
The power of the living God is working for me this day!
Today my spiritual enemies will be the victims of the Word of God and the power of God.
I will proclaim: Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous of the Lord! (Psalm 118:15)
I will call upon the Lord, and he will show me great and mighty things that I know not. (Jeremiah 33:3)
A Sample of our Spiritual Warfare pages
The Full Armor of God (Power Proclamations)
Achieving Victory - a week of insights
Spiritual Battle (Secrets to Winning)
Power Words for Winning our Battles
A Spiritual Warfare Strategy - Stay Amazed
Stay Amazed - weekly thoughts (based on the above page)
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