Prayers for Hope

Inspirational Prayers

for Hope

We may feel attacked, hindered, and restrained;

We may feel discouraged, depressed, and defeated


Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:10 KJV,

"Be STRONG in the Lord


in the Power of his Might."

Then Paul gives us secrets

to winning our battles

by explaining the

Supernatural pieces of Armor

that we need to wear every day.

I encourage you to stand up


put on those pieces of armor

afresh and anew.

Click here for Putting on the Armor

Another full armor page: The Armor of God

First Prayer for Hope

Almighty God,

You are my hope, and you are my strength.

You are guiding me toward your will, and I will follow you.

I will walk in AMAZING Faith this day.

I will lift up truth, and I will pull down strongholds.

I will declare that my enemies will not triumph over me.

Sickness will not triumph over me.

Financial lack will not triumph over me.

And ______________ will not triumph over me.

                (fill in the blank)

I was created to be POWERFUL.

I was created to be VICTORIOUS.

Today I will walk in the Power, Purpose, and Peace of Jesus Christ.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

             Presenting a song

                  with the

              Power of Encouragement!

Prayers for Hope

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am facing a situation that appears hopeless.

Emotions like disappointment, confusion, and depression want to attach themselves to me.

Reach out to me and bring me thoughts of a good future. I will welcome them.

Lord, show me new possibilities.

Help me to more clearly see my gifts and talents. Help me to more clearly see the good things in my life.

Father God, help me to believe
that I am precious and valuable to you. 

Thank you that you have reminded me that I was born for a great purpose.

I will choose to believe that you are bringing hope into my heart this day, so that I will have more hope tonight when I go to bed than when I got up this morning.

Father God, I will realize that hope has a name:



Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

Next is an adaptation

of the above prayer

that can be prayed

for a friend or loved one

who is facing a hopeless situation.

If you are praying for a man, please adapt the prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up pray for _______.

She is facing situations that sometimes appear hopeless.

Disappointment, confusion, and depression want to attach themselves to her.

I pray that you would reach out to her and bring her thoughts of a good future.

I pray that she would begin to see new possibilities.

I pray that her gifts and talents would become more apparent to her.

May she see a glimpse of her great value.

May she believe that she was born for a great purpose.

May she have more hope tonight when she goes to bed, than when she got up this morning.

And may she realize that hope has a name:



Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of


Blessed be the God and Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ,

which according to his abundant mercy

hath begotten us again unto a

lively hope

by the resurrection of Jesus Christ

from the dead.

1 Peter 1:3 KJV

Prayers for Hope for Parents

Next is a prayer to pray for parents who are facing a

hopeless situation concerning their child.

Your children may be young or old.

The problem may be

financial, physical, relational, or other.

The situation may include an issue of an addiction.

Whatever the problem or problems,

we lift up all aspects to our Loving Lord.


Loving Lord,

We lift up these parents to you.

Bless these parents as they stand on your Word and on your goodness.

Encourage them to stay motivated and hopeful.

Help them to sense the POWER that is unleashed in prayer.

Give them renewed strength as they wait on you and your good plans.

In Jesus' name,


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of

Prayers for Hope continues with a

Prayer for Strength

for a

Parent to Pray. 


You may want to visit our Prayer for Children page.  

That page has in-depth prayer

for many important issues that

our children face.

Loving Lord,

I am urgently seeking your help.

I am asking you to send your blessings on my emotions.

I am asking you to bring me strength as I stand on your Word and on your goodness.

Encourage me to stay motivated and hopeful.

Help me to sense the POWER that is unleashed in prayer.

Give me renewed strength as I wait on you and your good plans.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of


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