Prayers for Healing

Prayers for Healing


Let us get ready

to come


before our loving heavenly Father.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,

that we may obtain mercy,

and find grace

to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16 KJV

Note that we have:

Cancer Prayer

Healing Steps

Inspirational Healing Devotionals

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Heavenly Father,

You are our Creator, and you are our Healer. You are Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals. You have compassion for us in our sicknesses and our pain.

Your mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.

I come to you this day, asking you to heal my body. I ask you to go into each cell and correct whatever is wrong. Father, bring healing, harmony, and unity to every cell, every organ, and every system of my body. I ask that you would heal the root of any pain that I experience. Thank you that you are repairing everything that has to do with my body.

Right now I am giving you my fears and my worries. I pick up the shield of faith and draw confidence that you are working on my behalf this day. Amen

Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

Prayers for Healing continued:

Dear Lord,

I come to you not satisfied with staying average, not satisfied with just the traditional, not satisfied with the way it has always been. I press into you that I may come up higher.

I am open to you. I want to experience your new things in your perfect timing. I pick up confidence that I will more clearly hear your voice and understand how to follow you. I pick up confidence that you are going to lead me away from sickness and weakness and lead me toward health and healing.

I declare that this day, I will walk the paths of peace of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

We extend a hand of friendship to you

as you fight sickness and malfunction in your body.

We wrote these

prayers for healing

to be a blessing to your body.

We believe that the Lord will use these prayers to bless your body with increased health.

Take note

that this website lots of prayers

and help for healing - for example:

Prayer for the sick and specific cancer prayer

Prayer for Healing

Help for Healing

New Healing Prayers

Take note that we at Inspirational - Prayers believe in divine healing.

We have seen miracles and believe in miracles. Therefore, we pray aggressive prayers.

But we cannot guarantee any specific type of results from our prayers.

Back to the top of Prayers for Healing.

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Healing Steps

Healing Page Links

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Daily Inspiration

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Prayer for my Future

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True meaning of
Touch not God's anointed


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Talking to the Dead is Forbidden 

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Full Armor Prayer for the Family of Addicts


Prayers for the family of

The Bible verse of Champions

Communion Prayers

October 31


Protecting Children from the Occult

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