Prayer Proclamations
based on
the Full Armor of God.
We all can be champions
with the Full Armor of God!
The Full Armor of God
is found in Ephesians 6:10 - 18.
describes the armor that God gives us.
God gives us the
Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Many wonderful teachers and preachers have taught on this subject, and I get something helpful from each one. I hope that you will enjoy my perspective.
Almost every day in my personal devotions, I physically do the movements to put on the full armor of God.
I act like the pieces are visible and material. As I put on each piece, I say words that show my respect for God and words that will ignite my determination to follow God.
The reason I choose to do this so often is because this activity always gives me a great blessing.
Prayer Proclamations based on the
Full Armor of God
These are Quick and Powerful...
Belt of Truth
Dear Lord,
I put on the belt of truth.
I will welcome the truth of God in my heart. I will live in truth. I will love truth. I will follow truth this day.
Breastplate of Righteousness
I put on the breastplate of righteousness.
I will honor the Lord by seeking to obey God and seeking to please God.
I will dedicate myself to loving God and loving others this day.
Helmet of Salvation
I put on the helmet of salvation.
I am saved from the wages of sin. I will testify that my God has saved me from many situations and circumstances.
I will declare that my God will save me today from many harmful situations and circumstances.
I will believe the Word of God, and the Word of God says that God is working all things together for my good!
Shoes of Peace
I put on the shoes of peace.
I will walk in peace. I will not walk with worry or fear.
I will receive the peace of God to cushion my steps each day.
Shield of Faith
I pick up the shield of faith.
I will raise my faith against the doubt darts of the enemy.
I will increase my faith this day by reading the Word of God. I will declare that my faith will be bigger when I go to bed tonight than it was when I got up this morning.
Sword of the Spirit
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
I will speak the words of God out loud today, and I will produce good fruit in my life.
I will pick up God's goals and God's plans. My character will grow to - more and more - reflect the character of my Lord and Savior.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
I define
proclamations as “I will” statements
that renew my mind and set my determination to follow God.
Speaking the full armor of God proclamations
"out loud" is important.
I need to program my will. I need to solidify my will – by hearing myself speak.
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As I speak out my “I will” statements,
my character grows toward the direction of my statements.
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At this point, I want to clarify that when I talk about the breastplate of righteousness, I am in no way saying that I get to wear the breastplate because of my righteousness.
I get to wear the breastplate because of what Jesus did - not because of anything I have done or could do. Jesus took my sin and gave me his righteousness.
As a born again believer, my sins are covered by the blood of Jesus. But I will not let the abundance of God's grace be an excuse for me to sin. I will show my love and respect for God by seriously seeking to obey God each day.
I am going to take the opportunity to also reveal - that I regularly ask forgiveness for sins that I have committed lately. After I ask, I wait a few moments and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to me.
He frequently brings things to my attention. I react to his words as I would a loving coach who wants to help me be the best I can be. I never let this activity keep me from remembering that I am loved and seen as adorable in God's sight.
Doing this has been a huge blessing to me. Facing my sins and sitting with the Lord and confessing them makes me feel fresh and clean. Like I've just had a bath.
This activity promotes openness and closeness between myself and God.
By doing this on a regular basis:
Each time I do my
I use different words.
Today I am going to give you a
sample of what I might say
on a typical day.
I have discovered renewed strength and great power
is unleashed
in my life through the full armor of God proclamations.
Take note that this site has lots of
Full Armor of God Prayer Proclamations
like the one below.
For example, Full Armor Prayer and
there is one on the Shield of Faith page.
I hope you enjoyed the
Full Armor of God Prayer Proclamations.
I also suggest that you add some proclamations to your prayer life that concern specific problem issues in your life.
Now that we have our armor on, let's stand up and be champions for Christ!
When we have faith in God and in his Word, we can accomplish great things for God.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
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