Victory Power Prayers

Victory - Power - Prayers

When Victory means

you want to be more like Jesus.

This page has  8 Prayers that are written to

Raise your Motivation


Follow God closely.

The more regularly

you pray

these types of

Victory Prayers 

the more positive changes

you will see in your life.

Motivational Prayers

A Prayer

to get


Ready for Your Day!

Heavenly Father,

You are Awesome and All Powerful.

I am your child and heir to your promises.

I come standing firmly on the promises in your Word.

You say in James 5:16 that the prayer of a righteous man or woman availeth much.

I am coming today to re-dedicate myself to righteousness and obedience to you.

I come today to praise you and thank you for all your mercy and grace toward me.

I come today to honor you

by beginning a process of

taking back

all the ground

that I have yielded to the devil and his forces.

I have allowed the enemy to

negatively influence

my attitudes,

my words,

my actions,

and my dedication to you.

I declare that


I will show forth great motivation

to do your will.

Psalm 103:5 reminds me that

you fill my life with good things.

 You guide me toward your blessings for my life.

Following you

will take me to

hope, clear thinking, godly thoughts,

enthusiasm, joy, contentment, and satisfaction. 

My thoughts are being filled with Power Thoughts. My thoughts are being filled with the sufficiency of Your love and provision.

I will allow your love and compassion and kindness to flow through me today.

I will fully resign my will to You this day.

You turn my darkness into light.

You will turn

the darkness of my past sins

into a testimony of the light of your redeeming grace. 

I will give rest to my soul by being meek,* humble, and giving my full surrender to the Lord.

By Faith I know that you are pouring love into my heart, and you are pouring strength into my being.

Nothing is in vain or without profit to the humble soul. Everything that falls upon it is like the dew of heaven to it.

I will see everything

through the eyes

of your redeeming Power and Grace.

I pray these things through the Powerful name of Jesus, 

Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

* Meek actually means POWER under authority (of God).




I will let

your instructions

capture my attention


ignite my determination.


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

I will meditate about your

glory, splendor,

majesty, and miracles.

Psalm 145:5 TLB


An Inspirational Song of


to God

Prayer to my Precious Lord

To my Lord Who has no limits,

I come before you 

to  celebrate


the Lord of heaven and earth

who delights in doing

the impossible. 

I proclaim,

"My God is an Awesome God and I will act like it." 

I proclaim,

"I will bring honor to Your name.

And I will allow you

to reign in every situation in my day."

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of


Victory Power Prayers

My Lord, My Sustainer,

You are the source of all my provision.

You are the source of my healing, my breakthrough, and my deliverance.

Remove all things in me that are not of you.

I will pray about my desires that don't line up with your will. I pray that they will fade. I will actively cooperate with you to help them to fade.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

We are his sheep.

Ephesians 4:24 TLB version instructs us that....

"Yes, you must be a new and different person,
holy and good.
Clothe yourself with this new nature."

Take Note: We will continue on this road to holiness and goodness throughout our life - learning and growing
and giving God the glory.

My Lord and Shepherd of my Heart,

Ephesians 4:24 TLB inspires me to say, "You are changing me into a new person -  holy and good."

I come today to surrender my mind, will, and emotions to your plans and purposes. Your plans are much better, much more wonderful, and much more incredible than any plans I have ever ever dreamed of.

I will magnify truth in my thoughts. I will feed it. I will nurture it. I will support it. 

I give you my energy, my time, my strength, and my determination. Use me for your purposes. I throw my total support behind your plans and purposes.

Mold my heart to reflect your heart.

I will see miracles this day. They are all around me.

I praise you, Lord, for you will use my ordinary days and put them together to make an extraordinary future.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

* God continues this process throughout our life. 

God of Beauty and Purity,

I pray as David did in Psalm 51  - Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. 

Thank you that you are working on my behalf today. Thank you that you are making every situation in my life work to bless me. 

Thank you for pouring Faith in me. I will listen for you leading me to greater Faith. I will look for Faith scriptures. And I will speak out Faith words and Faith scriptures.

In Jesus' name, I pray, 


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.

A Musical Prayer





Short Victory Prayers

Almighty God,

May the strength of who you are

propel me to

who I can be.

In the miracle name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

God of Peace,

May your peace 

not just touch me

but envelop me



Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of

Victory Proclamations

Knowing you - knowing your love, knowing your mercy, knowing your kindness - it changes my life.

I will listen to you so I can avoid the obstacles of unnecessary problems. 

I will allow truth to be

my honored companion.

I will pick up my

Sword of the Spirit

and become a


sword fencer

for the glory of God.

I will allow peace to touch me all day.

An Evening Prayer

A Musical Prayer

that begins...

Lord of my Heart,

I need

More Love, More Power

More of You in my Life

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Victory Power Prayer was posted July 1, 2021

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