Summer Romance Ideas


Romance Ideas




Stirring up

Hot Romance in Hot Weather


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Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

Text your Spouse

some warm wishes:

"Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Summer is Hot, and so are you."


Cherry pie is sweet,

Chocolate cake is too,

But the sweetest thing I love is

You, You, You!

Flirt a little.

Be silly and fun!

Welcome Home Your Spouse

If you get home first one night,

have fun setting up

a great outside dining experience for the two of you.

Have a romantic dinner together on a beautiful summer night.

Be careful to not have an expectation - only hope for a happy time. Please read our Tips on Expectations found on our "Secrets for Spouses at Christmas" page.

And if he or she is a Gruppy Gus - just say in a flirty way, "Wow, you missed a great opportunity for some awesome smooching."

Then smile and happily go do something.

Be mysterious. Be fun. Be an amazing spouse.

Consider Creating

  Spectacular Fireworks

this summer!

Summer   Romance   Ideas!

Make June Joyous -

Make July Full of Fireworks -

Make August Awesome -

by doing things such as:

1. Trivia Romance Game

Buy a couple of small water guns.

Each of you go to the internet and look up 8 trivia questions. Write each question on a piece of paper with 3 answers - one right answer and two wrong answers.

Take a blanket outside to play this Trivia game.

Take turns asking your mate one of the Trivia questions.

If your spouse answers correctly, he/she gets a kiss.

If he/she gets it wrong, he/she gets a squirt with a water gun!

The point is FUN! Keep it fun for both of you.

**You just may want to turn the whole thing into a romantic wacky water fight!

Have FUN!

2. Get some red construction paper. Cut out 14 hearts. Write on each heart one reason that you love your mate.

You can wrap them up in a festive package and give them all at once or give one each day.

Take Joy in

3. Buy some red hots candy and sprinkle them in an envelop with a note that reads:

"You are my favorite red hots candy."

4. Send one love text each day for a week:

I love you more than peanut butter loves jelly.

I love you more than bacon loves eggs.

I love you more than biscuits love gravy.

I love you more than cereal loves milk.

I love you more than macaroni loves cheese.

I love you more than hot chocolate loves marshmallows.

I love you more than milk shakes love whipped cream.

Stir up romance.

5. Buy two red oven mitts.

Sneak them into your mate's car  - or other obvious place  - with a note that reads:

"You are going to need these tonight.

I'm feeling like Hot Stuff!"

6. Give your mate

a little


7. Wives - Create a T-shirt for yourself with your husband's name in mind.

For example, if your husband's name is Sam -

Create a T-shirt that says, "Sam's beautiful bride."

Wear it around the house to create a fun-loving mood.

8. Play Bingo and the winner has to clean up the dishes tonight.

Create Bingo cards with 9 places for words/phrases.You must have 2 cards - one for the wife and one for the husband. But it would be more fun to make several Bingo cards to choose from and consider playing the game often!

Use pennies for markers.

To win you have to get all 9 words covered first.

Take small pieces of paper each the same size and put one word or phrase on each paper. Then fold them up and put them in a box.

Do not use the same words for each Bingo card.
It would be best to put totally different words on each card.

One of you takes the job of drawing out the words from the box - or you could take turns.

Examples of Words/Phrases:

Kiss me, Hug me, Love You, winks, romance, hearts, moonlight, stars, chocolate, flowers, you rock, Hubby Hunk, Hot Stuff, true love, be mine, red hot, I'm yours, sweet talk, Wow, U R special, Yes, You & Me, whisper love, purr-fect, let's dance, U melt me, awesome, text me, my honey, forever, what a kiss!

Note: I have seen valentine stickers shaped like Valentine candy hearts with these types of  messages on them. If you can find them, they could also be used.

Another variation: The winner has to give a massage to the loser.

9. E-mail your mate a love coupon or print one out and place it on his/her night table.

You can find printable ones online, or you can make your own.


This coupon good for one massage.

This coupon good for one Romantic walk through the neighborhood.

This coupon good for one Breakfast in Bed.

This coupon good for a night out without the kids.

This coupon good for your mate singing a love song to you.

For Men to Send:

This coupon good for a bouquet of daisies.

This coupon good for one beautiful red rose.

This coupon good for your mate getting on one knee and telling you he loves you.

Fill your summer days and nights with romantic fireworks!

10. Make July 4th


by going to a

Fireworks show.

11. Married Olympics

Create some romantic competition with games such as: Thumb Wrestling, Who can change a diaper faster, Who can undo a knot in a sneaker faster, Who can make the bed faster, Who can get ready for bed faster....

Print out a certificate from the internet and put the winner's name in the blank.

12. Give your spouse a special dessert cupcake with three candles. (Light the candles.)

Buy a box of muli-colored candles.

Put three colored candles on your spouse's cupcake. Choose the colors for a special reason.

Then write a card explaining the choice of colors.

For example:

Red is for the romantic love I feel for you.

Blue is for the car you used to drive when we dated.

Green is for the grass at the picnic we had at Grant Park.

White is for the beautiful wedding dress you wore on our wedding day.

Blue is for your blue dress that I love.

Red is for the red rose you gave me last Valentine's Day.

White is for the little white puppy you bought me.

Yellow is for that baseball cap you used to wear. You looked so cute in it.

Blue is for your blue eyes that I love.

Next  are  our  Sections:

"For Women Only" and "For Men Only"

For Women

Leave a picture of


Put on a vibrant



kiss the bathroom sink mirror!

For Men

Bring home a flower - a red rose perhaps.

Get on bended knee, present the flower, and say,

"I want to say

in a dramatic way that

I love YOU."

If your wife gets upset when you give her a flower, she is probably flower starved.
Apologize for not getting her a flower sooner - 
and be sincere!

Then give her time to be alone
and soak in your
wonderful gesture of love.


Seek to be an amazing spouse


even before you have an amazing spouse.

* * * *

Consider visiting our

Loving Marriage Prayers

* * * *

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