Marriage Pages

This website has lots of pages

to increase your happiness in marriage.

All our page links are on this page!!

We have

romance pages and help for troubled marriages

-  prayer pages to bless your marriage


Great Tips for spouses... and MORE!


Here is are resources you might like:

If you want to understand more about your love language or your family's love languages, here is an online website with a free quiz...


And Tips from people Happily Married for over 50 years:

There are there are 3 sections

1) For Husbands

2) For Wives

3) For Husbands & Wives

But First I highlight a couple of pages

Newest Page...

How we keep score in Marriage -

a funny page that increases happiness in marriage

Marriage Prayers - to bring fun into your marriage

Marriage in the Midst of Conflict -

marriages need fun -

even during times of conflict -

so the page above shows you how to add FUN !

If your spouse is

 hurting emotionally,

consider these prayers = here

Click here for Links to pages on > Romance 

Click here for our newest page on infidelity

a page about infidelity

For Husbands

Section for Men 

New: Song of Solomon Marriage Help

Prayer for my wife    

Secrets for Husbands

Miracles for your Marriage

Healing Prayer for Marriages       

Prayers and Help for an Angry Spouse

Full Armor of God Prayer for Men

  Life-Changing Prayer for Men

 Life-Changing Prayer for Men Part 2

 Life-Changing Prayer for Men Part 3

Life-Changing Prayer for Husbands and Fathers

Romance for Beginners

Victory over Lust

Victory over Porn

The Amazing Destiny of  All Men

For Wives

Section for Women

New: Song of Solomon Marriage Help

Prayers for my Husband  

Prayers for my Husband's job 

Full Armor of God Prayer for Wives

 Full Armor of God Prayer for Women to pray

Links to all our Full Armor of God Prayers

Prayers for an Addicted Husband

Marriage Miracles for women

Prayer for a Troubled Marriage   

Prayers and Help for an Angry Husband

Healing Prayer for Marriages

Marriage Help & Restoration Prayers

Prayer for those in an abusive marriage

Victory over Lust   and Victory over Porn

For Husbands & Wives

The Secret to Great Relationships - it is not what you think!

Click for Links to pages on > Forgiveness

GREAT Marriage Tips

The Five Love Languages

Communication Tips

Inspirational Marriage Thoughts   (Powerful Help for Marriages)

Marriage Tips

Prayers to pray during a crisis

NEW Joy for Older Couples

Healing from unfaithfulness

Christmas Marriage Prayer

Tips for a Happier Marriage at Christmas and all year

Adding romance

Romantic Ideas for Marriage

Healing from Abuse - often abuse from our past causes trouble in our marriage

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

Is God's will always done?


Overcoming Offense

New Page:

How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

New Page:

Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

Morning Prayer for

New Page:

Mother-in-law Prayers for

New Page:

Walking Supernaturally

* * *

Finding Noah's Ark

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list

Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Victory, Power Prayer

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Increasing JOY


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation

Opposites attract and then...




for Jesus

Our summer Newsletter 
went out

June 20.


Sign up below for

which is called

The Inspirational Life

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I promise to use it only to send you The Inspirational Life.

Understanding the Trinity

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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

- - 

Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

- -

Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms