Healing from Infidelity

This page has

helpful tips & advice

for the

Betrayed Spouse 

and for the

Unfaithful Spouse


A lot of people contact this website for


for the pain of infidelity.

We pray that this page will be a helpful part

of your healing process.


If you don't like one of the videos,

skip it and try another one.

Trying to feel Safe

Video 1

This video features an

infidelity trauma expert

giving insights to help in the healing process.

Understanding the Behaviors 

involved with

Trying to feel Safe

Video 2

From the above video:

Boundaries are not about punishment. 

They are meant to keep us safe.


Let's work to create


in our marriages.

Safety Video 3

Below is another video that will help

couples who are dealing with infidelity


more safety



in their marriage.


Safety Video 4

New Video

Plain Truth

Addressing the phrase - Quit bringing up old stuff.


Healing and Hope Video

Number 1

Healing and Hope Video

Number 2

Healing and Hope Video

Number 3

From the video below:

Even if it is just e-mails or texting -

if it is secret from your spouse -

is a form of infidelity. 

The video below

helps the betrayed spouse and the unfaithful spouse


how the betrayed spouse experiences

loss and grief

after disclosure of infidelity.

This video has insights into anger.

Anger is a natural grief response.

Anger is part of grieving. 

Healing and Hope Video

Number 4

Healing and Hope Video

Number 5

Healing and Hope Video

Number 6

As the Unfaithful spouse helps to heal

the Betrayed Spouse,

the unfaithful spouse becomes more healed.

Healing and Hope Video

Number 7

Resist living in frustration.

Resist staying in hopelessness.

The daily goal of working through the emotions

is about progress not perfection.

Healing and Hope Video

Number 8

My Wife cheated on me...

Taking a moment to talk about...

Why do husbands cheat?

Most unfaithful spouses have a lot of issues

with a lack of self-acceptance.


The deny certain realities.


They also have issues with how they see the

sin of infidelity.


The Unfaithful spouse

has taken

the sin of infidelity

too lightly.

In their mind and in their words,

they try to diminish

the pain

that results because of what they did.

They often want to run away from the consequences.

As they obey God and try to help heal their spouse,

they will see and experience just how horrible the

sin of infidelity


as they daily watch their spouse

experience horrible hurt and pain.


Helping to heal

their spouse

will actually be a key to healing

their own pain.

And in the process,

it will bring them to their knees and

create the atmosphere


to truly get right with God

and stay right with God.

Healing and Hope Video

Number 9

Healing and Hope Video

Number 10

Healing and Hope Video

Number 11

Healing and Hope Video

Number 12

Healing and Hope Video

Number 13

Also consider these videos:

Affairs are about escaping -



Decisions by the Unfaithful

that Guarantee Moral Failure


Below are some tips from the above video.

Recipe for Moral Failure:


Be selectively open.


 Refusing  To:

Be vulnerable

Be accountable

Be teachable


Refusing  To:

Stop justifying


  Refusing  To:

Read the Bible for spiritual growth and correction






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Healing from Infidelity

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How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

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Walking Supernaturally

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