Marriage in the midst of...

Help for your Marriage in the Midst...

of conflicts.

Some marriage tensions

aren’t going to get solved quickly.


marriages need

a relief valve

to reduce the stress of an on-going problem.

I suggest that couples declare

A vacation day!

And I will show you HOW!!!

I will show you HOW to enter an

Oasis of

Peace and Playfulness.

This page will help you

take a much-needed vacation

from conflict.

Couples NEED fun!

Take a Fun Vacation

in the midst 


Every marriage has times of tension.

It could be

financial tension,

in-law tension,

rebellious teenager tension,

toddler tension,

unemployment tension,

health crisis tension,

trying to have a baby tension,

and on and on.


The hardest tension is usually when

one spouse is

wounded by something

the other spouse

said or did

over and over.

Repetitive problems can be the most frustrating.

All kinds of tension and strife

have the potential

to add up to

hindrances to a happy marriage.

Some tensions aren’t going

to get solved quickly.

Yet, marriages need a relief valve

to reduce the stress of an on-going problem.

Take the road to fun and laughter.


to add

 some fun and laughter 

into a marriage

can help us get perspective

and a

second wind.

Declare a Vacation Day

This works best when

husband and wife agree -

but it can be helpful

even if only one spouse participates.


Let's declare a vacation day!

Decide to give

an award-winning performance….

and pretend

you are

AS wildly in love AS you have ever been


that problems are far, far away.

Think about actors in a romantic movie.

They come to work and pretend

they are wildly in love with someone

they barely know

and may not even like –

while dealing with their own problems

at home.

And remember back

– or if you are young... investigate –

the TV show

“Ozzie and Harriet.”

Ozzie and Harriot WERE actually married.

So they had to show the TV camera

a happy couple

even when they had off-camera conflict.



let down your guard

and show your spouse

the kind of love

that is refreshing and marriage building.

DECIDE to…..ENJOY each other.

Agree to lay all the problems down

until tomorrow.

Enter an oasis of peace and playfulness.

Be as flirty and fun


you have ever been.

Marriages grow stronger


fun and happy laughter

shared with your spouse.

It is good to 



and be


Happy Laughter

Loving Laughter


Sarcastic Laughter

Sarcasm breaks  down  a marriage

but happy, l-o-v-i-n-g laughter

shared together

builds a marriage.

On our vacation day,

the rule is -

No talking about conflict.

Your assignment if you are a woman -

Make your husband feel like a hero.

Only say uplifting things to your husband.

Have fun with your husband.

Your assignment if you are a man -

Make your wife feel beautiful 

and tell her that she is beautiful.

Only say uplifting things to your wife.

Have fun with your wife.

If someone gave you

a million dollars to do this....

you COULD do this....

so just do it!


Do something together

that you did

during a happy place in your relationship.

Look at your spouse through dating eyes.

Remember back to happy dating times.

Remember when

a phone call

or text

from your honey

would make your heart flutter.

God made 6 days for work and one for rest.

We often forget that principle.

A marriage cannot take a

24 / 7

focus on problems.

When that happens,

strife and anger

come and

take up residence.


Often during difficult times,

we get thoughts in our head


our spouse doesn’t love us anymore  –

or that

our spouse doesn’t like us anymore –

or that

our spouse isn't attracted to us anymore –

and on and on…….

and those thoughts grab us

and do

damage to our marriage.


The Bible says to

take every thought


and bring it into the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5



Don't allow negative thoughts to

run wild

in your mind.

Shut them down and


think and speak

words that

increase marital happiness.


Think the best about your spouse

at least for today!

Consider recreating a


that you two had.


Don't get your expectations too high

during this vacation.

Don't expect everything to go





Expectations High = Satisfaction Low

Expectation Low = Satisfaction High

When expectations are HIGH.

we are in danger of

falling into

unhappy thoughts AND heated arguments.


Keep your expectations - LOW.

Strengthening Prayers

Lord of Love,

You want our marriage to be strong and healthy.

Help me to let go of troubles

and have fun today. 

I will remind myself

of my favorite things about my spouse.

I will allow Fun and Playfulness

to lead me toward a great day.

Thank you for helping me

to love my spouse today

in a marriage - building way.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

Lord of Love,

Teach me...

 - Teach us - 

How to Build a 

Strong, Happy Marriage.

With love I pray,


Take Note:

This website has LOTS of Romance pages:

Our Romance pages

And Prayer Pages:

Prayer for my Husband

Prayer for my Wife

Bible Tip

Proverbs 17:9

Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,

but dwelling on it separates close friends.

We have Lots of pages of help for Forgiveness 


If your marriage is in real trouble,

or you just want some new inspiration and motivation,

we have some pages on this website to help you.

Marriage Miracles for Women

Miracles for your Marriage for Men

Troubled Marriage Prayers

Healing Prayer for Marriages

Jump to the top of

Marriage in the midst

Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Prayers during Suffering

New Year Prayers for Friends

Daily 2025 Inspiration

Valentine Romance 


Valentine Fun for kids

New Page:

Prayers for Stepchildren

Prayers for Teens

Prayers for married daughter with children

President Lincoln for Presidents' Day


Questions of Life

Explaining How to Get to Heaven


Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles

We have devotions for each of the psalms:

Psalm list

New Page:

What is the Unpardonable sin?

NEW Page:

Purgatory disproved


Updated Page:

Hebrew Language

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Victory, Power Prayer

Increasing JOY

Opposites attract and then...


All our Addiction pages

Help for HOW to Forgive

an audio presentation




for Jesus


Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

goes out

February 18.


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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms
