Christmas Marriage Prayer


Christmas Marriage Prayer


Prayer for Stirring up

all the Right things at Christmas


Consider visiting
our page about
Christmas Romance

First Prayer


December Marriage Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending Jesus.

Thank you for this Christmas season.

Lord, help me to find joy in each day of this festive season.

Show me ways to slow down and savor the blessings of Christmas.

And help me to be an amazing spouse this Christmas.

Keep me from creating high expectations that will ultimately lead to disappointment.

Remind me to intentionally ignore things that would lead to unnecessary conflict.

Whisper to me little things that I can do that will give my spouse an uplift to his/her day.

Help me to grow in love and maturity this holiday season.

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

A Prayer when Problems Arise

A Quick Prayer for Problems

Dear Lord,

Things are going wrong.

My spouse and my family are acting


Help me.

Give me right thoughts.

Show me how to be Christlike in this situation.

Fill me with more of your love.

Enable me to yield to you and react with supernatural joy and stability.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

Consider visiting our

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that goes with this prayer page.

It gives
Christmas Happiness Secrets for Spouses.


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