Armor of God Devotional

Daily Inspirational Thoughts


Bless Your Life

A Monday through Thursday Devotional

Inspirational Thoughts

from your host Beth McLendon


For all our

Full Armor of God Prayer pages


Full Armor Prayer for women


Full Armor Prayer for men

click here!



Putting on the Armor of God


If you put your armor on
it will add
strength, steadfastness,
to your day.

Many insightful teachers and preachers
have taught on this subject,
and I get something helpful from each one.

I hope that you will enjoy my perspective.


Ephesians 6

The Full Armor of God


Praying Power Prayer

Lord of all Power and Might,

Today I come to you to ask you to bring me wisdom for my mind, determination for my will, and uplift for my emotions.

I proclaim that I will put on your mighty armor today.

I declare that I will be strong against the enemy forces that come to attack  -  or distract -  me today.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

The above prayer was first seen on Beth's Blog.

Consider visiting our

Armor of God Power Prayer Proclamations Page.

Almost every day in my personal devotions,
I physically do the movements to put on
the full armor of God.

I act like the pieces are visible and material.
As I put on each piece,
I say words that show my respect for God and words that will ignite my determination to follow God.

The reason I choose to do this so often is because this activity always gives me a great blessing.

This week I hope you will consider 

beginning or furthering

in youself

a daily desire

to put on

The Full Armor of God.


The Shield of Faith

It is a shield of confidence that God's Word is True.

Real Superheros

Follow Jesus.

Let's pick up the Shield of Faith.

We have an entire page

dedicated to the Shield of Faith.

We invite you to visit our  Shield of Faith page.


The Shield of Faith -

I pick it up to -  DEFEND  - myself.


Who am I defending myself from?

How do I use my shield?

We are defending ourselves from the enemy.

God gives us a powerful shield so we can be active overcomers!

Three voices

We have three voices in our head:

  • Our voice
  • God's voice
  • The enemy's voice

The enemy's voice sounds like our own voice. That makes it more difficult.

The enemy's voice comes from Satan's camp, but it is not actually Satan. The voice we hear is a low-level demon. 

Satan's camp accuses us.

Notice that Satan is called - the accuser of the brethren.

Satan's camp tempts us.

Satan's camp tempts us to:

  • Doubt the Word of God and
  • To get our needs & wants met by sin instead of by trusting God.

Satan's camp also belittles us, confuses us, deceives us, and twists Bible verses.

Think about this -

Satan's camp tempts us to do something
and then
accuses and belittles us if we take the bait.

As we read the word of God and pray,
we become better and better
at telling the difference
between our voice, God's voice, and the enemy's voice.

Using our Shield

When we are attacked by the enemy or even by natural circumstances, we use our shield of faith to declare the truth about our situation.

When the enemy speaks words against the Bible
or when the enemy LIES to us
such as:
"I'll never get a raise in pay"
we can raise our shield of faith
and declare the truth of God's word.

There are all kinds of scriptures we could say.

For example:

"All things are possible with God!"

Matthew 19:26

I encourage you to SPEAK OUT the Word of God!


The following Power Prayer is taken from our

Shield of Faith page.

Power Prayer

God of Creation - Mighty and True,

I come before you to thank you for giving me your strong armor.

I praise You for the power and authority you give me to use for your purposes.


Today I put on the Helmet of Salvation. Thank you, Lord, for saving me from hell and providing a heavenly home for me.

Lord, You designed my helmet to protect my thoughts. I will cooperate with You this day. I will allow godly thoughts to flow through my mind this day, and I will reject ungodly thoughts.


Thank you for my Shoes of Peace.

When I allow godly peace to guide me, I feel so good inside.

I put on my Shoes of Peace. They cushion each step that I take. These shoes help to reduce the friction and irritation that can naturally come as I live in this ungodly world.


I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

I want to be right with You.

Lord, I invite You to speak to me about any sin that I need to confess and ask forgiveness for.  I want to feel totally comfortable with You.

Thank you for your wholehearted forgiveness toward me.  And thank you for this breastplate that covers my heart - which is the very inner part of me.

Wearing this breastplate reminds me that You want ME to guard my heart. You want my heart to be tender and protected from impurity. I will make decisions that will protect my heart from sinful things.


I put on the Belt of Truth.

Today I renew my dedication to Your truth.

I will live within the boundaries of Your truth. I want to follow you more closely each day. I will tighten my belt so that I can feel it restraining me and protecting me from sin.


I pick up my Shield of Faith.

I will recognize doubt darts, and I will quickly respond.

I declare that every doubt dart that is fired at me will be met with faith and trust in You, Lord, and in Your Word.


Thank You for the Sword of the Spirit.

I pick up the Sword of the Spirit, and I give voice to the Word of God. I will become more and more comfortable speaking out Scriptures. 

I will remind myself that when I speak out Your Scriptures, Your power is unleashed.

Now I am dressed and ready to live a life of dedication
to You, Lord,
in my words and in my actions.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of


Pick up the Sword of the Spirit

which is

the Word of God.

Let's Get excited about the Word of God.

Let's have passion for reading the Word of God!

This Armor of God devotional

 is designed to get you


to be an overcomer.

Other pages that are designed to get you fired up are:

Spiritual Warfare Prayer


Prayer for Strength

We also have other Spiritual Warfare pages

on our Bible Devotion page.

First presented July 6, 2015.

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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