Snow Inspiration


Inspirational Thoughts

  to bless your life.

Monday through Saturday


Presented by your host

Beth McLendon

Many of you

 are getting tired of snow.

But this week,

I am asking that

we stir up our sense of awe

as we think about snow

and the

Creator of snow.


Inspiration from Snow


When the Bible explains

how our sins are washed and forgiven,

God uses


to help us visualize this concept. 

Isaiah 1:18 KJV


"Come now, and let us reason together,

saith the Lord:

though your sins be as scarlet,

they shall be as white as snow;

though they be red like crimson,

they shall be as wool."

Song above - lyrics and music by Stephanie Booshada & David Stearman

The man who was singing in the video above put the

following paragraph under his video. 

"Somewhere It's Snowing"

is a song that I learned when I was

in my youth college days...

I had never seen the snow prior

to when I first heard this song,


I did not quite appreciate its powerful message.

But its lyrics became

more meaningful to me

when I have actually touched and experienced

the real snow

with its power to cover vast lands

and turn everything

into white

no matter

what they are or what they've done!

I always think that God's grace

(unmerited, non-conditional free FAVOR)

is like the snow,

falling everywhere

without choosing whom to cover...

like a free gift given

regardless of who you are or what you've done!

Beth says...

If you want to learn more about salvation or get

ideas on

how to explain it to others, 

click here


Snowflakes are fascinating.

And the Creator of Snowflakes is fascinating!

Psalm 147:16 NKJV

talks about God giving us snow...

He gives snow like wool;

He scatters the frost like ashes.


you are interested

in knowing more


The Snowflake Man

who in 


gave us




of a

Snow Crystal,

then I invite you to watch

the video


Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive

glory and honour and power:

for thou hast created all things.

Revelation 4:11a KJV


Snow can be inspirational.



Chris Tomlin

to write a song

about the


birth of Jesus

as it relates to snow.

Jesus came to earth

like a

winter snow...

quiet, soft, and slow.


Animals celebrating



Snowflakes are truly 

wonders of God.

I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonders.

Psalm 9:1 NASB

Let's TELL others of His Wonders!

Before today's videos,

we have a prayer.

I invite you to join me in prayer.

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the beauty of snowflakes and the beauty of seeing snow spread across the land. 

I praise you for the wonders of your gift of snow.

Snow shows forth your Creativity, your Beauty, and your Power.

As I pray today, I am reminded that you want me to tell others about you.

I ask that you would nudge me if there is a young child who could benefit from spending time with me as I share about you.

I am willing to reach out and share with him or her about the beauty of snowflakes. I want everyone to experience the joys of knowing you better.

Lord, if there is a child or children that I can reach out to this week and share about Jesus, I ask you to put that child or children on my heart.

In Jesus' name I pray,



I present some fun crafts

that you could do with young children...

More snowy Fun...

Consider using these conversation starters...

What do you like best about snow?

Why do you think God made snow?

What is your favorite thing that God made?

Did you know that God loves you very much and he always watches over you? ( Psalm 139 )

Did you know that the Bible tells us in Zephaniah 3:17  that God sings over you as you sleep? 

Making Snowflakes!

More ideas to do with children...

Bible activities

Bible crafts

Bible videos on our page

For Friday, we have a peaceful activity.


Peaceful, Beautiful...

Today I envision

listening to Carman sing (below)

while watching the second video with the sound off. 


Snow Fun for These Two

Update :

A man who is currently taking pictures of snowflakes...

Born in Moscow, 46-year-old Alexey still lives in the city. On a winter night in 2008, when the snow started to fall, he went out onto the balcony of his ninth-floor apartment and stood poised with his camera. Later that night, transferring the images onto a high-resolution screen, Alexey saw the results of his macrophotography experiment and was astounded.

Young men and maidens, old men and children - 

all praise the Lord together.

For he alone is worthy.

His glory is far greater than all of earth and heaven.

Psalm 148:12-13 TLB


Sing to the Lord, all the earth! 

Sing of his glorious name!

Tell the world how wonderful he is.

Psalm 66:1-2 TLB

Thank you for joining me!

Click here to jump to the top of SNOW 

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Valentine Romance 


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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

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went out

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