Porn-free kids

Porn-free kids and teens

Children are falling into porn

without understanding

the dangers,


parents aren't taught how to protect them.


AND because parents believe it can't happen

to THEIR child.


Porn changes the BRAIN.

Porn is highly addictive.

Porn ruins lives.

This page is for parents of

children of ALL ages!

We have many short videos to share with you.

We urge you to carefully consider this topic.

We also have a page -

Get Free from Porn


What is wrong with Porn

(more about the effects on your brain.)

And please consider this short video about the dangers of premarital sex with another person:


Please teach your children:

Give the devil an inch and he will become a ruler.

Unknown author


February 20, 2021

Experts warn:

Smartphone generation

'raised on hardcore porn,'

so church must address coming



This man started porn at 8 years old.

That is not unusual.

The man from the above video...

Important help and info for parents -


Your loved ones

need to know





change their brain chemically.

If done often,

it also will affect their sex performance

with their mate AFTER marriage.

Porn leads to impotency in men.

Lack of organism during sex in females.

Dissatisfaction with real sex partners.

Porn has terrible side effects in

males AND females.

That is just "real" talk.


Tell Your Children the Truth about Porn

Watch the following

Mark Gungor 



TELL your children about

the dangers of PORN.

Very Important:

The way

early sexual experiences

imprint to our mind


trains our brain incorrectly.

Pornography changes the Brain

Learn what Pornography does to its victims!

Please view the video below

and share the dangers

with your teens and older children!

August 2019

Shocking Information


How I got into porn.

My dad was a pastor.

Important Internet Article

The following words are taken from this article dated October 17, 2014:

Ms. Hughes President of Enough is Enough said these words:

The average age
at which children first view pornography
is 11,
93 percent of boys and 91 percent of girls
have viewed
before they are 18.

This is important because
viewing porn is highly addictive.

It shuts down the prefrontal cortex of the brain
alters brain development
in kids who watch it.

After that,

true intimacy with a partner

becomes more difficult.

With the technological advances of smartphones, one-third of teenagers now carry the equivalent of X-rated theaters in their pockets, Hughes added.

In the article, Dr. Richard Land says:

"The repeated viewing of porn literally changes the physical structures and chemical balance in [the brain],"

Land said. "It rewires your brain from gratification of your partner to self-gratification and it reduces your partner to an appliance."

Land encouraged his audience to not live in denial but to recognize that pornography is a problem in their own church. Pornography is the devil's most powerful tool, he added, because it attacks the human ability to form relationships

"The repeated viewing of porn literally changes the physical structures and chemical balance in [the brain]," Land said. "It rewires your brain from gratification of your partner to self-gratification and it reduces your partner to an appliance."

Land encouraged his audience to not live in denial but to recognize that pornography is a problem in their own church. Pornography is the devil's most powerful tool, he added, because it attacks the human ability to form relationships

The next video we recommend

must be cut and pasted.

It is very informative

and well worth watching.

Please cut and paste:

We need to tell teens the truth.

The media lies.

Where are our children and teens

going to hear the truth?


June 2015

I was at a store in line behind a little 11 or 12 year old girl.

The little girl was hugging a video

as she and the adult woman with her waited in line.

The video was "50 Shades of Grey."

I was overcome with emotions.

50 Shades of Grey

is Pornography.


Your teens need to know that using pornography

to be sexuality active

will affect their mind

and change it chemically. 

If done often, it also will affect their performance

with their mate AFTER marriage.

I'm talking about males AND females.

That is just "real" talk.

Jump to the top of porn-free kids

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Opposites attract and then...




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