God Promises to Love You.
He promises to never leave you.
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If you do not feel abundant love
and acceptance by God,
then this page is for you!
This is page two of a teaching about God's love.
Page one is called God's Promises.
From page one of this teaching:
Many people have served God for years, and yet still do not feel like they belong and are accepted in Father's house.
Do you act like a son (or daughter) of God, or do you act like an orphan?
God wants us to enjoy knowing that we are sons (or daughters) of God.
Page one of this teaching began a series of comparisons between sonship thinking and orphan thinking.
Note that for this study, we will all be called "sons." (After all, men have to be the bride of Christ, so we women can be referred to as "sons" for this study.)
God Promises continued:
A son says:
I belong and I can be myself.
An orphan says:
I don't belong here,
so I must pretend to be someone I am not
in order to be accepted.
A son can relax and be himself. He doesn't have to fear being transparent. He doesn't try to fake who he is. He is real.
He is able to do that because he knows he belongs. He can be himself because he knows he is a son. He doesn't have to pretend to be something he is not. He knows he is treasured by God. He is secure in the Father's house.
An orphan cannot be comfortable in the Father's house. Orphans are dissatisfied with who they are, because they don't know who they really are. They pretend to be someone they are not in order to gain acceptance and security.
They think thoughts like: I will only be liked if I tell this lie; or dress like this, or drive this kind of car, or act spiritual and holy.
A son relaxes. An orphan stresses.
A son says: I don't have to
An orphan says: I must achieve, perform, and prove myself. |
The Greatest of all |
Orphan thinking results from wounding words and actions directed at us from our childhood. When we get wounded and hurt before we are able to form our identity in Christ, we think performance produces love.
Our birthright from our Father God is to be loved by him. We are born into the family of God. Yet we need to accept Jesus and be adopted as sons. We then move from Satan's clan to Jehovah God's household.
With Father God, we don't have to achieve or perform because we are already accepted.
We can trust what God promises!
A son says: I have a home. I have rest.
An orphan says: I don't know where I am supposed to be.
A son says:
The Father knows me better than I know myself,
and He loves me.
An orphan says:
Nobody knows what I'm going through
or the
pain I'm in,
and God doesn't care.
A sons says:
I am loved. Father understands me.
An orphan says:
No one understands me.
A son says:
Because I am a son, I have an inheritance from
my Father.
An orphan says:
Since I don't have an inheritance,
I must
claw and grab for everything I get.
No one but me can meet my needs.
So orphans sometimes lie and steal to take care of themselves. They don't believe God will take care of them.
A son says: Because I have an inheritance, I can rest.
An orphan says: I'll control and manipulate to get my way.
Sometimes orphans purpose to take what belongs to sons since the sons didn't do anything to deserve what they have.
Orphans don't recognize that they have a home and an inheritance, so they envy other people - particularly sons.
We have freedom in Christ. We have freedom one to another. To try to take from others and abuse others through control and manipulation is an orphan way of thinking.
The son says: I can relax. God has given it all to me. It's all mine. He has given us all things.
A son will speak the truth in love and speaks only when appropriate to do so.
Remember that Jesus said that he only does what he sees the Father doing.
Orphan thinking says: I will tell you the truth and accept no responsibility about whether it should be said or not. I'll justify my actions.
Sometimes the last thing a person needs to hear is the truth about their situation. Most of the time, people already know the truth about their choices. What they do need to hear is that you love them, that you are there for them, and that the relationship you have for them is absolutely more important than what they have done. Only a son can say that.
Sometimes it is totally appropriate to say nothing at all. Just be there. Be a shoulder. Be just an ear. Just care.
A son says:
I rely upon the Father, and so I say and do
what the Father tells me to say and do.
An orphan says:
I rely on my gifts and talents.
Orphans do not realize that their gifts and talents must be brought under the guidance and the authority of the Father.
A son relies on the Father.
An orphan relies upon himself.
This completes page two of this study.
Click here for Page three.
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