Love Notes


Love Notes

This page is going to have lots of ideas for

Love Notes

Also check out our original

Valentine Romance Ideas

Love Notes are great

for stirring up


But First...

Here is a

Romantic Valentine song

that is sure

To turn up the Heat for Romance.




Light hearted ness

in your marriage!

And take note of:

Rules for Romance

If you and your honey are not used to romance,

you might want to agree

on three simple rules..

1. Celebrate and have fun

with any romantic gesture I give you.

2. Be willing to have a playful / fun attitude.

3. Agree with the following concept:

"When I say something romantic,

you act like you enjoy it,

and then say,

' You are Wonderful.' "

Pizza Fun Time.

Let's call Domino's Pizza tonight!

Pizza Love Notes

can add


to your Marriage!

Make "Pizza" a centerpiece of your February!

Consider these ideas


Love Notes!

Below are things you find on a Pizza!

The word is Topping.

There is no topping my amazing wife / husband.

The word is Mushroom.

You are the best _______
                                     (for example: cook)

and there is just


mushroom for improvement.

(much room)

The word is Sausage,

I never sausage a hunk of a man.

(saw such)

The word is Olive.

No matter how long olive [I live],

I will never forget the joy of our wedding day.

The word is Olive.

Olive [ I love ] my mega-man. 

The word is Olive.

Olive [ I love ] my gorgeous bride.

The word is Sauce.

You are my favorite

Spicy Hot Sauce!

The word is Cheesy.

It might sound cheesy but

Life without you is like a broken pencil - pointless.


You might even want to tell your spouse that

"This Week is Pizza Pizzazz week,

and you can expect some

Pizza Pizzazz

love notes

to be surprising you this week!" 

Romance is designed

to make a woman feel more

beautiful and feminine

and make a man feel more

heroic and masculine.

Consider getting some candy hearts like the ones above.

And add one to a love note!

Romance is only Fun - when the
man and woman
agree to be easy to please.

Taco Love Notes

In addition to Pizza,


are another



Copy a picture of a taco from the internet.

Glue it on a love note and write one of these inside the note.

Taco 'bout a great wife ..... I have the BEST!!!

Taco 'bout a great husband.... I have the BEST!!!

Romantic Kisses

Playfully ask your spouse,

"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back!"

Men sometimes don't see the need for romance.

They don't realize that romance can be their friend....

IF... their wife will participate with joy and appreciation instead of a critical attitude.

Vital Romance Tips

For Men - If you want to be treated like a King - then treat your wife like a Queen.

For Women - If you want to feel feminine and beautiful AND enjoy a Happy Hunk, treat your husband with respect. Intentionally see him as Amazing, Breathtaking, and Smart.

And all couples need to make a pledge of

"Seeing the best in each other"

and then regularly

thanking each other for

"Seeing the best in me."

"Thank you, honey,

for seeing the best in me!"

This site has LOTS of Romance pages - click Here

Jump to the top of  Love Notes

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