Daily Inspiration - Psalm 149

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


A Daily Devotional

Monday through Wednesday

by Beth McLendon

The topic this week is:

Psalm 149

Psalm 149


Let's Praise!

Let's Sing!

Let's Dance!

Let's Celebrate GOD!


Psalm 149

Verses 1-4

Verse 1

Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his

praise in the congregation of saints.

God likes singing.

God likes NEW SONGS!

2 Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children

of Zion be joyful in their King.

3 Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing

praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

Let's don't sit around like a bump on a log. . . 

Let's sing praises to God


play praise to Him on an instrument,


clap our hands in praise,


do a little dance

for God!

God wants us to show him



energy and exuberance!

4 For the Lord taketh pleasure in his people: he will

beautify the meek with salvation.

It pleases God

to hear us and see us

Praising Him!

When my son was growing up,

I'd look high and low

to find the things on his Christmas list.

Shouldn't we be as determined and excited about pleasing God?


he will beautify the meek with salvation


This verse draws our attention to the word "meek."

People often have a misunderstanding about the word "meek."

The definition of "meek" does not include "weak."

Jesus was meek -

and there was nothing weak about Jesus!

The true meaning of



strength under control

(the control of God).

It means power without undue harshness.

It is gentleness mixed with strength.

In this verse, God reminds us that the meek are given blessings and rewards. 

Many verses in the Bible teach us

to pursue meekness and humility

while rejecting pride.

An example is James 4:6 (b) ERV

which says:

“God is against the proud,

but he is kind to the humble.”

God blesses the humble

but puts a stumbling block in front of the proud

- not for meanness -

but because

their pride

is hindering them

from so many wonderful things!

Thought to Consider:

Remind yourself today to praise God and sing to him!


Psalm 149

Verses 5-6


5 Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud

upon their beds.

God is teaching us to joyfully praise him -


this verse reminds us to praise him & sing to him

right before we go to sleep.

Psalm 92:2b TLB is a related verse that says:

Every evening


in all God's faithfulness.

6 Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a

two-edged sword in their hand;

We read here about:

Praise from the mouth and a sword in the hand.

What does that mean?


let's see what the phrase

"two-edged sword"


Hebrews 4:12

is a famous Bible verse

that talks about:

The Word of God

is like a two-edged sword -

an amazing and supernatural

two-edged sword.

For the Word of God

is quick, and powerful, and sharper

than any two-edged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder

of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow,

and is a discerner

of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12

Here God is revealing that


Words of the Bible

are like a weapon

- a sharp sword -

that can used to bless us

and change our situation.

Reading the Bible


Speaking out-loud

Bible verses


POWER on our behalf.

If you want to become a stronger Christian,

then choose to:

read the Bible more


speak out-loud Bible verses regularly.

Note that

Ephesians chapter 6

reveals to us

that our enemy is not people

but spiritual foes.

We beat spiritual foes with spiritual weapons.


This Psalm 149 verse

reminds us

that as believers

we should use our mouth

to speak out

high, uplifting praises to our God.


this psalm pairs

"Praise" with "our Sword"

revealing that

Praise IS a weapon.


So.... that makes the

Bible verses

that Praise God



God doesn't want us to praise him

just for power.

He wants us to praise him out of love.

Thought to Consider:

Tell the Lord that you love him.

And then,

Praise God

for something you have never

praised him for before.


Psalm 149

Verses 7-9


We now follow-up

with the last group of verses:

Verses 7-9 of  Psalm 149

give us additional understanding

of the POWER and Purpose

of our Praise and our Sword!

7 To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and

punishments upon the people;

8 To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles

with fetters of iron;

9 To execute upon them the judgment written: this

honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord.

Verses 7-9

describe the


of our Sword.

Under the guidance and authority of God,

believers will do


things in this world.


is released

in our

Prayer Closets.

God intends for us to speak out Scriptures that will change the world!

We can bind

the power of the enemy

by putting on

The Full Armor of God and speaking Scriptures.

Prayer is speaking to God.

We can speaking Scriptures to God makes a great impact on the world.

Speaking Scriptures also makes a great impact on our personal world.

God's word is Powerful.

This psalm reminds us that

Praising God

is a weapon.

When we praise God

for who he is

and what he HAS done,

we are doing powerful things in the spiritual realm.

We can do

Amazing Things

because we serve


Amazing God.

The Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6 tells us that the weapons of our Spiritual Warfare are mighty and with them we pull down strongholds.

These weapons come against the evil spiritual forces which are the devil and his demons.

They are spiritual kings and rulers of evil.

And you may be amazed that

as the above verses tell us,

God will use

this weapon

of praise


execute vengeance and punishment.

It will be used to bind evil rulers,

and execute judgment.

This assignment from God is not just a command of God it is also an honor from God.

Just the simple reading

of a psalm

brings Powerful Forces to bear in our world.

We often wonder about

the psalms that

speak so harshly about judgment.

Take note that

as we speak those psalms


God directs the words

to the appropriate places for his purposes.

In closing -

Consider visiting one of our "Full Armor of God" pages:

Sword of the Spirit

Helmet of Salvation

Shoes of Peace

Full Armor Prayer

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