Music for Feeling Loved


Music that helps us


the love God has for us.


God loves us dearly.


He wants us to believe he has


for us.

Videos on this site in no way endorse speakers, singers, or song writers.
Many famous Christians are falling away from God and the Bible.

 I am just endorsing the following videos.

Here is our newest addition

to this page. . .

God Runs!

The story of Luke 15:11-32

* Verse 20

The Father in the story is God.

I am Loved.

The song below reminds us...

There has never been a moment

I haven't been loved by You, God!

A fun and happy song

about God's love.

This next song is my favorite one.


Listen as God sings to YOU!

King of Creation


King of my Heart

        O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

Oh, How He LOVES You and Me!

Oh, How He LOVES US!

Oh, How He LOVES ME!

Another new song for this page

Overwhelming Love of God

God Sings over Us  - even when we wander
far from Him

God's love hasn't grown cold -

no matter how far we have wandered.

Lyrics below the video.

But there are more songs after the lyrics.

In this song, God sings to us.


You, you shake your head, what is so hard to believe
When you, you are in your bed, I sing over you the sweetest things
Because oh, my love it does not tire, I'm awake when the moon is full
And I know the times when you feel lost and you just aren't sure

And lo and behold
My love hasn't grown cold for you

You could steal away in the middle of the night
And hide in the light of day
While you cloaked yourself in the darkest lies
But oh, my love, it swims in the deepest oceans of fear
And as soon as you lower your head, I, I am here

Lo and behold, my love hasn't grown cold
Oh lo and behold, my love hasn't grown cold
Yeah oh

If only you could see how heaven stills when you speak
I know all your days and I have wrapped you in mystery
And oh, my love for you is as wide as the galaxies
Just hold out your hand and close your eyes
And come, come be with me

And lo and behold, my love, oh yeah
Lo and behold, my love yeah, hasn't grown cold for you

It hasn't grown cold, oh it hasn't grown cold

Bethany Joy Adelsberger

Songs for us on our Difficult Days

God love me!

God calls me beautiful!

God sings:

You're not alone. For I am here.

Let me wipe away your every fear.

My love, I've never left your side.

I have seen you through the darkest night.

And I'm the one who has loved you all your life.

                             After you finish this page, consider our page:
                                                         Comfort from God.

~ ~ ~

Jesus sings to his Bride.

Lyrics at the bottom of the page.

                    His LOVE drew me!

                    Jesus - He loves me!

Don't miss this song!

Final Notes

** NOTES on - Oh, How He Loves Us  - song


The Lyrics Say - "God is jealous over me."

In our society, we misunderstand the word "Jealous."

Jealous is to be protective of what is yours.

The Webster dictionary says: Jealous means intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness

There is a proper kind of jealousy.

A wife or husband is wise to be protective of their relationship. It shouldn't be a crazy thing but a rational thing.

We should listen to wisdom from our mates.

Husbands and wives shouldn't tempt their mate
to be
concerned about unfaithfulness.

We cannot have friendships with the opposite sex where we talk on the phone and go out to eat - without our spouse. That is not wise. In fact, that is foolish and often leads to affairs.

So it is important to understand that we often ONLY see the word "Jealous" in a dark context.

The Bible tells us that God is jealous.

And God does not sin.

God is jealous - he is protective of his rightful place in our heart.

God commands us to be faithful to him - faithful to Him above all!

God loves us and his arms are open wide to us
until the last breath we breathe.

At our last breath,
if we have not sincerely chosen to live our life for God -
we are sealed to hell.

We can sincerely ask before our last breath.


Most people don't realize that
when we turn our back on God over and over,
our heart becomes hard -
and therefore,
very few people are saved at the end of a long life.

Isaiah 55:6 warns us

"Seek God while he may be found."

For Women


I invite you to my

Dancing with God


Click to visit!

LYRICS for Beloved

Beloved By Tenth Avenue North

Love of my life
Deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
Give me your life
Lust and the lies
The past you're afraid I might see
You've been running away from me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
My love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery

Love of my life
Deep in my eyes
There you will find what you need
I'm the giver of life
I'll clothe you in white
My immaculate bride you will be
Oh come running home to me

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
My love it unites us
It binds you to me

Now you've been a mistress, my wife
You're chasing lovers it won't satisfy
Won't you let me make you my bride
You will drink of my lips
And you'll taste new life

You're my beloved
Lover I'm yours
Death shall not part us
It's you I died for
For better or worse
Forever we'll be
Our love it unites us
And it binds you to me
It's a mystery

Feeling loved music

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