Here is a
Breakthrough Prayer
that will Transform your life!
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
What should you do in hard times?
How should you pray?
Everybody has hard times.
Every one of us
will have seasons in our life
where we feel discouraged and confused.
While driving down the road of life, all of us will end up in a cul-de-sac or at a dead - end street … at times.
If that hasn’t happened to you – it will.
It is a part of life.
I have learned that
even though
I am stopped at a cul-de-sac
or a
dead - end street,
God can supernaturally create a way out.
My way out may come suddenly or gradually.
What Should I Do?
What do you do
when you are
stopped in life
and have no where to go?
What do you do
when your whole world
has fallen a part?
What do you do
when you
so confused,
discouraged, and exhausted
despair and
begin to envelop you?
Prayer is one of the answers.
Once when I was
discouragement and despair,
I went to God
in prayer and said,
“Lord, I feel so confused
that I don’t know
anything about anything.
All I know is that Jesus Christ loves me and he died for me.
That is all I know.
Everything in my life
to be a jumbled mess.
I don’t know what is up or down.
I don’t know
what is the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do.
Lord, I don’t even know how to pray.
Help me.
Within a week, the Lord gave me
the pattern
that I needed for my prayers.
Here is the pattern:
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation.
As I pondered this pattern,
I began to understand many things.
Take Note:
is the first word in the pattern.
The "Revelation" part of the pattern
stands for
the fact that
I need to hear from God.
I need to know what God’s will is…. for my situation.
I need the Bible to speak to me about my situation.
I need
confusion to lift
mental clarity to be operating in me.
Therefore, the first thing I need to do is pray for Revelation. |
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Most of my
will come from the Bible.
So I need to spend time reading the Bible.
When God gives us Revelation,
we get wisdom.
Then we know what God wants us to do.
Sometimes God tells us that he wants us to gain strength
to stand stronger
with a better attitude
while we are in our present situation.
When we get Revelation, we are getting godly information.
But gaining Revelation is not enough.
Sometimes life has hit us so hard
that even when
we HAVE the information
what we need to do
where we need to go,
don’t have the
to do
anything about it.
Revelation isn’t enough.
We also need
I need Motivation |
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physical motivation.
I need physical motivation
for my body
in order to accomplish God’s will.
I need to possess
physical energy, strength, stamina,
to do God’s Will.
I need mental motivation –
I need to think
motivating thoughts
that stir me up
to get active!
I need to think inspiring thoughts about my situation.
For example,
I get motivated
as I think about Philippians 4:13.
It says……
“I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me.”
That is an inspiring thought that motivates to action.
The next type of
that I need is
Emotional Motivation.
I need godly emotions.
I not only need the mind of Christ
I need the emotions of Christ.
Thinking the right thoughts does have a positive affect on our emotions.
Yet - sometimes our emotions just seem to spring up and go in the opposite direction from our thoughts.
So I do not only need physical motivation and mental motivation, I also need emotional motivation.
** I need God’s help to stir up
right emotions such as –
encouragement, hope, enthusiasm, excitement and optimism!
And, I need God’s help to conquer unhealthy emotions that drag me down.
Think back to the motivation part of the prayer pattern that I shared:
When I have motivation,
I am energized
physically, mentally, and emotionally
to DO what God wants.
gives me the
I need
to MOVE forward
in God’s plans for me.
I wrote Champion for Christ pages
to increase motivation
in me and others!
and more tips
quick review!
To Review - Before we continue...
Revelation: When I have the revelation of God, I gain wisdom from God. Then I know what God wants me to do in this situation.
Motivation: When I have the motivation of God, I am energized to DO what God has told me to do.
Check out the
After the Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Your Word teaches me wisdom and fills me with newness of life.
I ask you to reveal Revelation as I read your Word, so that I can receive the help and guidance I need for making wise choices for my life.
I will regularly:
ask you for your Revelation,
read your Word,
and then
wait patiently for your answers.
I will daily continue to turn to your Word
for direction and comfort.
Your Word
is solid and reliable.
I also ask for Motivation to do your will.
I ask you to help me discover Scriptures, godly songs, devotionals, etc. that stir my motivation.
I declare that
I will intentionally
do things that increase my
to do what you tell me to do.
Your Word steadies me.
Your Word brings me truth.
Your Word gives me strength.
Your Word chases away my worry and my fears.
Your Word refreshes me.
Your Word energizes me!
Thank you that you have revealed to me that I need your Revelation and Motivation to see Transformation
in my life.
I look forward to the Celebration that comes from the Transformation that I will experience!
I give you enormous praise for your Wonderful Word.
I pray these things in Jesus' Transforming Name,
Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of
Next - More Tips
Revelation mainly comes from
Reading the Bible
and not
skipping over verses about obedience.
Obedience verses are God's instructions for our life choices.
Motivation comes mainly from
* Reading the Bible (including obedience verses)
* Listening to sermons that increase your motivation to obey God
* Prayer for Motivation and Victory Power Prayer
* Intentionally choosing to listen to godly music that increases your motivation
* Choosing companions who encourage you to obey God.
* And putting on the Full Armor of God regularly can be very strengthening
When I use the
Revelation and Motivation of
to accomplish his plans,
I see godly transformation in my life.
God's main plan is to
transform us
- yet -
he also often will
transform our circumstances and situations.
After I begin to see
in my life -
then comes
So the full pattern is:
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
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I encourage you to pray for
Revelation from God
about your circumstances and situations.
I also encourage you to pray for
the Motivation of God
so that
you will actually do something
about the Revelations that God is giving you.
A Final Tip
Daily putting on the
Full Armor of God
helps to give me lots of motivation.
The way I do it, it energizes me.
Try it!
We have lots of pages with info on this:
Full Armor Spiritual Warfare Prayer
And lots more on our Bible Devotion page.
Jump to the top of Breakthrough Prayer
Breakthrough Prayer was updated in August 2024.
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