Daily Following

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


The week of August 28, 2023.

A Monday through  Thursday devotional


Written by Beth McLendon


This week's topic:

Let's Start with a Picture


Starting the day

with a Picture

Thoughts for Monday

As I look at the above picture,

I notice how intensely

the detective is following the footsteps.

What if we had that kind of interest


following Jesus?

If we will follow Jesus' footsteps

like the detective

is following those footsteps,

we could avoid

a lot of problems in our life. 

And we could become

a better mentor 

to those we love.

Prayer for Monday

Loving Lord,

I want to follow you more closely.


I will follow you

like that detective

was following those footsteps.

In Jesus' name I pray,



Starting the day

with a Picture

Thoughts for Tuesday

As I look at the above picture,

I realize that today

the world is crying out for heroes.

No matter what age I am

I can be a hero today

for somebody.

I can give a kind word or a helpful hand.


Two Prayers for Tuesday

Dear Lord,

You are the

Creator of Wonders and Spectacular Joys.

Thank you

that you have given me

what it takes to bless people this day.

I will begin with

a warm smile and a kind word.


Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Lord of my heart,

I value you, and I value your Word.

Your Word tells me to love and bless other people.

Your will is for me to view everyone in my life as valuable. You want me to honor people and treat them with respect every day.

I receive my mission to love people this day.

I receive my mission to be:

helpful toward their needs,

compassionate toward their hurts,

encouraging toward their trials,

enthusiastic toward their victories,

warm toward their presence,


forgiving toward their mistakes and sins.

Change my heart, Lord. Teach me to be more like you.

I will yield to you this day.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


Starting the day

with a Picture

Thoughts for Wednesday

As I look at the above picture,

I realize that today may include

some rainy weather

or rainy circumstances.

"God, remind me to choose lightheartedness

instead of

frustration or anger


irritating storms

of any kind

pop up in my day."


Prayer for Wednesday

Almighty God,

You are Amazing and Awesome.

You are Great and Glorious.

You are Powerful, and

You do impossible things.

I come to you today and pray that you would

transform me

so that I have a 

greater desire

for the beauty and blessing


calmness and patience. 



the peaceful, patient person

that you are leading me to be.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Overheard comment:

Do you want to know how I deal with bumper to bumper traffic?

I open my glove compartment and get out my bubbles.

Then I lower my window and blow a few bubbles out my window.

How can I stay upset while silly bubbles are blowing across the highway?

The above "Bubble story"

is taken from our


Prayers of Joy

Also see our page - Increasing Joy



Starting the day

with a Picture

Thoughts for Thursday

As I look at the above picture,

I realize that

God speaks personally to each of us.

What is he saying to you?

Is there something he wants you to surrender to him?

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