Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
Monday through Friday devotional
with Beth McLendon
This week's topic:
Lukewarm Warnings from God
Revelation 3:16
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Fighting Lukewarmness
in your life
and in the life of those you love.
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Highlighted Scripture:
We can always "prove" we are right,
but is the Lord convinced?
Proverbs 16:2 TLB
Are you - Lukewarm and Loving it?
Or are you
on the fence between lukewarm and
being on fire for Jesus?
Our on-fire page: here
ZEAL for God
Creating this page has stirred up my
I hope it will stir up your Zeal also!
Lukewarm Living:
Being too casual and unconcerned about God
Jesus said:
These people honor me
with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Matthew 15:8 NLT
of becoming
by Pastor Kevin Shell
Beth knows nothing about him.
September 27, 2011:
1. Prayer is either nonexistent or mechanical.
2. You know the Word but you don’t really live it.
3. Thoughts about ETERNAL MATTERS no longer grip your heart.
4. You indulge in inward and outward sin without feeling devastated.
5. A longing for holiness and being set apart is no longer a passion.
6. The pursuit of money, possessions and position grossly overshadow your pursuit of Christ.
7. You can listen to worship music that glorifies God and carnal music that glorifies sin with reasoning and justification.
8. You can hear unbelievers mock the church,and eternal matters without becoming grieved.
9. Your main concerns are your own pleasures and comfort.
10. You no longer have a DEEP HUNGER for God.
11. You no longer live with a full and grateful heart.
12. You have little concern for the eternal souls of others.
13. You always see your level of spirituality in positive terms.
14. You are more concerned about your pet doctrines than people’s souls.
15. Sports and entertainment and your toys and gadgets are to the point of idolatry in your life.
16. You are more concerned with your outward image than your inward reality.
17. You have a head full of biblical knowledge and a heart of stone.
18. You are driven by the lust of the flesh in a major way. (VARIOUS ADDICTIONS – porn, and other sexual sin, drugs, alcohol, gambling etc.
19. You admire God’s Word but see no need to commit to seriously follow it.
20. You go to church to feel something, rather than to hear and respond.
21.You desperately pursue validation from men rather than from God.
Show Jesus you love HIM!
John 14:15 and 14:23
Show the World you are SAVED!
Show the World you are BOLD!
Show the World you LOVE JESUS!
Teenagers can be great teachers.
Here is a great skit made by teens.
Are you praying
- with zeal -
for those you know who are lukewarm?
Questions to Fire you UP!
Will you spend this month being...
Apathetic about Jesus or Amazingly on Fire for Jesus?
Bored with God or Bold for Christ?
Content in sin or Constantly Hungry for more of God?
Determined to be Popular & Accepted or Determined to Please God?
Empty Spiritually or Enthusiastic for Jesus?
Following Pleasure or Following Jesus?
Focused on Selfishness or Focused on Serving God?
Going after stuff or Going after Jesus?
Hiding from God's truth or Hiding Scripture in your heart?
Inspired by entertainment stars or Inspired by the one who made the heavenly STARS?
Joyful in sin or Joyful in sharing Jesus with others?
Keenly interested in ways to stay away from God or Keenly interested in ways to get close to God?
Lukewarm about living for Jesus or Lively & Excited about living for Jesus?
Moving toward an easy, self-directed life or Moving toward a holy life?
Needy for what the world has to offer or Needy for what only God can give?
Open to temptation or Open to the leading of the Holy Spirit?
Putting yourself first or Putting God first?
Quick to sin or Quick to Obey to the Voice of God?
Running from God or Running toward God?
Seeking to hide from God or Seeking to lay your sins bare before God?
Thrilled by what the world has to offer or Thrilled by what Jesus has to offer?
Under the grip of sin and addiction or Under the command of God?
Very influenced by entertainment & worldly friends or Very influenced by Bible verses?
Walking with the devil or walking with God?
X-pert at proving that you are justified
in your life choices
X-pert at kneeling before God and
smashing your pride?
We can always "prove" we are right,
but is the Lord convinced?
Proverbs 16:2 TLB
Yielded to sin or Yielded to God?
Zeal filled for getting what you want or Zeal filled for following Hard after God's will?
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
A Dedication Prayer
and then
More videos to Stir up ZEAL for JESUS!
Father God,
I come before you seeking to be overwhelmed -
with your desires,
with a passion for your will,
with a massive motivation
to echo
your heart of compassion for the lost and lukewarm.
I am not satisfied with where I am with you.
Psalm 42 inspires me to say,
"As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God.
I am hungry for your righteousness
to be seen
in my life more and more."
I want to show forth my love for you
in my words,
in my actions,
and in all the depths of my heart.
I will not live my life giving you
the scraps
of my time and my energy.
I will place you on the highest throne in my heart.
I will be willing to speak when you want me to speak
be bold when you want me to be bold -
even if my knees are shaking.
Because you mean more to me
than any earthly thing.
And it is my desire that my love for you grow
every day.
In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
A humorous look
at living on the
Fence of Lukewarmness.
The famous "Lukewarm" scene
from the movie
War Room
A Serious Look
I do not wholeheartedly endorse any of the speakers on this page.
I do not know them - so I only endorse the videos
on this page.
Part 2
Part 3
Creating a Passion
for Christ!
The soda represents alcohol.
Scripture: See Isaiah 29:13
which relates to Matthew 15:8.
Enough Excuses -
Let's Live for Jesus....every....MOMENT!
Consider our pages:
Understanding more about God's love
God calls us to seek to
follow holiness.
But....Somehow Satan has
convinced many in the church
that the word "holy"
is a bad word.
Why would we listen to the one
who comes to
Steal, Kill, and Destroy?
This page examines the Bible term LUKEWARM.
It was first presented the week of May 29, 2017.
President Lincoln for Presidents' Day
New Page:
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
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Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
Our Winter
went out
December 4.
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms