Guide me

Guide me, Lord.


Gui dance has the word "dance" in it.

When we allow Jesus to guide us,

we create a

beautiful dance with Jesus...

What a Beautiful Picture!

Women will have an easier time enjoying this page.

Men and women are the

Bride of Christ

but women can get that more easily.

(But remember... we are also sons of God. )

The video below


our dance with Jesus.

It shows 2 Dances.

We see ourself with Jesus being visible


and we see ourself with Jesus being invisible.

The song above is inspired

from the Bible book - Song of Songs.

After you finish this page -  check out Dancing

As we dance with Jesus...

Picture the dance in your mind...

See Beauty.

See Harmony.

See Unity.

See Devotion.

See Gentleness.

See Contentment.

See Deep Love.

Oh, but what will happen

when I quit following -

when I step out of place....


I disrupt the dance.

Lord of my Heart,

I want to dance that beautiful dance with you.

I want to experience that harmony and unity.

I want to feel that contentment.

Guide me.

I will flow with You.

I will follow Your will.

I want our dance to be beautiful.

I will yield to You and your Word.

In love and devotion, I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of


You are my highest desire.

As you guide me,

I will dance in harmony with you.


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of


Song of Songs is about a man and a woman


about Jesus the Bridegroom and his Bride. 

Jesus says to us ...

You have captured my heart,

my treasure, my bride.

You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes,

with a single jewel of your necklace.

Song of Songs 4:9

or ... Song of Solomon 4:9

(More Scripture at the Bottom of the Page)

Our Dance with our Lord


Pure and Lovely.

More Prayer

Lord of my Heart,

You are my Creator and the Awesome Lover of my soul.

You love me

as no other one

ever has.

I will love you more than any other.

In love and devotion, I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of




Oh, God, You are my God -  And with all my heart I seek You.

In a dry and weary land where there’s no water, my soul is thirsty for You.

All that I am longs for you.

I yearn for your tender embrace - the touch of your love.

For Your love is far better than life.  My lips will glorify you.

I will praise You as long as I live.

In Your name I lift up my hands.

I will seek you as long as it takes, till I behold You face to face.

My soul is satisfied with the richness of you.

Song of Solomon Bible verses

Verses from

Song of Songs

In Hebrew, when you say

"King of Kings"

it means the Highest King.

So "Song of Songs" means this is the highest Song.

I take that to mean that the

love of Jesus toward his Bride

(meaning each of us)

is the highest song or poem possible.

Enjoy these Verses of Love

Song of Songs 2:16

We say to Jesus...

My lover [Jesus] is mine, and I am his.

Song of Songs 4:9

Jesus says to us ...

You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride.

You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes,

with a single jewel of your necklace.

Song of Songs 4:10

Jesus says to us ...

Your love delights me, my treasure, my bride.

Your love is better than wine,

your perfume more fragrant than spices.

Song of Songs 1:16

We say to Jesus ...

You are so handsome, my love,

pleasing beyond words!

~ ~ ~

Prayer for a Friend

While working on this page,

I was inspired to send a friend a prayer.

I am posting it

in case


might want to send it to a female friend.

Hi God,

I am lifting up ______ this day in prayer.

May she feel the refreshing wind of the Holy Spirit as you uplift her above her troubles and daily duties. 

I pray that you will multiply her peace and joy as she dances with you today.

Love you, God,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

This page is written to

uplift your emotions and help you to enjoy Jesus

more than you ever have.

And I hope you will let

the love of God bubble out of you and flow onto others.


you finish this page,

consider our first Dancing with Jesus page.

Jump to the top of the page - Guide me

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Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

Is God's will always done?


Overcoming Offense

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How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

Morning Prayer for

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Mother-in-law Prayers for

New Page:

Walking Supernaturally

* * *

Finding Noah's Ark

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Increasing JOY


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Help for HOW to Forgive

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Opposites attract and then...




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