Are Mormons Christians?

Mormons  call themselves  Christians.


the god they pray to

was once a


Yes, this is shocking, but it is true.

The Bible says that the


has always been God.

Isaiah 43:10

Psalm 90:2 says...

God formed the earth AND the world.


Mormons believe that...

the god of earth

was once a man on another planet

who was

born there,

lived there, got married, had kids, and died.

Then he went to heaven and later became

the god of earth.

They believe there is only one god for earth.

But they believe ...

there are other gods for other worlds.

God says there is only one God in ALL of creation:

Isaiah 44:6, 45:21, 45:22, 46:9

And they believe ...

Each god of each world was once a man

before he became a god.


Mormons are not Christians.

Their "god" is not the God of the Bible.

To believe Mormonism

is to deny what the Bible says.



5 minutes

Mormons  are not  Christians.

Mormons are following a false god.

~ ~ ~

Joseph Smith was the founder of

of Mormonism.

He said an angel came to him multiple times

and mentored him and guided him.

The angel showed him engraved plates and

told him to translate those plates.

See Galatians 1:8 - 9

for warnings to those

who get information from angels.

Paul said,

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

Galatians 1:8-9 KJV

Paul also said in 2 Corinthians 11:14 that

Satan can come as an angel of light.


Mormons believe that:

God has been busy in heaven having sex with his wife.

His wife has spirit babies.

Jesus was a spirit baby created from God and his wife.

Lucifer also called Satan...

Lucifer was a spirit baby created from God and his wife.

(That makes Jesus and Satan brothers.)

Mormons say that the spirit babies can only get a

physical body

if they are born on earth to earthly parents.


In the next video, a Mormon

talks about spirit babies.

I am not recommending all of this woman's videos.

I am not recommending any videos
other than the ones I have featured on this page.

Mormons have a great zeal for their god.

BUT, it is a false god.

In Romans 10:1-3,

the Bible talks about the Jews

who need to take their spiritual zeal

and then recognize Jesus as their

Savior and Lord.

Mormons need to take their zeal

and follow the true Jesus.

Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them

is that they may be saved. 

For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, 

but not according to knowledge. 

For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God,

and seeking to establish their own,

they did not submit to God's righteousness.

Before this page continues,

consider our page:

Who is the devil ?

Mormon baptism of the dead -

as told by a Mormon....


this video will help people understand

why Mormons can not be classified as Christians.

I will add that

all the Mormon people

that I have met

are very kind people.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Take note that Mormons are taught 


to trust the Bible.

Mormons say they believe the Bible ...

as far as it was translated.

See 1 Nephi 13:26-29

They believe

the Bible has errors in it.


But they believe

Mormon scriptures do not have errors.

The video below



in understanding

what Mormons believe


how to help Mormons come to the truth.

Consider starting at the

18 minute 35 seconds (18:35) point.

Temple Promises

This woman

brings out some important points


going through this major ceremony.

Some people may have a different experience.

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