Senior Citizen Fitness
for Christians

Senior Citizen fitness tips

and prayer

to motivate and encourage.

Fitness tips near the bottom of the page.


You are

fearfully and wonderfully made!

And you are made to MOVE!


For many of you,


is not

a joyful part of your routine.

So you are here to gain inspiration. 

We are glad you are here.

take note


Any time you are starting or changing your exercise habits,

you need to check with your doctor.

Your doctor's advice is vital in helping you

make wise choices.

~ ~ ~

Senior Citizen Fitness Prayer

Almighty God,

Thank you for my body.

I praise you for the miraculous way you made my body.

It is astonishing to think about the trillions of cells in my body that are all working together for me this day.

Lord, I want to take good care of my body.

I am asking for your help to increase my desire to exercise.

Show me how to uplift my emotions so that they will cooperate with your plans for me. Bless me with motivating thoughts, and teach me energizing strategies for encouraging myself to be diligent.

I am asking for your help to increase my ability to exercise.

Thank you for the wisdom you give me to go ahead and start exercising according to my personal fitness level.

I will begin engaging in the movements that I can do at this time.

As I pursue what I can do, I will trust you to increase my body’s strength, flexibility, stamina, and overall health so that I will grow in my ability to do more and more in the area of physical fitness.

Lord, I will enjoy thinking about your love for me and thinking about the amazing things you plan to do for me and with me.

Today I will say, "This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!"*

And today I will exercise!


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

*Psalm 118:24

Just starting

For those of you who have not exercised in a long time, remember that
you need to start out slowly.

I suggest 5 minutes a day of gentle stretching
for at least a week.

Then consider doing 5 minutes of warm-up exercises for
a couple of days.



you will catch up

with others much younger than you!


Move into

longer and longer exercise times

as you feel able,

but always begin your exercise time 

with a 5-minute warm-up.

Fitness Television  

I enjoy exercising with fitness routines I do by television.


I like to exercise along with a

DVD fitness workout

or with a

Christian television exercise workout show.

I encourage you to consider it as well.


Simple, helpful stretching exercises.

Chair exercises for Seniors.

Be sure and warm up before


cool down & stretch after the video.

Balance is Important.

As we age, our balance is challenged.

Here is a leg exercise

that you might want to add to your

exercise session.

Friendly Tips and Reminders


We at Inspirational-Prayers
encourage you to practice wisdom
by asking
your doctor for his or her advice.
In addition, it is important to seek other wise counsel.


Our suggestions are intended to be added to the other counsel that you get, but are not intended to replace your doctor and other wise counsel who are acquainted
with you and your personal limitations and abilities. 


These suggestions can be adapted to all types of exercise,
but they mainly have in mind those of you who will be going to an exercise class or participating in a
television workout routine.


Several of the following tips and reminders

are particularly important

if you are just getting started.


To make the writing bigger and easier to read,

hold down the "control" button on your computer

while clicking the + sign on your computer.

1.  We suggest that  - for a time -  you consider moving slower than your instructor.

You will probably not be able to move as fast as the instructor. Don't worry if you are not in rhythm with the instructor. Note, that you will probably have to work up to moving with the instructor and doing as many repetitions as the instructor. 

2. At first, it is wise to shorten your workout time instead of doing a full workout. I would suggest starting out with 5 minute warm-up, 5 minute exercise, and 5 minute stretch to begin a new routine for a senior who  hasn't been exercising.

Lengthen your workout time as your body gets stronger and becomes adapted to exercise. Remind yourself that if you injure yourself, you may not be able to exercise at all for several days. So we encourage you not to take shortcuts.

3. Add Encouragement!

Encourage yourself.

David encouraged himself in the Lord. That is wise advice.

Encourage yourself concerning everything you do to bless the health of your body.

Cheer yourself.

Remind yourself that your loving God is also cheering you on.


Floor Exercises

4. For floor exercises: Be sure and lay down flat on the floor and do nothing for at least 10 seconds so that your body can adjust to your position on the floor. Then pull your feet up toward you while bending your knees. (You will be drawing your feet closer to your body and your knees will be in the air.) Then wait a few moments.

During this time of getting your body ready for floor exercises, you may feel or hear your body popping or shifting and moving while your body is adjusting to your position on the floor.

If you are using a DVD or video workout, you can easily pause the program while you get your body ready for floor exercises.

Caution: Starting your floor exercises too fast can result in injury.

Next, gently and slowly do a couple of movements to make sure your body is ready for you to do more repetitions.

5. To protect your back, bend your knees when you are doing sit-ups and abdominal crunches. Lie on your back and bend your knees so that your feet come toward your body and your knees are in the air. Do an internet search if you need more information about this tip.

6. When doing twisting-type exercises on the floor (or while standing and twisting or sitting and twisting), note that sometimes you may be able to easily twist toward one side but not so easily twist toward the other side. In that case, do not forcefully try to push the side that resists you. 

At that point, it may be wise to:

Stop and Pray

  • Stop and pray for your muscles and all the parts of your body on your "weak" side to be strengthened and to begin to move and work properly.
  • Be wise. If there is pain or if you think there may be something wrong, consider that you might need to check with your doctor before you continue exercising.


  • Consider receiving some very gentle Christian massage after you are sure you do not need to see a doctor.

For Exercising with Weights


7. Do the workout without weights a few times before you add weights.

8. Be sure to completely warm up your body before using weights.

9. Start out working with very light weights for the first few days you are using weights.  Remember that it takes time to work into heavier weights. 

Note that I always use lighter weights for a few minutes before I switch to heavier weights.

Also note that light weights are always good for toning, so don't look down on using light weights.

I am a petite woman and 4 or 5 pound weights keep me in great shape.

10. When you exercise with weights, give your muscles a break and don't exercise with weights the very next day.

take note

General Tips

11. Don't hold your breath. Be sure to breathe often during your workout.

12. Take notice of any sharp pains and stop if they occur. Be wise and go to the doctor if you need to.

13. Take notice if your body is getting tired or feeling weak and therefore needs a break. Don't be embarrassed to stop or slow down. Don't push beyond what is wise.

14. Make sure you always spend at least 5 minutes warming up before you begin your exercise routine or any sports activity.

15. Stretching at the end of a workout is important. Don't forget to stretch.

16. Drink lots of water during the day.

17. If you want a healthy body, you will need to consider the kinds of foods you eat and the amount that you eat.

18. Pray for the health of your body. Consider including the prayer ideas below.

Pray for

  • Flexibility
  • Ease of motion
  • Strength and stamina
  • Reduction in pain and discomfort
  • Motivation to regularly exercise
  • Motivation to make healthy food choices
  • Determination to use your self-control

19. Thank God and Praise God for all your progress!

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