Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
A Monday through Sunday
Beth McLendon
This week's topic:
Helping those who are addicted
We have lots of tips and strategies!
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For those who are
tips for their loved ones who want to help.
The closer you walk Unknown author |
Step One
You're not serious, if you're not praying.
Pastor Scott Poling
Suggested Prayer for Today
Dear Lord,
You have a godly plan and purpose for each of my days.
Today - and each day - you want me to draw near to you.
Today you want me to think about Bible verses.
Today you want me to talk to you about things I am thankful for and things that I need. You want me to get honest with you about my fears and my weaknesses.
I am going to do that God. And I will start by saying that
I am thankful for ________________.
I need help with my addiction to _____________.
I admit I have a weakness for ___________.
I feel fear about __________________.
The Bible says that you love me and that you want to help me.
I am going to remind myself of that.
I am going to walk toward you today. I am going to be serious about overcoming my addiction.
I pray in the Powerful and Miraculous and LOVING name of Jesus Christ,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Step Two
comes from
Reading God's Word.
The Bible is a book OF Victory!
The Bible is a book FOR Victory!
And as you read the Bible,
your mind will begin to
think like
God thinks.
The Bible calls this -
"renewing your mind"
That means that
the more you read the Bible with a
teachable heart
the more you pray to God -
the more you will
to think like God thinks.
That will help you
in your fight against your addiction.
In order for God to help you have
over your addiction,
you are going to have to learn to...
Read the Bible
Get Strong! God will HELP you! |
Draw near to God
and he will draw near to you.
James 4:8
Step Three
Godly Music
Music is POWERFUL.
I urge you to add godly music to your day!
In order to be victorious,
you need to
secular music
for godly music - for awhile.
There are all types of Christian music.
Find the songs that are godly
and that
stir your motivation
Take a long break from secular music.
Just focus on Christian music.
After finishing this section -
Consider these Champion songs: Click
Quick Prayer
Dear Lord
I will sing to you
God created you to
walk like
for God!
I am getting ready for
Magnificent and Mighty God,
I fall on my knees in respect to you.
I give you praise.
I acknowledge that your
Mighty Power -
more than able
to help me conquer
temptations and release me from my addictions.
You have what I need.
And you are telling me…
“Here’s your miracle – STAND UP and FIGHT!”
Today I’m not going to talk about the problem –
I’m going to talk about the solution.
I am going to
talk about being a Champion for Christ.
I am going to
talk about standing steady for you.
I am going to
talk about Your Word and speak out Your Word.
I am going to soak in your
POWERFUL Scriptures
I am FREE!
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Scripture for today:
Then you will call upon Me
and go and pray to Me,
I will listen to you.
you will seek Me and find Me,
you search for Me with all your heart.
I will be found by you, says the Lord,
I will bring you back from your captivity;
Jeremiah 29:12-14 a NKJV
Step Four
Put on the
Armor of God
each day!
Here is part of Ephesians 6 - The Full Armor of God.
God says you NEED to be putting on
this armor
in order to stand
Please read the Scripture
in the image
In this Full Armor prayer,
I slow down and allow God
to remind me of important things.
~ ~ ~
I invite you to join me in this prayer.
Dear Lord,
You are the King of Creation and the Lord of my Life.
I come in prayer today to put on the Full Armor of God.
Helmet of Salvation
I put on the Helmet of Salvation.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me of my eternal salvation, and that it was paid for at the Cross of Calvary.
I am saved, headed to heaven, and willing to serve you, Lord, every day.
(If you have not repented of your sins and made Jesus the LORD of your life, stop and click here)
Belt of Truth
I put on the Belt of Truth.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to love your truth and to live according to your truth.
Breastplate of Righteousness
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to choose righteousness this day.
I want to live right and be pure.
Shoes of Peace
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me that you want me to live in peace with you and with your Word.
When I lie down tonight, I will be at peace that I have followed you to the best of my ability this day.
Shield of Faith
I pick up the Shield of Faith.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me to walk in faith.
You are reminding me that it is your will that the just shall live by faith.
I will speak out faith words, stir up faith, walk in faith, and choose faith in you for each decision I make today.
Sword of the Spirit
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
I praise you, Lord, for reminding me that the Bible is the Living Word of the Living God.
When I read and follow the Bible, it produces power and peace in me.
This day, I will read your Bible, speak out your Bible words, and I will stand on your Bible principles.
I am dressed and ready
to be
restful when I need to be restful –
productive when I need to be productive –
strong and bold when I need to be strong and bold –
courageous when I need to be courageous –
helpful when I need to be helpful –
compassionate when I need to be compassionate –
humble and teachable
when I need to be humble and teachable –
and in all things
dedicated to God and his Word.
Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Let's rise up
and stir up
our strength
devotion to God
We can do
Our General Prayer
for Wednesday
Dear Lord,
I love you, and I want to glorify you.
I want to follow you in every way.
Today, I will thank you for your blessings to me.
Today, my mind will think on godly, righteous things.
And today, my mouth will sing praise to you.
Copyright 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Step Five
Remind Yourself
God loves you!
But God shows his love for us
in that
while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 ESV
No matter how old we get,
God still wants us to have times when we think of
ourselves as
his little child.
To have a close relationship with Father God
you only have to be willing
to repent
and allow him to come in and dwell with you.
The more you share openly with him,
the more you will enjoy him.
You took note of my first haircut, my first word, and my first day at school. You were a proud papa.
My earthly father may have never been with me for events like “Doughnuts with Dad,” but I now see that my heavenly Father was there.... for every sugary mouthful.
My earthly father may never have showed up on time for my childhood performances, but you were always sitting in the front row smiling.
Funny, I never noticed you then. But now that my heart is in unison with you, I look back and see you as plain as day. You never shoved your way into my life. You just allowed me to slowly sense your presence.
My days are richer and fuller now that I am aware of your presence. Walking with you by my side gives me great delight.
I am my heavenly Daddy’s little child.
Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Here is one of the
to success
in the
Christian life...
Follow God’s example in everything you do
just as a much loved child
imitates his father.
Ephesians 5:1 TLB
Join me as we get stronger
as we put on the
Full Armor of God
God of POWER, Miracles, and Mercy,
I will put on your Armor today.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation
– because I need to be ready –
ready to . . .
stand strong in you
receive your saving help
when the enemy of my soul
tries to accomplish
his schemes against me.
I put on the Belt of Truth
– because I need to be ready –
ready to . . .
be a person who focuses on truth and follows truth.
I need to be ready to
to myself when I am tempted.
I need to be ready to prayerfully
from you
in each decision I make.
I need to be ready to
in each situation I encounter.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness
– because I need to be ready –
ready to . . .
walk into every situation
my mind thinking
godly, righteous thoughts
and my will
set on walking in righteousness.
I want to walk strong and I want to walk humbly
before you.
I want the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my heart
to be pleasing to you.
I put on the Shoes of Peace
– because I need to be ready –
ready to . . .
receive more of your calming peace
through my mind, through my words,
and through my actions.
Help me to learn
how to read and think about your Scriptures
in a way that will
peaceful emotions
based on
assurance, contentment, and confidence
in you.
I pick up the Shield of Faith
– because I need to be ready –
ready to ...
grab my growing FAITH in You
quickly destroy the destructive darts of the devil.
I will meet
every worry dart, every fear dart,
every doubt dart,
every anger dart, every ______ dart
and every self-pity dart
Strong Faith in YOU -
The God of my Salvation.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit
which is the Word of God
– because I need to be ready –
ready to . . .
position myself to allow
Powerful, Living, Word of God
to flow into
my eyes and ears
and most importantly
my heart.
I need to allow the
Powerful, Living, Word of God
to flow out of my mouth.
I will gain godly victories in my life
by speaking
the Bible words
given to me by you,
by strongly following YOU -
The God of All Power and Authority!
I am now
Dressed and Ready to Closely follow YOU!
I pray all these things
in the
POWERFUL Name of Jesus Christ
my Savior and my Lord,
Amen !
Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Allow Father God
to sing to you...
Step Five
Seek Wisdom
Wisdom is knowing and doing right.
Proverbs 3:21 TLB
you have a choice to make,
"What would wisdom say to me?"
Listen to
Wise People
My friend Ora
got VICTORY over drinking.
Hear her testimony and be inspired
to gain VICTORY over your addiction!
Next, hear an audio prayer for you by Ora - Here
Listen to
Wise People
hang around
Wise People
The wisest people you can find
are those who truly want
to please God
and follow his words in the Bible.
They aren't trying to find excuses to sin.
Gaining God's Strength
The following video
will give you encouragement
for self-discipline and strength.
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
then comes
* * *
Listen to wise Christians
and for ideas to
Motivate you!
God is training
to be
Yes, it takes some effort.
Yes, it is hard - but...
Dear God of Glory and POWER,
I am going to be POWERFUL Today!
I am not going to let “hard” stop me.
I am not going to be a wimp who isn’t strong enough to open a Bible.
I am not going to be a wimp who isn't strong enough to speak out Scripture.
I’m not going to be a wimp who isn’t strong enough to listen to a Power video.
I am going to choose to be POWERFUL TODAY!
I am going to be a Champion for Christ!
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
The chains of addiction
are breaking!
Father God,
I praise you. I give glory and honor to your name.
Lord, here are my godly prayer proclamations which I present to you:
I will love the Lord my God with all my heart.
I will turn away from evil and seek the will of God for my life.
I will put on the whole armor of God in order to become more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.
I will put on the Belt of Truth.
I will face the truth about my addiction and about all areas of my life.
I will tell myself the truth. And I will tell others the truth.
I will love truth. I will live in truth. I will enjoy telling the truth.
I will remember that truth is my friend and lies are my enemy.
I will put on the Helmet of Salvation.
I am saved from _________
(name of my addiction)
and from thoughts of wanting ________.
( what I am addicted to)
I am saved from self-pity, and I am saved from pride.
I am saved from selfishness and self-centeredness.
I am saved from rebellion. I declare that I will not rebel against the Lord my God.
I am saved from deception. I will not deceive others.
I will walk in wisdom this day.
I am saved from lack of motivation.
I declare that I am strongly motivated to do the will of God this day.
I will be strongly motivated to resist __________.
(my addiction)
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
I will focus on making right choices each day.
I will put on the Shoes of Peace.
I will live in peace with God and with myself.
I will enjoy walking along God's paths for me. I am eager for the world to see the wonderful changes God is making in my life.
I pick up my Shield of Faith to defend myself against the fiery darts of the enemy.
This day I will increase in faith. I pick up confidence that I am growing in my faith in God and in his Word.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit.
I will speak out the Words of God and God's Words will transform my life.
I declare that my mind is being powerfully renewed.
Every day I find myself thinking more like God.
I pick up confidence that I can resist the enemy this day.
Today I have been redirected, refreshed, and renewed.
I now walk in the power, purpose, and peace of Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2008 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
The world tries to educate you to think like the devil.
The world tries to educate you to act like the devil.
The world comes to discourage you, pull you down, bring you hopelessness & fear.
Hang around Christians who praise God,
have a thankful, joyful attitude and have a
thriving mentality.
Hang around Christians
who humbly admit their sins
and who
joyfully celebrate their POWERFUL Savior!
If you don't know any ...... FIND SOME!
This website can be your first one!! We have lots of GREAT pages that will uplift you and strengthen you.
God doesn't want you to just believe he exists ...
He wants you to FOLLOW HIM!
In your time of difficulty, don't lose your focus....continue to focus on God.
God knows HOW to strengthen you.
When you obey God, you are strengthened.
If you will wait for God's help, he will renew your strength.
Here is a POWER song for you
challenge yourself to get one on your own.
Spend time soaking in
godly music,
godly prayer,
godly teaching.
Work the Steps!
I believe your help is on the way!
I will cooperate with you each day.
Submit to God,
Resist the devil and
he will flee!
James 4:7
I call that verse...
The Bible verse for Champions!!
I want you to
intentionally think about
that you are resisting the devil
you are submitting to God.
Motivational Page about this verse!
I am putting out
that you will
click one of these links
in order to put on the FULL ARMOR of God.
Work the Steps!
God is your Coach!
The Word of God is God's Words to You!
Please consider saying...
I am not going to be a wimp
who isn’t strong enough to open a Bible.
So today as Beth asks me to
open my Bible to
Philippians 4:8-9
I will do it!
And I will think about
what God wants to change in my life
through those words.
- - -
Every day I encounter
life - changing moments.
Dear Lord,
I want a better year this year.
this year.
I want to gain
this year than ever before!
I want to find myself astonished
this year!
I am dedicating myself to you this year.
I am going to seek to follow you closely.
I am going to read your Word.
I am going to allow you
to teach me how
to be a
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com
Mighty God of all Creation,
Today I will put on your Amazing Armor.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation.
I will proclaim the Saving Power of my Lord!
I put on the Belt of Truth.
I will proclaim to the world that your Word is TRUTH!
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
I will proclaim to my Savior
that Righteous Living will reign in me this day!
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
I will proclaim in my mind
blessings of living
in peace
with God and with His Word!
I pick up the Shield of Faith.
I will raise my Shield
proclaim my Faithful devotion to God
each time
the devil
tries to tempt me to disobey God.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit
which is the Word of God.
I will raise my Sword
proclaim the Words of God
when trials and trouble
come my way!
Philippians 4:13 tells me,
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Habakkuk 3:19 tells me,
“The Lord is my STRENGTH.”
Ephesians 6:10 tells me to,
“Be Strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might!”
Joshua 1:9 tells me to,
“Be Strong and Courageous
for the
will be with me always!”
James 4:7 tells me to,
“Submit to God,
resist the devil, and he will flee from me!”
God reminds me in Romans 8:31,
“If God is for me, who can be against me?”
I will stand up
and be
I will choose God’s ways
- and -
I will reject the devil’s ways.
I pray these things
Jesus’ POWERFUL name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
You are a
Warrior for Christ
My Lord,
I come today to celebrate your love for me.
I come today to draw close to you.
I come today to give you my heart and my soul.
It is my desire to honor you.
Scroll down
to see
links to other pages to help you...
We have a whole page of songs
to help you FEEL Loved!
Click here
For all our Addiction pages,
And More Power Music:
And all our Full Armor Prayers:
Also, consider our page:
And our Champions for Christ pages:
Jump to the top of Devotions for Addictions
Let us know if you want more
devotions for addictions.
This Christian Prayers and Devotions for Addictions was posted May 2021.
POWER Prayer for Food Addiction
Updated Page:
New Year Prayer for my Adult Child
Daily Prayer for my
Loved Ones
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
Tips for Walking Supernaturally and victory over offense
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
Our Newsletter
went out
December 4.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms