Psalm 106

Insights into

Psalm 106 verse 3

Part 1 

Psalm 106:3

It says


(happy, fortunate, to be envied)

are those who

observe justice

[treating others fairly]

 and who do right

 and are in right standing with God

at all times.

AMPC version

Blessed - means...

God especially blesses this kind of individual.

The individual described is a righteous person.**

**  Not a perfect person but one who wants to do better and makes it a priority to try to follow God. The Bible calls this "practicing righteousness" - for example in 1 John 2:29 NKJV. 

The Bible

explains to us...

 "For it is you [God] who blesses the righteous man,

O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield."

Psalm 5:12 NASB

Psalm 23

David is referring to God, when he wrote:

He leadeth me

in the paths of


for his name sake.

Psalm 23:3b

The Lord always leads us



So if we are following Him,

we will go toward righteousness.

Part 2

"What would Jesus do?"

That was a popular phrase a few years ago.

The phrase was created to inspire people to follow the Bible. 

If we want to "follow" Jesus, then we are going to have to deal with the topic of "righteousness."

For our prayers,

David teaches us to say:

"Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness."

Psalm 5a KJV

Holy Spirit

Lead Me

The Secret to following the Lord

is continually

Drawing Closer to Him.

But as for me,

I get as close to him [God] as I can! 

Psalm 73:28 TLB

I follow close behind you,

protected by your strong right arm.

Psalm 63:8 TLB

Dear God,

I need to follow You more closely.

Forgive me, Lord, for putting other things in front of you.

I need to draw closer to You.

Today I re-dedicate myself to You.

I re-commit myself to following You and Your Word.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Part 3


James 1:22 TLB

is speaking about the Bible when it says...

And remember, it is a message to obey,

not just to listen to.

So don’t fool yourselves. 

Proverbs 3:21 TLB says...

Wisdom is knowing and doing right.

I submit that we could also say...

Righteousness is knowing and doing right.

Knowing = Revelation (from the Bible)

  Doing = Motivation and action to do what God says

If we believe God's Words, we want to obey them. 

Revelation  and  Motivation are needed.

Revelation + Motivation = Righteous walking with God

Jesus IS our righteousness


Jesus declares that we must make obedience a priority.

Jesus said...

If a man loves me,

he will keep my words:

and my Father will love him,

and we will come unto him,

and make our abode with him.

John 14:23

Jesus said...

 If ye love me,

keep my commandments.

John 14:15

Then Jesus said to His disciples,

"If anyone wishes to come after Me,

he must deny himself and

take up his cross and


Matthew 16:24-25

If you struggle with this page because of sermons you have heard, consider our page:

The New False Jesus being preached

Part 4

Pursue Righteousness

2 Timothy 2:22 NIV


 Flee the evil desires of youth and

pursue righteousness.

Philippians 1:11


 Being filled with the

fruits of righteousness,

which are by Jesus Christ,

unto the glory and praise of God.


I desire to be filled with the

fruits of righteousness.

Lead me, Lord.

I will yield to you.

In Jesus Name I pray,


Part 5 - A Helpful Reminder

Remind Yourself

 - often - 





Your Heart

There are many times each week

when we have to decide in that moment


Jesus or sin

will sit on the throne of our life.


Psalm 89:14 NAS tells us about God's Throne...

"Righteousness and

justice (treating people fairly)

are the foundation of

Your [God's] throne."

Question: What or Who is on your throne today?

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