The Days of Awe

The Jewish

Days of Awe

These are the 10 days between

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


Jesus was a Jew.

Learning about Jewish things blesses me.

I want to share that blessing with you.

This website has pages

to give you insights on

Rosh Hashanah 

Yom Kippur

Feast of Tabernacles

Learning about

The Days of Awe

The Days of Awe

are used by Jews to prepare for

Yom Kippur

which is the Holiest day

on the

Jewish calendar.


The month of Elul comes before these Special Days.

Elul is a time of preparing our hearts

to come closer to God.

Then the first day of the month of Tishri

is Rosh Hashanah.

Then comes the Days of Awe.

Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement.

Feast of Tabernacles is Sukkot

The Days of Awe are

also sometimes called the Days of Fear.


Here is a unique devotional

from a Jewish woman on the Days of Awe.

 Cut and paste into browser...

This website also has other Jewish pages:


Jewish Passover Insights for Easter Reflection

Pentecost- Devotion

The Tabernacle

The Future Third temple

These and other pages are found on our Holiday Page

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