Christian Fitness
Prayer and Encouragement


Christian Fitness Prayer



  to help propel you toward good health.


Exercise is great for our body.


Exercise Goals

focus us on

accomplishing fitness results.


Motivation, Determination, and Self-Control


our fitness successes!


This page contains

3 prayers

and several energizing exercise videos


lots of



The First Prayer for Christian Fitness

Dear Lord,

You are my Creator, and you are my Sustainer. 

You have carefully watched over me all my life, and you even watched over me before I was born.

I praise you for the magnificent body that you have given me.

Lord, I ask that you would bring me the wisdom, motivation, and ability to properly exercise my body. Stir me up to power walk and to do cardio workouts. Stir me up to do lunges, and crunches, and lift weights for the glory of God!

I declare that I will get excited about training my body.

I will rise up and say, "I am going to have a strong body, that is fit and ready to serve the Lord."


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of


Take Note

We also have a page with prayer and lots of tips

for exercise beginners


Senior Citizen Fitness .

It is a helpful page even if you aren't a Senior!

And - Consider our page...

Exercising Praise!

The Second Prayer for Christian Fitness


Mighty God of Strength and Power,

I praise you, Lord.

You are worthy to be praised.

You give me strength, endurance, and flexibility.

You direct my efforts and increase my determination.

You encourage me as I seek to become physically fit.

Thank you for your mercies.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of


Getting Fit 

Years ago

when I was first getting fit


Debbie Siebers video

was the main way I got fit.


I spent several weeks

slowly letting my body get adjusted

by doing some simple exercises.

I wanted my body to get ready to get fit.


I bought some of Debbie's videos.

My favorite one is below.

I was excited

when I recently found out


Youtube had the video.

That video worked great for me.

It really got me fit.

I did add some weight workouts

and an occasional extra ab & cardio.

I became so pleased with my fitness.

In just a few weeks I saw amazing results.

More Debbie Siebers

We advise against Yoga.

See our   Yoga Information   page.

Stretching is important.

Be sure and do a stretching video after exercising.

Fitness Television  

I enjoy exercising with fitness routines I do by television.


I like to exercise along with a

DVD fitness workout


with a

Christian television exercise workout show


a Youtube workout video

One of the shows I enjoy is

Faithful Workouts

Faithful Workouts may be a little too much

if you are just starting out.


Any time you are starting or changing 

your exercise habits,

you need to check with your doctor.

Your doctor's advice is vital in helping you

make good choices.

Faithful Workouts

Fitness TV

A Calm Gentle Stretch video

Next -

A Ten Minute Workout


Faithful Workouts


Do a warm-up first.


Tips to Consider

Tips to Consider

For those who do not like to exercise:


*    Consider making a reasonable goal of how many days a week - and how much time per day -  you will exercise.

*    Be careful not to make goals that you won't be able to attain, and thus you will get discouraged.  (Accomplishing goals - even small ones will bring an uplift to your emotions.)

*    Give yourself encouragement every time you exercise.

*    Also give yourself small goals during your exercise time. Create small goals that you can easily attain, and thus you will feel good about yourself and about exercising.


What does the Word of God say?

1 Timothy 4:8 the Message

Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart.

New Century Version

Training your body helps you in some ways, but serving God helps you in every way by bringing you blessings in this life and in the future life, too.

New Life Version

Growing strong in body is all right but growing in God-like living is more important. It will not only help you in this life now but in the next life also.

Phillips New Testament

Bodily fitness has a certain value, but spiritual fitness is essential both for this present life and for the life to come.

ERV - Easy To Read Version

Training your body helps you in some ways. But devotion to God helps you in every way. It brings you blessings in this life and in the future life too.

Psalm 119:32 TLB


If you will only help me

to want your will,

I will follow your laws even more closely.

Commentary on Psalm 119:32 


God directs us to pray and ask him to change us -

enlarge and transform us -

so that we want what he wants for us!

God is telling us that that is possible!

The prayer below is based on Psalm 119:32

The Third Prayer for

Christian Fitness

Dear God,

Your Word is wonderful. Your Word builds hope!

Psalm 119 even tells me that I can grow to want your will!

I can grow to a place where I want to exercise!

Lord, help me to grow to want your will for my body, so that I will exercise my body properly.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

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Prayer for Good Health page.

Check out all our prayers at our Prayers for All Occasions Page.

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