Prayers for Healing Spiritual Abuse

Prayers for Healing

traumatic abuse

experienced from

an ungodly church official or from other

wicked people and organizations.


Prayers for Healing from the Lord.

Dear Lord,

We pray for those who have been traumatized by ungodly church officials or by satanic rituals or by other terrible wickedness.

We pray that you would heal their mind and their emotions.

We pray that you would release them from all the traumatic harm and hurt that they have experienced in their past.

Break any programming they have received.

Guide them toward being able to handle "facing and/or acknowledging" and "dealing with" what has been done to them.

Uproot the harmful things that have been placed inside of them and heal the things that need to be healed.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

If you have been abused,

we encourage you to rewrite the prayers and change

them so that they are personal to you. 


For example, instead of

"heal their mind and their emotions"

it would be changed to

"heal my mind and my emotions."

Dear Lord,

We pray for those who have been traumatized by spiritual abuse.

Give them guidance as to who to trust as they seek help. 

Give them comfort.

Give them assurance of your love.

Give them revelations of your love.

Guide their thoughts in order to bring them hope and help.

In the loving name of Jesus we pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

We pray for those who have been traumatized by spiritual abuse.

Father, hurtful people have programmed them not to trust and not to remember.

Help them to hear what they need to hear in order to trust you deeply.

Teach them how to live in more openness with you.

Help them to deeply understand that you are their very best friend and that you will always stand by them.

In the loving name of Jesus we pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

We pray for those who have been traumatized by horrendous abuse.

We pray your healing over what was done to their mind, what was done to their body, what was done to their emotions, and what was done to their will. 

Take them down a pathway of release and healing. 

May each day be a step closer to the freedom that is their destiny. 

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

Dear Lord,

We pray for those who have been traumatized by terrible abuse.

We pray for their freedom. We pray that you would release them from all the pain and all the damage that was caused. 

Release them, Lord.

Guide them down your healing path.

Release them and help them to feel comfortable running into your arms.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2018 Beth McLendon of

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