Psalm 128

Psalm 128

In this beautiful psalm,

God give us a picture

of his heart 

to bless us.


This psalm expresses God's perfect will.


There is a big difference


God's perfect will and his permissive will.

We explain on this page: Here

For example,

God's perfect will 

is that everyone

love God and follow God closely all the days of their life.

This Psalm is not a guarantee from God

but instead,

it is

God revealing his heart to us.

Below is a

Psalm 128 song

and then

the rest of the page has insights into

how to



blessings of

Psalm 128

Psalm 128 AMPC version

Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is everyone who fears, reveres, and worships the Lord, who walks in His ways and lives according to His commandments.

For you shall eat [the fruit] of the labor of your hands; happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) shall you be, and it shall be well with you.

Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the innermost parts of your house; your children shall be like olive plants round about your table.

Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord.

May the Lord bless you out of Zion [His sanctuary], and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life;

Yes, may you see your children’s children. Peace be upon Israel!

God's Perfect Will
for us

God's perfect will for us is that we

"Fear the Lord."


We respect him and worship him and obey him.

For a more complete understanding

of the "Fear of the Lord"

please click - Here

God tells us that

for those who love and obey him,

(for those who live for him)

he wants abundant blessings.

God's perfect will is that

we surrender our life to him.

God's perfect will

for those

who closely follow him


That they experience

joy and happiness and contentment.

That they have peace with God and his Word.

That they experience good results in their daily work and their career.

That their relationships are harmonious.

That their relationships give glory to God.

That they and their loved ones are healthy.

That they experience long life.

And to use other words:

God's perfect will is...

We have a close, personal relationship with God.

We read his Word daily and pray daily.

We develop a heart that wants to obey him.

Our family loves God and shows love to each other.

The work we do is fulfilling and fruitful.

We experience abundant health.

Psalm 90:14 says...

O satisfy us early with thy mercy;

that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

Satisfy us early...

I see that phrase as a call for us

and our loved ones

to come to the Lord early in life

so that

we can rejoice and enjoy God

and reap the benefits of godly living -

all throughout our life. 

Psalm 119:1-2 NCV 


Happy are those who live pure lives,
    who follow the Lord’s teachings.

Happy are those who keep his rules,
    who try to obey him with their whole heart.

Here are

some of the

things that come against

God's Perfect will for our life.

* Our choices  (Discussed in the next section.)

* The sinfulness of our heart

 * The sinfulness of others  - which affects us in various ways.

 * The curse that came upon the earth after Adam and Eve sinned - For example, we now have sicknesses & diseases that attack our body, we now have turbulent weather that creates dangers to us & to food crops, etc.


Our choices make a Big difference

Our choices

make a big difference 

in our life.


Our choices

are often affected

by our

lack of knowledge.

God says...

My people are


for lack of knowledge.

Hosea 4:6 a

Lack of Knowledge - We need Revelation from God's Word to know how to choose right.

Then - We need Motivation to choose right.

The second reason

we make

bad choices

is because of 

the sinfulness of our heart.


Our choices

are often affected by

the sinfulness of our heart.

* * * 


We often know the right thing to do

and yet

we choose to do the wrong thing.


* * * 

We need to develop


to make right choices.

We need Revelation and Motivation - See our page on this topic.

Jesus said,

" The one who obeys me 

is the one

who loves me."

John 14:21

God wants us to read

Psalm 128

and get inspired to follow God more closely


blessings for our life

and to

inspire our loved ones

so they do not have to make our mistakes.

God wants us to

increase our Bible reading and prayer.

God wants us to sincerely seek

to know him better and follow him more fully.

Note that:

As we anchor our life on Jesus,

and follow his Scriptures,

we will find MORE contentment in our job.

Colossians 3:17 TLB


And whatever you do or say,

let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus,

As we anchor our life on Jesus,

and follow his Scriptures,

we will seek out friends

who love the Lord,

and our relationships will grow

closer and closer

to God's perfect will.

As we anchor our life on Jesus,

and follow his Scriptures,

we will only date people

who have a love and dedication

to the Bible and Jesus Christ.  

And we will seek to

build a friendship and romance that is God honoring.

In that kind of relationship,

we will see more and more of God's perfect will.

Dating Tips for Christian Women

Dating Insights for Christian Men

Dating Comments from Men and Women

If we marry...

God's perfect will is... that...

As we anchor our life on Jesus,

and follow his Scriptures,

and learn to be a more godly husband or wife -

we will find more harmony and peace in our home.

We will perceive the value of

praying for our spouse


reading the Bible with our spouse


worshipping with our spouse.

Take note:

If you are married and you have marriage troubles

click: Here

We have

Prayers for my Husband   and   Prayers for my Wife.

For All our Marriage pages, click: Here

If we have children...

God's perfect will is...that...

As we raise children in a way that

honor's God's word,

we will have children

that sing songs about God,

enjoy hearing Bible stories,

run to God for guidance,

grow in their kindness to others,

and grow in their prayer life.

In all these things,

we will see more and more of God's perfect will.

Oh, how I wish

when I was a child,

I had adults in my life

who were hungry for the blessings in Psalm 128


who helped me

to attain its blessings.

God's Perfect will for Parents

God's Word says...

Always remember these commands I give you today. 

Teach them to your children, and
talk about them
when you sit at home
and walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up. 

Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you, 

and write them on your doors and gates.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 NCV

Parents -

Teach your child to love the Bible

Surround your child with Scripture.

(Pray about Home Schooling... Schools are anti-God.)

Help for raising godly children: click here

As we seek God's Word about

Health -

we will learn more and more about

how to stay healthy.

We will learn more and more about

how to live a balanced life with

plenty of rest and plenty of good food choices.

We will learn how to use prayer and Scriptures

to bless our bodies with increased health.

Our Newest Page:

Practical Steps to experience God's Healing

More of our Pages:

Psalm 103 Healing Prayer

Daily Healing Inspiration

We will not have perfect health on this side of heaven,

but making godly choices

does produce the good fruit of greater health. 

In all these things,

we will not see perfection.

We may even live far from perfection.

But God guarantees that...

if you love him and put him first and seek to follow him -

your life WILL be better than

if you did not do those things.


our rewards from God

are not all on this side of heaven.

There are GREAT rewards

for faithfulness to God

on the other side of this life. 

This Psalm is written

to make us hungry for more blessings from God. 

A Peaceful Song

based on

Psalm 128

This psalm tells us of some of

God's intended blessings

to those who have a

love for him and a

proper attitude of fear of the Lord.

Note for:

FEAR of the Lord

also see section on page Psalm 25

For all our Psalm pages click: Here

Jump to the top of Psalm 128

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Prayer for my Future

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True meaning of
Touch not God's anointed


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Talking to the Dead is Forbidden 

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The Bible verse of Champions

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October 31


Protecting Children from the Occult

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Psalm list

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Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Victory, Power Prayer

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Increasing JOY


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Help for HOW to Forgive

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How to
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