The Unpardonable Sin
What is it?
This is an important issue
that causes many to be afraid.
This page will help you understand.
I encourage you to read this entire page
to gain clarification
so you have a good grasp on this subject matter.
First -
I'll give a quick look at what it isn't.
Look at 1-4 below.
Here I quickly debunk a couple of
incorrect answers
that you often hear people believing.
1. It is not doing some grave sin like murder. David did that.
(It is not a gross, vile sin or committing a series of gross vile sins.)
2. Peter denied Jesus so that wasn't the unpardonable sin.
3. It is not honestly judging incorrectly. For example, attributing something Jesus did to the devil. Paul did that.
4. And it is not turning your back on Jesus and betraying him - Peter did that.
Further down
I will deal more fully with "what it isn't"
debunk more incorrect theories.
Let's look at...
What IS the Unpardonable Sin?
The Unpardonable Sin
- also called The Unforgiveable Sin -
is mentioned in....
Mark 3:28-29
Matthew 12:32
Luke 12:10
Please read those verses and then read my explanation.
To Begin....
Let's be clear
The only sins
you cannot
repent and be forgiven of
Taking the Mark of the Beast
Please see our Mark of the Beast page.
Committing The Unpardonable Sin
Take Note:
I do not believe that
The Sin unto Death
is related to
The Unpardonable Sin.
I explain
"The Sin unto Death"
at the bottom of the page.
I have studied this topic and
I am fully convinced
of my assertions on this page.
I could be wrong.
It is up to you
to consider my words
make your own assessment.
God wants each of us
to study for ourselves
the important questions that deal with God.
God says to us...
Study to shew thyself
approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing
the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
A person
can commit
Unpardonable Sin
Two Ways.
The First Way
is also known
The Sin of Unbelief
Unbelief - as opposed to - Belief
This way means:
You never repent and believe
in Jesus as your Savior & Lord.
You never receive Jesus as your Savior and LORD.
** Note that **
trying to follow Jesus in obedience.
The Holy Spirit is called
The Helper.
The Holy Spirit
convicts people of
The Holy Spirit
someone of sin
who is not a Christian
that person
repenting and deciding
to believe and follow Jesus
- then -
that person is talking against The Holy Spirit.
That person
resists, rejects, and insults
The Holy Spirit.
that person dies
in that condition,
that person will go to hell.
In John 16:7-8,
Jesus explains that
The Holy Spirit will come to believers
Jesus dies on the cross.
Jesus says,
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth.
It is to your advantage that I go away;
for if I do not go away,
the Helper will not come to you;
if I depart, I will send Him to you.
And when He has come,
He will convict the world of sin,
and of righteousness, and of judgment.
To blaspheme" The Holy Spirit
the conviction of their sin
( spoken to them by the Holy Spirit)
and instead
unrepentant throughout their life
and die in that state of mind.
There is
no pardon,
either in this age or in the age to come,
people who reject
The Holy Spirit’s conviction
- to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord -
in unbelief.
That is more completely explained in our page -
See Important Note below.
Many people
think THEY HAVE received
as Savior and Lord
and they haven't.
In Matthew 7:13-14
Jesus says that
the way to heaven is narrow and most people go to hell.
In Matthew 7:21-23
Jesus tells us that
many people
will think
they are following Jesus and are going to heaven
and they are not.
Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV
Jesus says,
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter
the kingdom of heaven,
he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day,
‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
23 And then I will declare to them,
‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"
Let me
Lawlessness vs. Righteousness
Lawlessness - is practicing Sin
Righteousness - is practicing obeying God.
Obedience is an important goal.
James 1:22 TLB
In this verse, God is talking about his Scriptures...
"It is a message to obey, not just to listen to."
Let me explain in more detail....
A KEY Word is Practice |
![]() |
you have given your life to Jesus
and thus
have a
saving knowledge
of Jesus Christ
obeying Jesus
like you would
a musical instrument
that you truly want to get better at playing.
You will never be perfect
- until -
you walk through the gates of heaven
you will get better at it!!!
Here is a
Helpful Youtube short video
on this topic.
I do not know how to put a Youtube short on this page.
cut and paste into your browser.
John 16
tells us what the Holy Spirit does.
people MUST understand how to evaluate -
they are right with God
they evaluate
find out
they are not right with God......then....
Then -
They need to know
to get right with God.
You must get right with God
your last breath.
Upon your death....
The sin of unbelief cannot be forgiven.
The Second Way
to do
The Unpardonable Sin
You have received Jesus as Savior and Lord
- yet -
at some point.....
You willfully walk away from Jesus
do not return to Jesus
repentance and renewed dedication and devotion
before your death
you have committed the unpardonable sin.
God will not make you stay with him.
shut him out of your life.
1 Timothy 4:1
tell us that
some people WILL depart from the faith.
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times
some will depart from the faith..."
Many other Scriptures also say that.
Here are some of them...
Galatians 1:6, 2 Peter 3:17, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Hebrews 3:12, Matthew 24:12
The rest of this section all the way to the Bible picture
is from an article in Z3News by James Bailey...
Why would the Bible warn us not to drift away from God
there are no consequences of drifting away?
The warning is clear,
we neglect our salvation we will not escape judgment.
So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him,
“If you continue in My word,
you are truly disciples of Mine;
you will know the truth,
the truth will make you free.”
(John 8:31-32 NASB)
Comments: In verse 31, Jesus clearly states a condition for being his disciple. Only those who continue following his word are truly his disciples.
If this is true then the flip side of it is also true. Those who do not continue to follow the word are no longer his disciple and will not know the truth.
Comments: The word ‘abide’ comes from the Hebrew word ‘meno’, which is defined as ‘to remain, to sojourn, not to depart, tarry, to continue to be present, to stay with.
God will not force you to love him.
(See John 14:23)
You have freewill
even after
you accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.
that is
and you die
repenting and making things right with God,
you will have committed the unpardonable sin.
You must
get right with God before your last breath.
you get saved and later walk away -
you can get right with God again
repentance and rededication.
And even if
you later walk away AGAIN -
you can get right with God again
through repentance and rededication.
(Before you die, God always has his arms open to you.)
walking away from God is a serious matter.
It hardens your heart toward God.
It makes it very hard to hear The Holy Spirit.
You could die suddenly
and have no time
to get right with God!!
Wisdom says
we need to be determined to......
Be a person
God can easily get our attention.
Some people
The Unpardonable Sin
by just
put off
getting right with God -
and then
die unexpectedly.
Some people
put off
repenting and receiving
Jesus as Savior and Lord.
Some people keep thinking, "I'll do it tomorrow."
Sometimes tomorrow doesn't come.
Here is a Christian Movie link...
A movie of refusing to repent and give your life to Jesus.
A movie of
putting off getting right with God till it's too late.
This is a good movie
to use
to teach your teens about temptations
and the dangers of sin.
Cut and paste in browser.
I have heard many opinions
of what
The Unpardonable Sin
are incorrect.
Here is a big key....
Any theory
the definition
of this sin
cannot be true
- the writer of most of the New Testament books -
committed that sin.
And the same is true
Peter or David committed that sin
or any other Bible character that we KNOW is in heaven.
For example,
Some say the unpardonable sin is attributing to the devil
the works of the Holy Spirit does.
Paul did that before he accepted Jesus as Savior.
Another example,
Some say it is when a person has a wrong belief
about the Holy Spirit.
Paul did that before he accepted Jesus as Savior.
A Third example,
Some say attributing works of Jesus to the devil.
Paul did that before he accepted Jesus as Savior.
A Fourth example,
Some people say that it is
a really bad sin like
adultery, or murder, or denying Jesus
threatened with persecution.
committed adultery and murder and he is in heaven.
assisted in murder.
denied Jesus when he thought
he was going to be threatened with persecution
and yet he is in heaven.
can't be the
Unpardonable Sin.
Some say The Unpardonable Sin can only be committed
Jesus was on earth.
that raises the question...
" Why would it be written in the New Testament? "
The New Testament wasn't written
until after Jesus died.
So that can't be it.
Some people say - it was only possible to be committed by those who saw Jesus in the flesh when he was on earth.
I disagree -
First let's realize that ALL the Bible books that talk of this sin were written after Jesus is dead.
So the term would not apply to anyone reading the Gospels.
In fact, for this theory to be true,
anyone who HAD committed that sin
would already have committed it
and so
the warning
would be of no use to them or anyone else.
The writers of the Bible (human beings under the inspiration of God) would have no reason to inform people of this sin.
It can't be
any sin that
Paul did before he became a follower of Jesus.
any sin that
any faithful Bible character
before he or she
became a follower of Jesus.
It can't be just saying something
awful about
The Holy Spirit.
Many people
have done that and then gotten saved.
Consider This:
Jesus warned us to be careful of being deceived.
He wouldn't tell us to be careful
not to be deceived
and then
eternally punish us
for thinking
someone is doing a miracle
by the
works of the devil instead of by the power of God.
I say that.....
Jesus is emphatic about us
being wary
not only of
false teachers and prophets
but also
to be wary about a man
who is
the anti-Christ
and another man who is
the false prophet.
Both of them
miracles and attribute them to God.
So thinking that
be doing miracles by the devil
is a good way
to be careful
about the anti-Christ
or about anyone
who may or may not
be doing God's work.
We are not to be gullible.
We need to use
our brain
think things through.
Saul / Paul was teaching
that the
followers of Jesus were evil -
meaning from the devil.
So Saul was essentially saying that Jesus was from the devil.
Saul was deceived.
Later Saul encountered Jesus and was saved.
Then he changed his name to Paul.
So calling Jesus the devil
was not
the unpardonable sin.
The words "Holy Spirit" were not mentioned
from Jesus
on this topic
at the one verse
recorded in three books....
Matthew 12:31
Mark 3:28-30
Luke 12:10
Blasphemy OF the Holy Spirit.....
you see
The Holy Spirit
and you think
"That is the devil"
how are you going to be saved?
The only way you get saved
by the Holy Spirit drawing you.
So if the Holy Spirit draws you and you say,
"That is the devil drawing me
and I am going to reject that,"
then you cannot be saved.
didn't say
they HAD committed
the sin of blasphemy -
indicated that
they were living in a dangerous way
concerning this topic.
If you are so opposed to the
Holy Spirit's work
that you cannot recognize it -
and you refuse to change that stance -
you will be going to hell.
It is interesting
Jesus spoke to them
to wake them
out of this stupor of rebellion that they were in.
any of you
are loyal
to the biblical Jesus
and are
that you have committed this sin -
the fact
that you are worried and sorrowful
and ready to repent
you think you may have done that sin -
you have not done that sin.
That is
you have a clear knowledge
of what it means
to be saved from hell.
See: Explaining Salvation
So saying bad things about The Holy Spirit
is not the unpardonable sin.
If you do that,
you can later change and welcome
The Holy Spirit
who you now know better
and you now value and respect.
All of us have grieved the Holy Spirit.
All of us have resisted the Holy Spirit.
That is not unpardonable.
We resist the Holy Spirit
every time we intentionally sin.
First of all -
Jesus was not saying that the Pharisees were doomed.
He was telling them to open their ears
realize their wrong thinking.
As he said, "Your own people cast out demons."
He said that to get them thinking logically.
He is actually saying,
"You are not being logical.
You are not seeking God with your whole heart. "
John 16:7-8
If you are unwilling to hear the Holy Spirit
and ask for forgiveness and get right with God -
and you die,
then you have committed the unpardonable sin.
People like
tell people NOT to ask for forgiveness
of a current sin.
Joseph Prince is terribly wrong.
Being a believer and not repenting for months or years
makes your heart
grow harder and more easily rebellious
toward God.
Joseph Prince
does not even have
the right understanding of how to get to heaven.
Beware of him.
See our Joseph Prince page.
An Important Point
Jesus healed people
who were
controlled by one or more demons
who got them to do terrible things.
Do you not think a demon
would have
had the person
commit the unpardonable sin
if it was one particular sin?
The unforgiveable sin is rejecting Salvation.
Jesus IS Salvation.
Many people see
the work of Jesus in salvation as disdainful
or just
unworthy of their attention and devotion.
What is the Sin unto death?
The Bible gives us very little on this topic.
I may or may not have clarity on this issue.
I will tell you what I firmly believe - at this time.
1 John 5:16 - explained...
If anyone sees his brother
sinning a sin which does not lead to death,
he will ask, and He will give him life
for those who commit sin not leading to death.
There is sin leading to death.
I do not say that he should pray about that.
is the only explanation
that makes any sense to me.
I believe there are times
when God has decided
to not heal someone
who refuses to do
what God wants him to do to STAY well -
God decides not to do a big miracle
for the person.
his sinful habit becomes a sin unto death.
I will tell you by giving you an example.
Let's say you know someone who is a smoker.
That person gets lung cancer.
Let's say that the person is convicted by God
to give up smoking.
the person refuses.
Let's say that
someone in his church is praying for the man
to be healed.
And God says,
"No, don't pray for him.
If I heal him, he will just keep smoking and his cancer will return so I am not going to heal him."
I do not believe that it means that the person is going to hell for not quitting smoking.
I just believe there are times when God is not going to heal someone who refuses to do what God wants him to do to STAY well - so God is not going to do a big miracle for the person.
Roman 8:12-13 NKJV
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh,
to live according to the flesh.
13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die;
but if
by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body,
you will live.
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