Praying the Scriptures

Praying the Scriptures

Daily Inspirational Thoughts


Bless Your Life

This is a TWO-WEEK devotional

Inspirational Thoughts

from your host Beth McLendon

Take note:

Here is a link to the

New Testament KJV being read continually

This Week's Topic -

Praying the Scriptures



God says:

"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.

Is there anything too hard for Me?"

Jeremiah 32:27  NKJV


Thinking about


above verse


change our life.


Dear God,

I will remind myself today

that nothing is too hard for you.

I will remind myself today

that you are a

God of miracles.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

When we believe that God is a God of miracles,

we pray differently!

Dear God,

When I pray,

I will pray

like you really


a God of miracles!




"Delight yourself also in the Lord,

And He shall give you the desires of your heart."

Psalm 37:4 NKJV


My Lord,

I delight in you this day.

I delight in your divine love that sought me and brought me to salvation.

I delight in your divine peace that assures me of my eternal home.

I delight in your healing mercies that have given me testimonies of overcoming weaknesses and sicknesses.

I delight in your provision that gives me my daily bread.

I delight in your friendship that daily shares my joys and my sorrows.

I delight in your wisdom that guides me toward your will and your ways.

I delight in your protection that goes before me and covers me from behind.

Lord, I delight in you, and I thank you for all your wonderful gifts to me.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

I delight to do Your will, O God.

Psalm 40:8a NKJV

Psalm 119 Prayer

With my whole heart

I have sought You;

Oh, let me not wander from Your


Your word I have hidden in my heart,

That I might not sin against You.

Blessed are You, O Lord!

Psalm 119:10-12a NKJV


It is good for me to

draw near

to God.

Psalm 73:28a

(Lyrics at the bottom of the page.)

Heavenly Father,

It is good for me to draw near to you.

I will intentionally draw near to you.

I will get as close to you as I can.

I have chosen you.

I will live for you.

You are

the one

who inspires my heart and transforms my life.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of

Psalm 73:28 TLB

But as for me,

I get as close to him as I can!

I have chosen him, and I will tell everyone

about the wonderful ways

he rescues me.



I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.

Yes, I will bless the Lord and

not forget the glorious things he does for me.

Psalm 103:1-2 TLB

Dear Lord,

You have done many glorious things for me. 

Thank you!

Today I will spend some quality time remembering the glorious things you have done for me.




Psalm 119:32 TLB


If you will only help me

to want your will,

I will

follow your laws

even more closely.

Commentary on Psalm 119:32 


God directs us

to pray and ask him

to change us - enlarge and

transform us -

So that

we want what he wants for us!

God is telling us that that is possible!

The prayer below is based on

Psalm 119:32.

I encourage you to

adapt this prayer

to meet other needs in your life.

Prayer for Christian Fitness

Dear God,

Your Word is wonderful. Your Word builds hope!

Psalm 119 even tells me that I can grow to want your will!

I can grow to a place where I want to exercise!

Lord, help me to grow to want your will for my body, so that I will exercise my body properly.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of


Consider our page - Christian Fitness


Praying the Scriptures    Continued



is part of following God.


Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and

he shall strengthen thine heart:

wait, I say, on the LORD.

Psalm 27:14 KJV

The LORD is good unto them that wait for him,

to the soul that seeketh him.

It is good that a man should both hope

and quietly wait

for the salvation of the Lord.

Lamentations 3:25-26 KJV

Receiving from the Lord

God's promises are not automatic.

We have to speak them out-loud.

We have to pray the promises.

And we have to wait on the Lord to fulfill his promises.

Sometimes we have to wait a long time.


Praying the Scriptures about Waiting

Heavenly Father,

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Your Word teaches me wisdom and fills me with newness of life.

As I come to you today, I bring my needs to you. Help me to lay down all my problems at your feet. Help me to lay down all my tangled thoughts and restless emotions.

Lord, I am seeking your peace and your patience. I want to learn to wait patiently for you to bring your answers to my prayers. I want to cooperate with your plans for me. Thank you for assuring me that your plans for me are good.

As I wait on you, I will continue to turn to your Word for comfort and direction. Your Word is solid and reliable.

Your Word steadies me. Your Word brings me truth.  Your Word gives me strength. Your Word chases away my worry and my fears. Your Word refreshes me.

Thank you for your Word.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

Scripture:  Psalm 119:105 and Jeremiah 29:11

Taken from our page called Prayers for Patience.



The word of God teaches us that:

The effectual fervent prayer

of a righteous man

availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the power of prayer.

Thank you that my prayers lasso the power of God.

My prayers are energized by the very Holy Spirit that
produced this world.

Grant me a new, fresh season of prayer in my life.

May my prayers be spoken containers that hold the
essence of your heart.


Copyright © 2004 Beth McLendon of



Psalm 19:14 teaches us to say:

May the words of my mouth

and the

thoughts that I think

be pleasing to you, Lord.

Praying the Scriptures:

Lord of Miracles,

I pray to you.

May the words of my mouth and the thoughts that I think
be pleasing to you.

Bring me your strength, Lord.

I will seek to obey you.


Copyright ©2013 Beth McLendon of



God tells us in many places in Scripture

to teach the Bible

to our children and grandchildren.

Most people ignore that truth


need to improve in doing it.

Will you pray about that today?

Dear God,

Your Word tells me to read the Bible to my children and grandchildren.

Your Word tells me to teach them Bible stories and Bible principles.

I am not going to ignore you in this area any more.

I am rededicating myself to teaching my children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. about you.

I will make it a priority to do that.

I will learn how to do that.

God, I will also teach them how to pray.

I will pray with them and for them. 

And I will become a better Christian model for them.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

We have many pages about this topic.

For example:

Family Devotions


Teen Devotions

Family Devotional Ideas

and our page

Bible Devotions

"And these words which I command you today

shall be in your heart. 

You shall teach them


to your children,


shall talk of them when you sit

in your house,

when you walk by the way,

when you lie down, and

when you rise up."

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 NKJV


Praying for our Children


Song by Meredith Andrews

"Draw me Nearer"

For your nearness, Lord, I hunger.
For your nearness, Lord I wait.
Hold me ever closer, Father.
Such a love I can't escape.

For your nearness I am hoping.
For your nearness, Lord, I long.
Have no need of any other.
I have found where I belong.
Yes, I have found where I belong. 

So draw me nearer, Lord.
Never let me go.
Closer to your heart.
Draw me nearer, Lord.
Draw me nearer, Lord.

In your nearness there is healing.
What was broken now made whole.
Restoration in its fullness.
Lasting hope for all who come.

In your nearness I take shelter.
Where you are is where I'm home.
I have need of only one thing
To be here before your throne.
To be here before your throne.

So draw me nearer, Lord
Never let me go.
Closer to your heart
Draw me nearer, Lord.

Draw me nearer, Lord.
Never let me go
Closer to your heart.
Draw me nearer, Lord.
Draw me nearer, Lord.

And keep me here; keep me here.
There's nowhere else I rather be
So keep me here; keep me here.
There's nowhere else I rather be.
There's nowhere else I rather be.

So draw me nearer, Lord.
Never let me go.
Closer to your heart.
Draw me nearer, Lord.
Draw me nearer, Lord
Draw me nearer my Lord.


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Praying the Scriptures updated February 2024.

Praying the Scriptures originally presented June 1, 2015

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