Prayer for the Weary

Prayer for the Weary


to uplift us


we deal with things

that are 

taking a toll on us.


This is a page written specifically for Christians who live for Jesus.

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The beloved song

"Amazing Grace"

has the following words:

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
We have already come
T'was grace that brought us safe
thus far

And grace will lead us home.

Dangers, Toils, and Snares

What are you dealing with right now?

What is it that is taking a toll on you?

It might be:

Your Health Issues

Unresolved Relationships

Marital Difficulties

Financial Pressures


A Rebellious child or Unsaved loved one

This Prayer Page

is for all those needs and more.


This path I am walking on

is rough and uphill.

First Prayer for the Weary


Prayer for Christians

who are Weary

Dear Lord,

I am coming before you crying out for your help.

I close my eyes and find myself kneeling at the cross.

Yes, I have the assurance of eternal salvation.... but
my body, my mind, and my emotions are weary.

The roads I have been traveling seem long and hard and desolate.

It feels like I am at a breaking point.

I bring my tired, worn-out feelings to you.

I bring my pains, my hurts, my burdens, and my concerns to you.

I bring all my stress, my sorrow, and my sadness to you.

I want to leave them here at the cross.

Scoop me up and rescue me this day from the plots and plans of the enemy.

I need your divine direction.

I cry out for help.

I am coming before you with an empty cup asking you to fill my cup with your provision and your encouragement.

Fill me with strength.

Uplift me with thoughts of hope.

Keep me moving forward, and bless me with refreshing rest along your pathway.

Loving Lord, look at me and take note of those things I so desperately need and be merciful to me this day.

Flow your abundant compassion toward my weaknesses and my needs.

May your tenderness reach out and overwhelm me.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of


Come and Rescue me.


By faith I believe that you are strengthening me.

And when I am afraid.....

Though I walk in the midst of trouble,

You will revive me. 

Psalm 138:7a NKJV


Direct my attention

Loving Lord,

I am seeking to draw close to you.

I am learning to receive strength and help from you.

Direct my attention
to things that will bless me.

Direct my attention
to the encouragement
that you strategically place in my day.

Direct my attention
to the beauty of this world
that it may delight me and refresh me.

Direct my attention
to inspiring music
that has the ability to
capture my emotions and carry them upward.

Direct my attention
to the little miracles of joy
and the
explosions of laughter
that you want me to experience.

Direct my attention, Lord.


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of

A Prayer

taken from Psalm 62.

I stand silently before the Lord,

waiting for him to rescue me.

For salvation comes from him alone.

Yes, he alone is my Rock,

my rescuer, defense and fortress.

Psalm 62:5 - 6a TLB

Also consider our pages:

Prayer during Suffering

Save me from This

Prayer in Times of Crisis

Hymns that Help Heal

Gaining Strength: Full Armor of God

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