Hannah's Prayer
inspires us
continue asking and expecting
God to bless us!
Her Prayer
inspires us to
ask, seek, and knock.
The prayer, and the story behind it,
remind us that God wants to give us the desires of our heart.
Note that:
Prayer for women
want to have children
is written
at the end of this Bible devotion.
for empathy to help you deal with
the emotions of waiting for a baby,
consider our
Hannah came before the Lord
many times
her desire for a baby.
Most of her words are not recorded.
Scripture does share some of her suffering.
We know that she was
overwhelmed with anguish
as she meditated on the empty arms
that longed for the joy of a baby.
“And she was in bitterness of soul,
and prayed to the Lord
and wept in anguish.”
1 Samuel 1:10
Year after year she waited for a baby.
What made waiting even worse
was that
her husband's other wife, Peninnah, easily had children.
Scripture also tells us that Hannah was tormented by Peninnah's attitudes and words.
“And her rival
also provoked her severely, to make her miserable.”
1 Samuel 1:6a NKJV
At one point,
Hannah is noticed by Eli the priest at the tabernacle.
Hannah had come to the Lord
with a new prayer.
She not only asked for a child
but she vowed that
if God gave her a child,
she would give him back to the Lord.
She offered God the very thing that was most important to her.
Hannah's prayer was misinterpreted by Eli.
Hannah is seen
crying and praying and imploring the Lord
to give her a child.
Hannah is so distressed
that she appears to be drunk.
Eli comes to her and says,
“How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away from you!”
But Hannah answered and said,
“No, my lord, I am a woman of
sorrowful spirit.
I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink,
but have
poured out my soul before the Lord.”
To Hannah's surprise,
Eli tells her that God is going to grant her petition.
God enjoys
giving us the desires of our heart.
God's advice to those who want a baby?
Prayer will not only it will bring a baby quicker,
it will also prepare a
future mother and father for the baby.
Prayer is not just about what we want.
It is also about preparing us for what we want.
Hannah's prayer, and the story behind
are used to encourage us to trust God with our desires.
We pray that the following prayer
will also encourage you and bless you
as you wait upon the Lord for your little one.
Prayer for Women who want a Child
You are the one from whom all blessings flow. You are the one who knows our deepest desires, and you are the one who is able to fulfill them.
Lord, you are the life-giver.
We come to you fervently asking for your supernatural grace to touch this woman and open her womb.
Prepare her body to easily receive the tiny bundle that she is longing for. Protect her body as the little one grows inside her womb. Enable her to carry her baby to full term and experience a normal birth. Father God, insure that her baby enters the world as a healthy, full-term child.
We lift up this prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Second Prayer
for a woman
to pray who wants a child
You are the one from whom all blessings flow.
Thank you for all my blessings.
You are the one who knows my deepest desires, and you are the one who is able to fulfill them.
Lord, you are the life-giver.
I come to you fervently asking for your supernatural grace to touch me and open my womb.
Prepare my body to easily receive the tiny bundle that I am longing for. Protect my body as my little one grows inside my womb. Enable me to carry my baby to full term and experience a normal birth.
Father God, I ask you to insure that my baby enters the world as a healthy, full-term child.
Thank you, Lord. I give you glory, honor, and praise.
I lift up this prayer, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
We, at Inspirational-Prayers, believe in the power of prayer and
we pray aggressively.
The Lord tells us to boldly come to his throne.
Hebrews 4:16
we want to remind you that
we cannot guarantee prayer results.
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