A Scary Sight
The Falling Away
2 Thessalonians 2:3
And the rise of multitudes of
False Teachers
The Bible tells us
shortly before
comes back to earth,
there will be a
falling away.
Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come,
except there come a
falling away first
2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV
Falling Away
Falling Away From Following the Bible
One of the most
visible signs
of the
end times
is the
falling away of
Christian preachers and Christian denominations.
The Bible tells us that people who call themselves
"Followers of Jesus Christ"
will be
falling away
from following the Bible.
They will not value the Words of God in the Bible.
This includes Old Testament and the New Testament.
The Bereans listened to Paul's teaching
and then checked with the Old Testament
to see if what he said matched up.
The Bible gives PRAISE to the Bereans.
Acts 17:10-12
In the book of Revelation,
our resurrected Savior and Lord
Jesus Christ
praised the
Philadelphia church
they kept His Word
and did not deny His Name.
Kept His Word means Obeyed His Word.
They sincerely tried to obey the Bible.
That pleases the Lord.
Jesus was NOT happy
with 5 other churches listed.
Jesus told the church members that
Jesus told each of the five that if they did not repent, there would be consequences. Jesus told the Church of Ephesus in Revelation 2:5 that they must repent or
he was going to remove their lampstand.
It may or may not be related but...
what happened
in Matthew 25
to the 5 foolish virgins -
their lamp went out and they were shut out.
The door was shut.
Note that
affirmed the truth of all the Old Testament.
put his stamp of approval on the Old Testament.
One Example:
Matthew 5:17-19
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
The following article has multitudes of examples.
Many preachers
Andy Stanley
no longer teach
that the Bible is true.
For example,
Andy says
there are myths in the Bible!
Andy twists Scriptures.
Andy wants to
"unhitch" which means throw out
the Old Testament.
Andy has become a
False Teacher.
I attended one of Andy Stanley's churches years ago. This hits home for me.
Again I say
put his stamp of approval on the Old Testament.
never moved away from the Old Testament.
For example:
2 Peter 2:6
Also see this article for lots of examples...
wrote most of the New Testament.
Paul affirmed that
the Old Testament was vital and reliable
and the
basis for the New Testament.
See article below...
an excerpt from an article listed below.
It's obvious from
[what I just wrote in the previous paragraph]
that Paul used the Hebrew Scriptures
to support his teaching.
In fact, he constantly used the Old Testament
as the authority for his teaching!
What did Paul expressly say about those same Scriptures?
• In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 he writes:
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God
[literally 'God-breathed'],
and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof,
for correction,
for instruction in righteousness,
that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work."
The "Scripture" here,
known to Timothy since childhood
(2 Timothy 3:15),
could only have been the Old Testament
2 Timothy 4:3 TLB
"For there is going to come a time
when people
won't listen to the truth
but will go around
looking for teachers
who will tell them just what they want to hear."
We have arrived.
Consider our page on
1 Timothy 4:1 NKJV
Now the Spirit expressly says
that in latter times
some will depart from the faith,
giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of his return,
he said in Matthew 24,
"Do not be deceived...."
One sign of the end times is deception in the church.
The words of the Bible
are becoming
less and less important in churches today.
Life Quote:
Truth is what GOD says is Truth...
No matter what someone else tells you,
No matter what you believe,
No matter what you feel,
No matter what your experience.
The Falling Away
is happening
at the national level or upper leadership
of all
the Protestant church denominations
and the Catholic church leadership.
are falling away -
each with their own bold or subtle way.
the falling away
is the
embracing of what the world says
instead of what the Bible says.
whoever wants to be a
friend of the world
makes himself an enemy of God.
James 4:4 b NASB
We yield to God
we yield to the world.
The Methodist denomination is falling apart.
This has been happening for years, but it is so pronounced now that news organizations are commenting.
Southern Baptist Convention
is now following the world instead of the Bible.
It is no secret that the Presbyterian Church in America is in turmoil.
A couple of years ago,
I read an article about a
Presbyterian pastor
who was fired by his congregation.
That pastor was interviewed and said,
"Just because I don't believe in God anymore
is not a good reason to fire me."
Every young generation
has had thoughts of
"These Bible rules are old-fashioned and out-dated."
the difference is that
the older generation is following the young
instead of
standing strong
mentoring the young.
older Christians
are afraid of losing relationship with their loved ones
and pastors are afraid of losing members
so they become lukewarm.
See what Jesus says about Lukewarm -
Revelation 3:15-16
Here is our page on lukewarm
Today the emphasis is
The Pope of
The Catholic Church.
Take note
I am giving a lot of information
about the
he is
a key person
in forming the
One World Religion
One World Government
Below -
October 2023
Catholic Arch Bishop calling
the Pope a heretic and calling out his participation in
the Deep State, the Agenda 2030, the globalist elite,
the One - World Government, etc.
See especially 20 minutes through 26 minutes.
Cut and paste into your browser...
September 2019
The Pope is telling Catholics
that they are to obey the United Nations.
The U.N. is trying to form the one-world government.
The Pope is doing many things behind the scenes.
I am emphasizing his role in the
One World Religion.
October 2021
The Pope is now officially running toward
a one-world religion.
He wants all religions
to be seen as equal and all from God.
The Bible warned us about this.
The Pope is very involved
in starting
the evil
one - world religion.
Pope Francis wants ALL religions -
whether they believe in
the Bible or not -
to unite and worship together.
Please hear me -
The Pope is working to
unite ALL religions not just Christian religions.
For example, August 2019
A multi-faith “higher committee” was announced this
week to implement the “Human Fraternity” document
signed by Pope Francis and a Grand Imam in
February that stated, among other things, that a
“pluralism and diversity” of religions
is “willed by God.”
THAT is Shocking.
For example, on Sept. 25, 2015
the Pope led an interfaith service in New York city.
It was not with other Christians
but with people of other religions.
Exodus 20:3 tells us:
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
- -
The Bible calls us to love - but not to unite.
I have given just a couple of examples
of how the
Pope is working to promote the evil end time agenda.
Matthew 28:19
Jesus said
"Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations."
See our page on the Great Commission
I will highlight
The Pope going against evangelism
while promoting sin.
Catholics are calling out the Pope's sinfulness.
The Pope doesn't want people to try to covert sinners.
Pope says -
Catholics should not try to convert unbelievers.
The Jesus says in Mark 16:15
"Go into the world and preach the Gospel."
But Pope Francis says -
see the link below
*** At that gathering
the Pope said:
“The last thing I should do is to try to convince an
unbeliever. Never,” he said.
“The last thing I should do is speak.
I should live my faith with consistency. "
Another example
December 10, 2015
The Pope says that Catholics
should not try to convert Jews
to accept Christ as Savior.
The Pope has said that a good atheist
will go to heaven.
Shocking Statement against Jesus' words!
The Pope has shown a careless
and lackadaisical attitude
toward sin
His statements are so evil
that even a multitude of Catholics
including clergy
are speaking out against him.
Example of Pope's words
The Pope said that
the most serious evils
are youth unemployment
and the
loneliness of the elderly.
The Bible has a different list of the most serious evils -
and those aren't on the list.
See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
To my Catholic Friends -
The Bible does not talk of "Purgatory."
Purgatory is not real.
I think everyone should be totally speechless
about the next story.
How can Catholics take seriously
a Pope
who says such outlandish things as the following?
Get time off of purgatory
you follow the Pope's twitter ! ! !
or in December 2020
These two articles
show how flippantly the Pope considers sin and purgatory.
In centuries past,
the Pope and the Catholic church
made lots of money telling people
they could pay money and reduce time in purgatory.
The Pope has said many alarming statements
opposing Bible Scriptures.
October 2019
The Pope is moving away from Christianity
and even Catholics are parting with the Pope.
For example,
is a
Catholic website that regularly stands up against
immorality in the leadership of the Catholic church.
Here is an article they wrote
Channeling is a New Age Occult Evil Practice.
Many Catholics are pulling their allegiance
away from the Pope.
October 2019
video - go to 7 minutes and watch through 10 minutes 23 seconds
or go to the transcript and scroll down to .........
JR: Next question:
Is it okay for Catholics to say plainly
and out loud that Pope Francis is a bad pope?
October 5, 2023 - Pope appears to receive an idol.
Cindy McCain presented the object to Francis one day after the anniversary of the infamous Pachamama ritual in the Vatican Gardens during the Amazon Synod on October 4, 2019,
in which the pope blessed one of the idolatrous South American statues.
More about Pachamama below
October 4, 2019
Also, many Catholics
are upset about the
pagan idols
and pagan rituals
in the Amazon Synod.
When asked if the rituals are pagan,
a Catholic man who came to the synod
and who actually grew up in this pagan culture
"Yes, this ritual was a pagan ritual."
See the video on this page
starting at 8 minutes and going to 10 minutes.
Below at least 2 Catholics sneak in
and take the naked statues used in the pagan rituals
and throw them in the river.
The Pope reacts...
Many Catholics and Protestants were alarmed
in March 2018 when
Pope Francis said
there wasn't a hell...
What exactly did the Pope say? Here is the quote:
The Pope was asked:
What about bad souls? Where are they punished?"
Pope Francis said,
"They are not punished,
those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and
enter the rank of souls who contemplate him,
but those who do not repent
and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear.
There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."
Jesus talked about a literal hell - OFTEN!
He warned us.
For example, Matthew 5:22.
Protestant churches are beginning to join with the
in the One World Religion.
The video below includes
Pope Francis speaking to a group
of Protestant church leaders.
The Pope starts speaking at right before 29 minutes.
Tony Palmer
- a spokesman for the Pope -
also speaks on the video.
Tony Palmer tells us that the leadership of two major
denominations have already openly joined with the pope.
(See video at 23 minutes - then at 25 minutes)
Tony tells us that - now - we need to work to eliminate the
Protestant denominations.
Tony trivializes the differences in Protestants and Catholics.
Note: Protestants and Catholics have some differences
that are significant.
Protestants have major problems with
the Catholics praying to Mary
and other Catholic practices.
The Bible tells us to pray to God alone.
- -
God wants me to make sure that my particular church
is following the Scriptures - no matter what
Every denomination
is moving away from the Bible.
The Pope is actively trying to gain allegiance
from all people of all religions.
In the video below,
I don't let the
warmth of their voices
keep me from
carefully analyzing their agenda.
Tony Palmer - close friend & spokesman for the Pope -
was trying to persuade
all Christians to unite under the Pope.
Protestants (and Catholics)
need to RESIST following
this anti-biblical Pope.
Galatians 1:8 warns us:
But though we, or an angel from heaven,
preach any other gospel unto you than that
which we have preached unto you,
let him be accursed.
I caution you.
The Pope and his close personal friend Tony Palmer
have a warm and friendly tone
that can work to disarm any Scriptural and logical
that you would normally be aware of.
Tony Palmer turns Scripture upside down.
Tony Palmer tells us,
"Diversity is Divine and Division is diabolical."
The Bible says the opposite.
2 Corinthians 6:17
Tony places unity of all the churches together -
above all else.
But in Matthew 10:34-40
Jesus said
that if we follow HIM,
we will be at odds with others.
Jesus tells us that we have to follow him period.
Note: Tony Palmer was in an accident and died.
I am not just picking
on Pope Francis.
Many Protestant churches
are falling away from the Words
of the Bible - just as much - as the Pope.
For example - August 2021
ELCA Lutherans
She is the author of the book, Shameless, which insists that Christians have been obsessed with sexual purity, and instead, should just act on their impulses and do what they want to do — because it “feels right.”
It was then that she called on women to send her their “purity rings” so that she can have them melted down and formed into a sculpture of female sex organs and display them in rank idolatry.
Look at the Episcopal Church -
The article below contains MANY troubling facts.
The Methodist and Baptist denominations are continually
watering down the Bible.
However, it is Pope Francis
who is creating and leading the
One - World Religion.
- -
The words of the Bible
are becoming
less and less important in churches today.
See - 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Hopefully you can find a church
that will not be swayed by their national leadership
or anything else except the words of the Bible.
Also consider our page False Prophets in the Church
And John 14 Jesus
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