Arise Healing Prayer

Arise Healing Prayer


Physical Healing

This healing prayer page has

several prayers

inspired by

verses about

God arising and helping us.

Take Note:

My favorite verse for healing prayer is

Psalm 103.

This page is just a supplement to the Psalm 103 page.

All our Healing Pages: Here

The prayers on this page


"Arise" verses as healing verses.

These verses are not traditional healing verses.

In the last couple of years, I started using them as
healing verses.

The Lord replies,

“I will arise and defend

the oppressed, the poor, the needy.

I will rescue them

as they have longed for me to do.”

Psalm 12:5 

Arise, O Lord!

O God, lift up Your hand!

Do not forget the humble.

Psalm 10:12

Let God arise

and let his enemies be scattered.

Psalm 68:1 KJV


Psalm 68:1

is based on Numbers 10:35.

Arise, O God, and scatter all your enemies!

Chase them away!

Psalm 68:1 TLB

Take Note:

I am suggesting

that our sicknesses can be viewed as

God's enemy.


God sees our enemies as his enemies.

An example from the book of Acts...

When Paul was on road to Damascus,

Jesus stopped Paul and told him that

Paul's persecution of the Christians was seen

by Jesus as Paul persecuting Him [ Jesus ].

Our sickness enemies are God's enemies.

Sickness is our enemy so it is HIS enemy.

I suggest that we can pray Psalm 68:1 for healing.

I suggest praying this type of prayer

multiple times a day when you are sick. 

God Words are POWERFUL.


I cannot guarantee healing for you. 

Arise Healing Prayer 

Almighty God of Healing,

I come to you today praying in Jesus' name.

I come before you
thanking you
for your previous
healing blessings to me.

I praise you
for you are my Healer and the Lord of my Salvation.

My sickness enemies and my malfunction enemies
are your enemies.

I come before you
speaking your Scripture Words
praying for my healing.

I will speak out the Words that you teach me to say in

Psalm 68:1...

Arise, O Lord and let your enemies be scattered.

Arise, O Lord and let your enemies


sickness and malfunction in me

be scattered.

Arise O Lord and let your enemies of

sickness and malfunction

in my body - 



(list your issues in the blank)

for example: fever, aches, sore throat, fatigue

be scattered and defeated this day

in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Thank you, God,

for rising up and declaring war

on those things that try to make me sick. 

I praise my God who is 

My Shield and My Fortress.

You are my refuge and strength - 

a very present help in times of trouble.

I pray this prayer in the

Healing Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Psalm 46:1 - My refuge and strength a very present help in times of trouble.

John 10:10 b

Jesus came that we may have life

and have it more abundantly.

Thank you,


that you came so that I may have life

and have it more abundantly.

Arise Healing Prayer

Prayer for Healing:

Merciful God,



I have faith that...

Blessings and Wonderful Possibilities


as we follow you.

Blessings and Wonderful Possibilities


as we pray to you.


Possibilities Arise

as we seek you.

Arise my Lord.



Arise O Lord

Prayer for a Loved One

Amazing Lord,

I praise you for

Your Power

and for

Your Word

which tells us


right words to say

for various situations.

Lord, the word "Arise" keeps coming to my mind.

You tell us to say in Psalm 68:1:

Arise Oh Lord and let your enemies be scattered.

I pray -

Arise Oh Lord, and

let your enemies be scattered

from the lives of your people.

Remove them as far as

the east is from the west.

Show your mighty hand of


Arise Oh, Lord and let the enemies of

______ be scattered. 

(Put name of your loved one in the blank.)

Let my loved one be released and delivered from the hand of the evil ones.

Lord, show your Mighty hand of

Power and Love.


Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Arise Oh Lord

Arise Healing Prayer

Merciful Lord,

You are our Creator, and you are our Healer.

You are Jehovah Rapha - the God who heals.

You have compassion for us in our sicknesses and our pain.

Your mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.

Father, arise and scatter and defeat my enemies of ______. 

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -

Before the next


we have a song.

Heaven and earth shall pass away,

but the Word of the Lord shall stand.

God hears our prayers -

prayers filled with longing and

yearning to be rescued...

and he will come to rescue us.

The word of God says:

I will rescue them as they have longed for me to do.

Psalm 12 TLB

 The Lord replies,

“I will arise and defend the oppressed,

the poor, the needy.

I will rescue them as they have longed for me to do.”

Psalm 12:5 TLB

After you finish this page, consider our Psalm 12 page.

Scripture says:

Shouts of Joy and Victory resound in the tents

Psalm 3:7 a KJV says,



save me, O my God.

Psalm 68 Song

Text: Isaac Watts
Music: Gregory Wilbur


Let God arise in all His might,
And put the troops of hell to flight;
As smoke that sought to cloud the skies
Before the rising tempest flies.

He comes arrayed in burning flames,
Justice and Vengeance are His names;
Behold His fainting foes expire,
Like melting wax before the fire.

He rides and thunders through the sky,
His name Jehovah sounds on high;
Sing to His name, ye sons of grace;
Ye saints, rejoice before His face.

The widow and the fatherless
Fly to His aid in sharp distress;
In Him the poor and helpless find
A Judge that’s just, a Father kind.

He breaks the captive’s heavy chain,
And prisoners see the light again;
But rebels that dispute His will
Shall dwell in chains and darkness still.

Kingdoms and thrones to God belong;
Crown Him, ye nations, in your song:
His wondrous names and powers rehearse;
His honors shall enrich your verse.

He shakes the heav’ns with loud alarms;
How terrible is God in arms!
In Israel are His mercies known,
Israel is His peculiar throne.

Proclaim Him king, pronounce Him blest;
He’s your defense, your joy, your rest:
When terrors rise and nations faint,
God is the strength of every saint.

credits - from My Cry Ascends: New Parish Psalms (2010) released April 23, 2010

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