Are Aliens Real ?
Yes and No.
This page will answer that question
in detail.
Please become informed on this topic
so you are not deceived.
Current Events Note....
Today is December 15, 2024.
What about the drones invading the United States?
I do not know
what they are or who sent them.
Hopefully they are harmless and soon gone.
I do know that
one day
the earth will be invaded with
space craft and "aliens"
who will LIE and say
they are aliens from another planet.
One day
fallen angels under Satan's control
will bring
a great alien deception
on the earth.
Be informed
about that
you will not be deceived
if it happens in your lifetime.
We are drawing ever closer to when
Jesus will come back.
This page is presented by your host
Beth McLendon
I have found
Steven Bancarz as the
most helpful expert on this topic.
We have 2 videos from Steven
on this page.
We also have a recent video with Tucker Carlson.
curiously pursued
the subject of
they were beings
from another
He encountered
the dangers
that result from that
false belief.
Steven will explain that
are not
another planet.
They are demonic entities.
They are from another dimension.
Steven is
a born-again Christian
who warns people about dangerous practices.
Steven's website is
When he says "the enemy," or "prince of the power of the air,
he means the devil.
More names of the devil further down the page.
Aliens, Demons,
and the
New Age Movement
Below are notes from the video
See our page
Highlighted sections from the video...
27 minutes 30 seconds to 29 minutes 10 seconds.... Steven talks about how he seared and silenced his inner voice of right and wrong.
32 minutes 45 seconds to 35 minutes.... What is wrong with the practice of meditation? Steven gives understanding. See our video HERE
34 minutes 45 seconds to 38 minutes ... Open Doors.....
See Steven's video further down.
And consider
our page on shutting doors and cleaning out - HERE
Helpful Note:
Jesus died ONCE for ALL.
There is no other alien people - group in the universe somewhere.
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:18 and Hebrews 9:24-28
More of my views on the subject of
are given below
the next video.
I would basically agree with this
Nick Jones
And I would agree with the words of
Tucker Carlson...
that after making your opinion on this subject,
we shouldn't continue to research this topic.
Shawn does not agree with that - see message below the video.
Below -
Tucker does explain that human beings such as government leaders - work with these aliens who are demons.
You can learn enough from Tucker to realize the big picture.
Then I'd caution you to lay the subject down.
Caution: About 4 swear words
Note: I did find the original video and listen to the entire section that Nick gets this from. My thoughts are below.
I urge you not to become a fan of Shawn Ryan's channel
For 2 Reasons
I did a little checking on Shawn Ryan who I had never heard of.
It appears that he is agreeing with Tucker about Bible comments
he has no solid commitment to seeing God in all things supernatural.
His channel seems to be swallowing hook, line, and sinker
a world view of the
He may have just wanted to get the famous Tucker Carlson on his show.
2nd Reason for Caution
Being fascinated with the supernatural
is what the devil wants for you.
Just like there are many complex religions that the devil has created,
the devil has also created many complex rabbit holes about the supernatural.
The devil wants to get you running after shiny objects.
For example, the devil wants you to spend hours on hearing about "aliens"
and who are they and what do our leaders know and on and on.
Time spent there
is directed by the devil
instead of spending time
with God and on godly topics.
2 Thessalonians 2:11
tells us there will be a
GREAT Delusion
in the end times.
I believe the Great Delusion is that
demons who call themselves "aliens"
will reveal themselves
to the whole earth and
try to fool all the earth.
They may begin to appear with huge crafts that people can see.
I certainly believe that they will begin to be seen more frequently.
I believe that
when we are close
to the return of Jesus
or soon after the rapture,
the demons will reveal themselves
to the news stations
and say they are from another planet.
They want to deceive people and win their trust.
They ultimately want to take people far away from
believing in the Bible.
They will probably come as "Good" Aliens
in order to win trust and to deceive.
They may say
that there are also "Bad" Aliens
and ask
the people of the earth
to help them against the "Bad Aliens."
When the aliens talk about
the "Bad Aliens"
they may be talking about
other demons
( they may be playing "Good cop Bad cop" )
they may be the Good Angelic forces of God.
Certain objects and items
open ungodly spiritual doors.
The demonic kingdom
is looking for
open doors.
Steven Bancarz
helps you close ungodly doors.
Burn it.
Research the proper way to burn your items.
It may be dangerous
to burn certain things in a backyard fire.
Here are Some of the Names of the Devil...
Satan, Lucifer, Father of Lies, Prince of the Power of the Air, The Adversary, The Enemy, The Deceiver, The Accuser of the Brethren, Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, The Serpent of Old, The Dragon
There are
NO aliens
from other planets.
There are only demons.
that may interest you...
Protection children and teens from the Occult
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