Meditation Dangers



There are 2 types of meditation.

1. Bible meditation

It is using the mind to think about Bible Scriptures.

God wants us to do Bible meditation.

2. Meditation

This is a dangerous type promoted by the world.

In it, you empty your mind and try not to think.

This is the type that this page will examine.

This Steve Barcarz video

explains the dangers.

Please listen to gain insights

to help you & others avoid problems.

The first 30 seconds... A man named Leo, who fully supports meditation, speaks.

Then 30 seconds - 3 minutes... Steve Barcarz gives an introduction on why we should AVOID meditation.

3:00 - 11:00... Steve goes through the results of many scientific studies that show alarming side effects of meditation. 

1100 -12:45... Leo is a mindfulness teacher who supports meditation. He gives his list of alarming side effects that come after meditation. He calls these side effects "The Dark side of Meditation."

12:45 - 19:08... Steve gives a lot of understanding and reasons why the side effects happen.  He helps us see this topic from a biblical perspective.

19:08 - 20:49... Leo tells people what to expect after doing meditation.

20:49 - to the end... Steve gives understanding and reflection on this topic so that everyone will stay away from meditation.

Meditation Dangers

The comment section under Steve's video has many comments that reinforce what Steve's video shared. Many explain their terrible side effects.
If you would like to read the comments, go to...


words from Steve Barcarz

Meditation is a multi-billion dollar industry, and is a

staple in Eastern and New Age religions.

It's currently being practiced by 40% of Americans.

Despite it's popularity,

there is overwhelming

scientific and testimonial proof that

meditation is

psychologically dangerous

and opens up doorways to the demonic.

In my video,

we examine the shocking truth

about meditation that never gets spoken about.


Here is a link to some of the text of the video...

The Bible says,

"We perish for lack of knowledge."

Hosea 4:6

You cannot beware of something you are not aware of.

Robert Rohm


Many medical professionals suggest meditation.

Many famous business authors suggest meditation.

Many famous celebrities suggest meditation.

Many Christians who are deceived suggest meditation.

Now you know the dangers!


Take Note:

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