Unmet Desires

The Desires of My Heart

This "Unmet Desires" page is written for woman

who have a longing that they are waiting for the Lord to fulfill.

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This page will begin with an introduction

and then present two prayers

for those women who have a deep desire

that has gone unfulfilled.

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These prayers will help re-direct your mind

as you wait on God's fulfillment.

We also have a page about receiving the desires of your heart.

Click here for that page.

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If you have an intense yearning for a husband,

you will also want to visit our "Wanting a Husband" page.

Women Who Wait

In every young woman, there is a deep desire for something - something that is as yet unfulfilled.

The root of this yearning can be a dream to have a happier marriage, to be married, to have children or to have a loved one be saved.

There are many deeply passionate desires of a woman that can distract her from intimacy with God.

Her desire can pop up at any time and demand attention while producing the pain of another day of disappointment.

Many times we camp on scripture such as "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

The desires of our heart

can sometimes be


The following prayers for unmet desires are written to help sustain you while you wait for God to give you the desires of your heart.

We at Inspirational-Prayers stand with you for your prayer request for unmet desires.

Prayer for Unmet Desires

Dear Lord,

My heart has been dwelling on the things I want, not the things I’ve got.

It takes away my joy and draws me away from your plan for my day.

Forgive me, Lord.

Remind me to meditate on you.

Teach me to so deeply enjoy your blessings in my life that I can easily reject dissatisfaction.

May I fully embrace your plan for me today.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com

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Second Prayer for Unmet Desires

Dear God,

My heart aches.

My deep desires keep finding their way into the center of my attention.

Frustration forces its way into my life as I cry out for my desire to be fulfilled.

Oh, God. I cannot make it happen.

I cannot produce the one thing that has remained outside of my grasp.

Oh, God, have mercy on me.

Bring my desire into a position of peaceful surrender.

Enable my emotions to obey your will for me this day.

I want to want your will for this day and each day of my life.


Copyright © 2006 Beth McLendon of Inspirational – Prayers.com

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Is God's will always done?


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How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

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Walking Supernaturally

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