Questions about Purgatory
I ask each person
who believes in purgatory
to gently move aside your beliefs for just a few minutes
look at this topic
with fresh new eyes.
On this page,
I will examine and explain my views on...
Does the Bible teach purgatory?
I will examine that question and give my reasons for answering - No.
I will take the reasons
that Catholics believe in purgatory
I will give facts and logic
that work against
each reason.
~ ~ ~
I will start this page with a video.
This video will give us a jump start on the topic.
I apologize
for the
terrible image
Mike put on this video.
click on this video
and quickly see that
Mike actually is a very nice man.
Disclaimer: This video is helpful but I do not always endorse Mike's views.
It is my understanding that this is accepted by Most Catholics...
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches
All who die in God’s grace, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification,
so as to achieve
the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven (1030).
If a person needed to go to purgatory,
for purification
then why
would the
Catholic church present ways
that time in purgatory could be shortened?
And If
living Catholics can
or pay money or do some kind act for someone
in purgatory
that reduces their time or gets them out
such as
"You can obtain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in purgatory
if you
“devoutly visit a cemetery and, at least mentally, pray for the departed.”
Cut & paste link in browser
why do we need purgatory at all?
Consider this....
Things a living person could do
would NOT
purify a person in purgatory!
One quick reaction to 2 Maccabees....
Why didn't
Jesus tell the Jews
to put 2 Maccabees in the Bible
and then
explain clearly what those verses are saying?
I answer -
because Jesus didn't want 2 Maccabees in the Bible.
Jesus didn't teach purgatory
because there isn't a purgatory.
And consider -
purgatory was real,
Jesus would want to clearly explain it.
The video above
1 Corinthians verses and 2 Maccabees verses.
Later on this page
I will
discuss my views on even more clarity with
1 Corinthians verses and the 2 Maccabees verses
and also
highlight some of the words of Mike Winger.
I am now going to give
that Mike's video
did not address.
Regarding Purgatory....
When we die -
2 Corinthians 5:8
"Absent from the body is present with the Lord [in heaven] ."
We see that verse
played out with
Jesus and the criminal.
Look at Luke 23:43 with me.
The criminal on the cross next to Jesus,
certainly was not perfect.
He admitted to
his guilt.
That criminal
would be the
" Catholic prime example "
of a
candidate for purgatory
there was such a place.
that criminal went straight to paradise!
In Luke 23:43
Jesus said to the criminal,
"This day will you see me in paradise."
He did not say, "This day you will be in purgatory."
Think about that.
A belief in Purgatory
in dying.
The Bible gives us the
of knowing true Christians are going
straight to heaven.
We can look forward
seeing our Lord and Savior
and our
loved ones in heaven
leads to terror in even the most faithful of believers.
Purgatory was real,
God would want us to know.
there was a way
for us
to pray or pay
for dead loved ones to
to get their time in purgatory
reduced -
would God not make that clear in the Bible?
purgatory is true - God would
tell us about it.
Think about that.
purgatory is NOT true -
all the hours of praying for the dead
Look at these time-wasting suggestions....
Daily in November:
Here’s a suggestion Father Joseph was given and really likes – so he is passing it on to EWTN’s viewers. Get out your calendar, and write down the name of a deceased family member or friend that you intend to pray for that day. Offer up everything, good and bad, that happens to you that day, and pray as much as you can for their release, if necessary, from purgatory. This is an important spiritual work of mercy!
At any time, you can gain a partial indulgence for the poor souls by reciting morning or evening prayer from the Office of the Dead, or devoutly reciting the prayer “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
Look at all the time-wasted...
And think about who comes to steal our time.....
The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy!
Think about that.
If a person
never heard of
the God of the Bible
picked up a Bible
and read it,
that person
would not find purgatory in the Bible.
is an idea
that is gotten from
another person
from a person's imagination.
As a life-long Protestant, and a Bible reader
I never had
any clue about
as an adult in my 30's
I heard some kind of reference to it.
Even now
as I read the verses Catholics highlight
I do not see how they get their interpretation
from the verses
they use as proof.
I'll explain my interpretation of the verses further down.
The verses Catholics use are not convincing at all.
I will get to them a little later.
But First....
I am no fan of Martin Luther.
he did have a logical argument
the Catholic church and purgatory.
Luther illuminated this topic by asking the question:
the pope is willing
to release
an infinite amount of people
(in a process they used to call Indulgences)
from purgatory -
or at least reduce the time spent there -
you pay the church money,
why would he not do it for the sake of compassion?
(My paraphrase of the quote.)
Number 82 of the 95 Theses of Martin Luther
Exact Martin Luther quote
a little further down.
By the way,
> > > Pope Francis < < <
he will
lesson a person's time in purgatory
if he or she will follow him on
If I was a Catholic, it would be hard for me to take seriously
a Pope and the Catholic view of purgatory
pope says things such as the following...
Pope said in 2013
About - Twitter...
Cut & paste in browser
It looks to me like
Catholic leadership
to try to control Catholics.
Pope said in December 2020....
The Vatican’s Apostolic Penitentiary
has issued a decree
granting special plenary indulgences,
that is,
full elimination of temporal punishment
in Purgatory
for a forgiven sin,
during the “Year of St. Joseph.”
Look at this page
telling ways you can help out those in purgatory.
Cut & paste link in browser...
was real
and its tenants
to be punished
work off their sins in some way.
would the Pope and the leadership
be so ready
to hinder the process?
Getting back to
Martin Luther....
Luther realized
that the Catholic leadership
was using the concept of purgatory
to gain money
control over people.
Number 82 From the 95 Theses
Martin Luther
- Concerning Purgatory -
82. To wit: --
"Why does not the pope empty purgatory,
for the sake of holy love
of the dire need of the souls that are there,
if he redeems
an infinite number of souls
for the sake of
miserable money with which to build a Church?
The former reasons would be most just;
the latter is most trivial."
Beth says,
"The pope at the time
would reduce time in purgatory for money
but not for compassion."
Beth gives a loose quote:
If the Pope says he has the power
to reduce time in purgatory
and he doesn't do it -
he is an unkind person.
And if
the Pope says
that he has the power
to reduce time in purgatory
and he doesn't have that power -
then he is a deceiver.
Martin Luther
went on to say...
# 86.
Again: --
"Why does not the pope,
whose wealth is
to-day greater than the riches of the richest,
just this one church of St. Peter
with his own money,
rather than
with the money of poor believers?"
I will discuss my views on the
1 Corinthians verses and the 2 Maccabees verses
and also highlight some of the words of Mike Winger.
I will discuss my views on the
1 Corinthians verses and the 2 Maccabees verses
and also highlight some of the words of Mike Winger.
To make the print bigger on a desk-top computer, hold
down the control button and click the + button
several times.
1 Corinthians 3:12-15
I have read those verses many times
clearly saw that this is talking about
our WORKS being judged
if they pass the test - then we are given extra rewards in heaven.
God will test our works
for the purpose of REWARDS.
The "works" are not being purified.
They are being judged concerning extra rewards in heaven.
And if
our works
"do not burn up"
in this judgment by God
we will be given extra REWARDS in heaven for doing them.
It is about our works being "tested" to see if they are pure -
NOT our physical body being tested.
It is so clear to me that I find it hard to understand how others see this as a person being physically or mentally punished. It is clear that this is about REWARDS and has nothing to do with punishment.
There is no purification going on in those verses.
It is about REWARDS.
It says each one will receive his REWARD according to his own labor.
Reviewing Highlights from Mike Winger on this verse:
With Catholics, the things getting tested is the person. But Protestants see that the things getting tested is the works. The person doesn't get changed. They are the same before and after.
The person is NOT in the fire; the works are in the fire. The fire doesn't purify anything - it destroys inferior works..... The gold etc doesn't get more pure - it passes through unchanged. The wood etc. is destroyed.
WORK endures and gives a reward or the work doesn't endure and you don't get a reward.
If your work is burned you suffer lost but you are not burned.
This verse does not teach any atonement for what was done.
"As through fire" you have to take it out of the sentence to make it purgatory.
The person never gets burned. The person never gets punished.
The works are tested to see if they are approved of or not.
In the video at the beginning of this page,
Mike Winger
talked about the topic of
2 Mac 12:38-46
and the claim from Catholics
that it teaches purgatory.
reminds us that
this event happened
was written down
before Jesus was on earth.
~ ~ ~
Here is a link to the story.
Cut and Paste in your Browser
and then scroll down to the passages...
~ ~ ~
The story says that
after a battle
Judas and his Jewish men went to gather the dead.
They found some of the dead were wearing idols.
So Judas and the men believed that
wearing idols was why they died.
(God may or may not have agreed with them.)
A collection of money was taken up and sent to Jerusalem
for a sin offering.
The group prayed and made atonement for the dead.
~ ~ ~
So some Catholics who read this passage take it
to be a teaching of purgatory.
Mike Winger
in 32-36 minutes
other problems that occur
if this passage is said to teach purgatory.
Other information that Mike Winger highlighted:
This book is not even accepted
by the Jews in their Bible.
When Jesus was on earth,
he did not say
to add it to
The Old Testament.
Mike says that
Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers,
agrees with Protestants that purgatory is not in the Bible.
Akin says that Catholics believe in purgatory
because of church authority.
Beth says,
Just because Judas and his men believed something
does not mean
that God agreed with them.
There is no evidence that their actions
accomplished anything
other than it made them FEEL better.
We are not to run after feelings
but pursue the truth found in the Bible.
Some Catholics say that
there are no purgatory verses in the Bible
- BUT -
say they believe purgatory
of one of the reasons below....
I will address each of these THREE.
1. Pope & Church Authority
2. Mary and other Saints telling us
3. Tradition
I will
these three below....
Pope & Church Authority
said purgatory was true
The problem is that....
The Bible is supposed to be our guide -
not what some people said.
The Bible says that
we are not to add to the Bible.
See: Proverbs 30:5-6 and Deuteronomy 12:32
Mary Apparitions
or other
supernatural conversations
with Saints who have died -
said purgatory was true
The problem is that...
Supernatural experiences need to be judged by the Bible.
since the Bible
tells us NOT to
listen to or talk to
those who have died -
we must
any information
from any supernatural experiences
from Saints who had died.
I fully discuss that on the page:
Talking to the dead is forbidden.
Also see my page
said purgatory was true
Tradition cannot go against the Bible.
Matthew 15:1-9 and Mark 7:8-13
Tradition cannot add to Bible information
Proverbs 30:5-6
Deuteronomy 12:32
The Bible tells us that
to get to heaven,
you must repent of your sins and follow Jesus.
(You can repent alone if you want to.)
What happens when you sin again?
The Bible says in 1 John 1:9
that when you mess up and sin -
you are to repent and start again trying not to sin.
When you repent and turn to Jesus,
you are washed clean and your sin penalty is gone!
You are ready for heaven!
When true Christians
breathe their last breath,
they go to heaven -
they get rid of
their flesh and fleshly nature
are immediately purified
no longer want to sin.
To understand more clearly....
Consider our page - Explaining Salvation
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