Prayers for my married son with children

 Prayers for

my married son with children

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God of Love and Strength,

I give you praise.

You are my Lord, and I worship you. 

I come today to lift up my son in prayer.

I pray that my son would be a Mighty man of God who has a tender heart toward the needs and desires of his wife and children. I pray that he would be a man who is growing in each of the Fruit of the Spirit - a man dedicated to you and devoted to the Word of God. 

I ask that each day, you would guide him to walk as a man of wisdom, love, compassion, and forgiveness. 

I pray that he will be known as a man of prayer.

Raise him up to be a strong man who will stand for what is right even if it costs him something. 

Teach him how to wait on you when he needs to wait. Teach him how to move forward when he needs to move forward. 

Remind him that there is nothing to fear, because you have his back.

Remind him that you are his ever - present companion and his most valuable friend.

I pray in the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Magnificent Creator and Loving Lord,

I am filled with wonder as I contemplate how glorious you are.

You spoke, and the world appeared.

Your words change things. 

I pray that you would draw my son's heart toward your Word.
I pray that my son will be a man who reads your Word each day.
Remind him
that he needs the wisdom and strength
that comes from reading your Word.

As he reads your Word,

may he be given

deeper understanding about

the wonders of you


the amazing miracles that come

to those who build their life upon your principles. 


teach my son to pray.

Stir his heart to pray each day, and may he yield to you.

Your wonderful will for my son

is to

walk in

Power Thoughts, Power Strategies, and godly motivation

each day.

Your wonderful will for my son

is to

walk in

greater peace each day

no matter what the circumstances or situations.

Teach him, Lord.

I pray in the Miraculous Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


God of Love and Harmony,

I celebrate you.

I celebrate your heart of love

that daily reaches out

with blessings to me and to my loved ones.

Today I lift up my son in prayer.

I pray for harmony and happiness in my son's marriage.

May his marriage feel sweeter and sweeter as the years go by.

May he and his wife create a Christ-centered home.

I pray that

in his home,

Scriptures will be read

and songs of praise to you will be sung.  

I pray that my son and his family will receive from you -

spectacular joys and abundant laughter.

I pray that my son will experience

the blessings spoken about in Psalm 128:3-4 TLB.

In those verses, you say that

your will for my son

is that  -

"Your wife shall be contented in your home.
And look at all those children!
There they sit around the dinner table
as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees.
That is God's reward to those who reverence and trust him."

I also pray for my son and his wife

concerning difficulties. 

I pray that

you would help them 

to conquer temptations quickly and solve disagreements quickly.

And may they notice and rejoice

in all the godly victories and blessings

that they experience.


give them abundant inspiration and motivation

so that

they can

follow you more closely. 

I pray that you would

smooth the path before them


guide them into the pleasant brooks and meadows

that you speak about

in Psalm 16:6 TLB.  

I pray these things in the 

Life - Blessing Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

God sees that

I am given pleasant brooks and

meadows as my share!

What a wonderful inheritance!

Psalm 16:6 TLB


Lord of Joy and Laughter,

I will joyfully praise you and bless your name each day.

You are the source of all that is good.
You are the source of all that is wonderful.
You are the source of all JOY!

I pray for my son and his family. 

I pray that you would

help them

to notice

all the half- hidden joys

that you have sprinkled throughout their day.

I pray that each day will be a day of joy and laughter.

I pray that my son and his family

will receive from you -

delightful family fellowship,

as well as your wonderful

inspiration and motivation

that equip us for each day. 

I pray Psalm 90:12 TLB for my son and his family.

"Teach them to number their days and
recognize how few they are and help them to spend them as they should."

I pray these things in the 

Life - Blessing Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Heavenly Father,

I will give thanks to you for all the wonderful things you have done for me. You have blessed my life with good things. You are worthy to be praised. 

I lift up my son to you in prayer. 

I pray that he will be growing spiritually  - and becoming a Mighty man of God.

I pray that he will always be a part of a church that is staying true to your Word.

I pray that you would give him a pastor who is devoted to you and your Word - a man who is teachable and who is growing spiritually.
I pray for a compassionate pastor who is growing in wisdom and in his own personal integrity, righteousness, and holiness.*

I pray for my son's job.  I pray that my son will enjoy his job, and he will be respected for the job he does. 

I pray for blessings for my son as he moves through each day.
I pray that he will hear you and follow you as you guide him away from any unnecessary trials and troubles.

And I pray for your help and guidance through the trials and troubles that are part of your will for him.  In those cases, I pray that he will hear you and yield to you as you raise him up to be strong and steady as he goes through difficulties. 

Teach him how to handle temptations. Give him strategies to stand strong and resist wrong. May he listen for your voice and yield to you each day.

May he be known as a man who dearly loves his family. May he be known as a man who is an amazing husband and father. 

And may his wife and children proclaim him to be AWESOME!

I pray in the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

* The devil has worked to make the words "holy" and "holiness" bad words. They are Bible words, and they are beautiful words.

Psalm 96:9 KJV says, " O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."

We continue with 2 more
Prayers for my married son with children


God of Wisdom and Guidance,

How excellent is your name in all the earth.

You are Amazing.

You are worthy of my devotion and praise.


I lift up my son in prayer.

May he be a man

who loves and pursues

common sense and wisdom. 

protect him
redirect him
any unnecessary troubles.
May he be a man who
sees unnecessary trouble coming from a mile away
may he work to avoid it before it gets to him.

thank you for guiding him through
any necessary trials and troubles
that are part of his road to his destiny. 

May he desire to fulfill the destiny you have given him.

I pray that my son and his wife

will enjoy and pursue 

a right relationship with you.

May they find that their highest contentment

is in being in close fellowship with you.

In the Loving Name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

And next...

here is the last of our  

Prayers for my married son with children.



Money Matters


Prayer about Money

God of Love and Guidance,

I praise you, Lord, for you generously bestow wisdom
on those who seek you.
Your every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding.*

I pray for my son and his wife this day.

I pray that you will guide them toward a right attitude about money.

May they yield to your wisdom and self-control concerning money.

I pray that they will choose to follow your

Bible principles about money.

May they learn to walk in harmony

with you concerning money. 

And may they learn to create harmony with each other 

 concerning money.

In the Blessed Name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of

* Proverbs 2:6 TLB


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Prayers for my married son with children

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Prayers for my married son with children was posted

in March 2023.

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