Prayer for Your State

Prayer for Your State

Let's Pray

Powerful Prayers

for our 

State and Country

Jeremiah 20:11 emboldens us with the words...

But the Lord is with me

like a

Mighty Warrior.

Today let's pray


Powerful Warrior Prayer.

Prayer for YOUR State.

This page is a guide for praying



YOUR state - YOUR city -

Wherever you live!

Let's PRAY -

Prayer unleashes the




I encourage you to pray the following prayer



YOUR state or YOUR country

in place of the word


And those in


would appreciate you praying for them!

We PRAISE GOD because

he is

Great, Mighty, Wondrous, and Amazing.

Almighty God,

You are able to do more than I could ever ask or think.

You are GREAT, Mighty, Wondrous, and Amazing.

I ask you to

Touch California in Powerful Ways.

May California…

Be washed in your righteousness.

Be cleansed by your holiness.

Be raised up to give YOU glory.

This land is your land.

You love the people of California.

They are precious to you.

Do a mighty move O God of Mercy and Compassion

in California.

Refresh those who love you.

 Stir up the desire for salvation in those

who have not known you.

Show forth your POWER.

Show forth your Good Plans for California.

Do the impossible.

I pray,

In the miraculous name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

This prayer

was posted in the November edition to our newsletter.

An awesome lady

from California

wrote me and thanked everyone

who prayed for California.

The inspiration for this page

came from a Christian event

that I watched on Youtube.

I ran across a video of

people worshipping

in front of the Sacramento, California

government buildings.

They were giving MIGHTY Praise


POWERFUL Prayer to God.

They were calling out to God

to do a MIGHTY work

on the hearts of those in California.

Prayer and Praise are Powerful!

As we lift up the name of Jesus in praise -

Things will change.

As we pray in the awesome name of Jesus -

Things will change.

Listen with your spiritual ears.....


that hinder are breaking.

Things that have been

stopping righteousness

are being moved.

God is arising. God is moving. Praise God!

Praise the Lion of Judah!

Praise and Worship the Lord!

Lord, I love your name - sweet as honey on my lips.

(Below is from a song on the steps of Sacramento.)

Everything changes when I sing your name.

My situation changes. when I sing your name.

My government changes. when I sing your name.

My town changes when I sing your name.

Jesus, my redeemer

Jesus, my provider,

Jesus, when I sing your name - everything changes.

The Roar of God

Consider clicking the title of the song to visit our page - ROAR

Stir me, Lord,

to Pray.

To cook and to bake

it is important to


To deepen our spiritual life,

it is important to stir up

the right things.

I didn't watch all of it,
I can't put my stamp of approval -
to listen to the Sacramento praise -

To visit our

Champion for Christ

motivational pages click - - -  Champions

To jump to the top of the page - click

Prayer for your State

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October 31


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