Prayer for the U.S.

Prayer for the U.S.

during this election crisis


We have several prayers on this page.

We begin with Scripture...


You have a mighty arm;

Strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand.

Righteousness and justice 

are the foundation of Your throne;

Mercy and truth go before Your face.

Psalm 89:13-14 NKJV

Father God,

During this time of crisis,

touch our hearts to pray for our country. 



Please join me in the prayers below


Today is November 6, 2020...

Last night I felt a deep desire to do a prayer page for my country. I did most of this page last night. Note that this page is done very quickly. Usually it takes me days to write prayer pages, and then when finished, I take a day or usually many days to put it before the Lord. This page is more of an off-the-cuff prayer page. So it may not be altogether ready. If these prayers don't satisfy your prayer desires for our country, I ask God to help you to put into words special prayers for our country.

This morning I woke up with this prayer in my heart so I have added it to this page.

Note, we need to realize that it may take some time

to get the stability of the final election results.

Let's cry out to God for his help.


My country needs





And I need





And for all the things that my country needs

and I need

including those needs in addition to these -

I ask that you provide. 

And help us....

help me....

to be more open to receiving from you.

Make us

more aware of what we need.

Make me

more aware of what I need. 

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

Almighty God,

We come to honor you this day. We come to acknowledge that you are the only one who can rightly lead and guide our country.

Lord, we lift up prayer for our country.

Our country is in crisis.

Intervene, Lord. 

Come, Lord, and bring a fresh, new anointing of your love, your peace, and your wisdom into our country.

We cry out that our United States would be united.

Use this crisis time to expose that which needs to be exposed in our country and in our individual hearts.

Use this time to uncover lies and reveal truth.

Use this crisis to focus our nation's attention on you and on how far away our country is from your will and plan for us.

We pray for our country to embrace a new respect for you and for your Word.

Use this time to soften the hard places in our hearts.

Use this time to inspire our nation to stir up love for those who disagree with us.  

Use this time to create new unity and harmony.

Do miracles we pray.

We cry out – “God bless America.”

Father God, protect our country.

Overturn the wicked plans of the enemy against our country. Turn topsy turvy** his plans of strife and destruction. 

In Jesus' Miraculous Name we pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

** Psalm 146:9 b TLB says:

"He [God] turns topsy - turvy the plans of the wicked."

Full Armor of God -  Prayer

Powerful Lord of Heaven and earth,

We come today and acknowledge our need for your guidance in our life and in our country. 

We desire to stand strong for you and shine the light of your love. 

Ephesians 6 tells us that we need your armor in order to stand strong.

We come today to put on our armor afresh and anew.

The Helmet of Salvation

As Mighty Men and Women of God, we put on the Helmet of Salvation. We cry out for salvation for our country. We cry out to you to rescue our country. We ask you to make our nation stronger, more united, and more godly than ever.  

The Belt of Truth

As Mighty Men and Women of God, we put on the Belt of Truth. Father, we cry out for your truth to prevail in our country. And we cry out for your truth to prevail in each of our hearts. We declare that we want to hear the truths that we need to hear. We will lay down our pride and open ourselves up to whatever you want to say to us. 

The Shoes of Peace

As Mighty Men and Women of God, we put on the Shoes of Peace. Father, we desire to receive your supernatural peace for our mind and our emotions. We ask that you bring peace to our country.  We pray for help to walk in your peace as we interact with those who disagree with us. Father we pray that your peace will deliver our country from strife, anger, and violence. 

The Breastplate of Righteousness

Lord, your Word says in Psalm 89:14

Righteousness and justice 

are the foundation of Your throne;

Mercy and truth go before Your face.

Lord, teach us to love righteousness. Teach us to properly balance justice and mercy.  Inspire us with your truth, your wisdom and your self-control. 

As Mighty Mighty Men and Women of God, we open our spiritual ears in order to hear you convict us of our sins. Father, we want our words and actions to please you. We ask for forgiveness of our sins.

As Mighty men and Women of God, we put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.  We want to live right. We come to you longing for a greater heart of humility. We declare that we will be open to being wrong in our opinions, and we will be gentle toward others who are wrong in their opinions. 

The Shield of Faith

As Mighty Men and Women of God, we pick up the Shield of Faith. We take our Faith in God and defend ourselves when we hear voices of doubt and hopelessness. We stand up and declare that by faith, we will walk as Bold, Champions for Jesus Christ. 

The Sword of the Spirit

As Mighty Men and Women of God, we pick up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. We celebrate the Powerful Word of God. We will dedicate ourselves to reading your Word, speaking your Word, and living by your Word.  

Today we will raise our Sword
proclaim the Words of God
as we pray for our country.

Philippians 4:13 tells us,

"We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.”

Habakkuk 3:19 tells us to say,

“The Lord is my STRENGTH.”

Ephesians 6:10 tells us to,

“Be Strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might!”

Joshua 1:9 tells us to,

“Be Strong and Courageous
for the
will be with me always!”

James 4:7 tells us to,

“Submit to God,

resist the devil, and he will flee from me!”

We will pray prayers that are


We will choose God’s ways
-  and -
We will reject the devil’s ways.

We pray these things


Jesus’ POWERFUL name,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - 

Teach me to do Your will,

For You are my God;

Your Spirit is good.

Lead me in the land of uprightness.

Psalm 143:10

Whenever I say, "I can't"

I am focusing on me.

~ ~ ~

I can do all things

through Christ Jesus!

Philippians 4:13

Dear Lord,

Use this crisis time to expand your kingdom.

We pray for souls to be saved. 

We pray that all those who aren't right with you.

Give them the thoughts they need to hear. Give them the emotions they need to feel. Reveal yourself more fully to them. Whisper your love to them. Give them an urgency about getting right with you.

We pray all these things in the Miraculous and Life-Transforming Name of Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - 

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