Inspirational Thoughts for
 The New Year

New Year Prayer and

Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.

Monday through Friday

Written by Beth McLendon


A New Year is Dawning

Things can change for the better.

You can turn things around in your life.

You can defeat the very thing that is holding you back in your life. 

What is holding you back from being all you can be for Christ?


What is it that you could change

about your habits or your character

that would make a positive impact on your life?

There may be more than one thing,

but just pick one thing and

make a decision to conquer that thing.

I encourage all of us to think about

what we want our character and our testimony

to be like at the end of


We cannot do a million things to change our life, but we can pick one or two this year and really put the power of God behind changing that.



This page is set up to be a week-long inspirational journey

that can be started at any time.


Get a vision of who you can be.

Mini Monday Devotional:

You can't change other people, but you can change yourself and you can change many things about your life with God's help.

What do you want more of in this New Year?

What do you want less of in this New Year?

God is giving you 365 days filled with opportunities.

What do you want to do with those days he is giving you?



I'm going to do amazing things

in this new year,

because I serve an amazing God!

What about you?

Will you say the above proclamation with me?

Mini Tuesday Devotional:

Allow yourself to get excited about all the opportunities you have in this New Year.

Do you want to improve your spiritual life, your health, your relationships, your finances, or ??

Maybe you want all of them improved.

You can't do everything at once,

so take one or two things and decide to make a plan!


By yourself,

you probably can't do the things that you want to do

to make this year a spectacular year. 

But you are not by yourself.

You and God make a team. 

Our God is Powerful.

God can even do the impossible.



Highlighted Bible Verse


"I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me."

 Philippians 4:13

Full Armor of God



A New Year!

I will feed my faith.

Hope is rising up in me.

It is rising to a place of authority.

I will let it rise.

I will encourage it to rise.


The following prayer was written to be motivating.

I hope will inspire you!

Dear Lord,

I come to you not satisfied with staying average, not satisfied with just the traditional, not satisfied with the way it has always been. I press into you that I may come up higher.

With your help, Lord, I'm going to take the reins of my life, and I am going to change some things.

I declare by faith that in this new year, I will become stronger and more determined.
I will take authority over those things that are hindering me. I will become powerful in Jesus Christ.  

I will remind myself that I am the head and not the tail - above and not beneath.

Lord, you have given me powerful pieces of armor. I will put them on, and I will see amazing victories in my life.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -



God created us to be overcomers!

Let's get ourselves


to walk into our destiny!


Prayer for Strength

Awesome and Triumphant God,

I give you exuberant praise this day.

You are Lord of all, and you are worthy of my praise.

You are the Most High God. You are All Powerful. Thank you for the strength that you graciously give to me. Thank you that it is your will that I walk in your POWER this day.

Thank you that your Word declares that it is your will that I walk in power, love, and a sound mind this day. Thank you that you show me how to speak out your scriptures, believe in your truth, and display your will in my life.

Lord, I will trust in you. I will be bold in your name.

I stand up and declare that I am strong in the Lord. I am a triumphant follower of Jesus Christ. I am more than able to show forth that the power of God is working for me this day.

Thank you, Lord, that you are giving me strength to choose your voice over the voice of the enemy or the voice of my flesh. I want to obey you.

Thank you that you defeat confusion in my mind, discouragement in my heart, and weakness in my body. Thank you that you are bringing refreshment and rejuvenation to my day.

I have faith that you are showering me with your love and mercy. You are filling me with what I need. You are teaching me how to love you and love others more fully. You are guiding each of my steps. I have faith that you are providing everything I need. I will receive bountifully from you, and I will give you praise.

I declare that your inspiration, revelation, motivation, and determination are bringing transformation in my life. Thank you for changing me to become more like you.

Thank you that you have given me your secret armor. Thank you that you are teaching me how to defeat the enemy.

Thank you that I was born to be the head and not the tail.

Thank you that you are bringing me victory!

In Jesus’ Name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational –

This prayer is taken from our Prayer for Strength page.

We invite you to receive more motivation from the rest of the content

on the Prayer for Strength page.

You may also like our Spiritual Warfare Prayers.



Christians are called by God

to be active in serving the Lord.

Passivity is not God's will.

We are encouraged to  - actively -  follow God.

Let's motivate ourselves to

actively move forward

in making ourselves more like Jesus!


Consider our Inspiring Full Armor Prayers

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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

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