Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.

Happy New Year!


A Daily Devotional

Monday through Thursday

by Beth McLendon


The theme for this week is

Jesus, inspire me this week!

Happy New Year!


I need the Lord to inspire me and guide me.

Dear Lord,

I was born to love you.

I was born to follow you.

I will choose you above all else in this life.

You are my Savior and the Lord of my life.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


I need the Lord to reign in my life.

~ ~ ~

I want to learn to yield more fully to God this year.

Prayer for Yielding

Glorious Lord, Mighty God,

I worship you.

You are my King.

You are my everything.

I give my life to you.

Reign in me.

In my happy times, you are my joy.

In my unhappy times, you are my strength.

I will yield to you so you can reign in me.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com


Lord, Reign in me

Prayer for Yielding

Shepherd of my heart,

I will follow you.

Even in times when no one walks with me,

I will walk with you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

Consider visiting our Prayer for Yielding page.



You told me

to put on the

Full Armor of God.

I need to put it on

to give me

courage, strength, and protection.

Ephesians Chapter 6 Proclamations

Putting on the Full Armor of God


Helmet of Salvation

I will put on the Helmet of Salvation.

I will praise God for my eternal salvation.

Belt of Truth

I will put on the Belt of Truth.

I will recognize truth this day, and I will follow truth.

Breastplate of Righteousness

I will put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.

I will stand for righteousness.

Shoes of Peace

I will put on the Shoes of Peace.

I will walk in peace and be ready to share the Gospel.

Shield of Faith

I will pick up the Shield of Faith.

I will increase my faith and confidence in God this day.

Sword of the Spirit

I will pick up the Sword of the Spirit.

I will speak out Scripture this day. I will submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from me.

Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com

These proclamations came from our page:

Achieving Victory.

Jesus, inspire me with your life,

so that I might

courageously live my life for you.


Our God is an AMAZING God, and

we will do amazing things

as we follow HIS will.

Let's rise up

and stir up our courage

and stir up our commitment to God


do amazing things!


I won't let distractions and I won't let fear

keep me from doing

amazing things for you!



You Raise me Up so I can stand on mountains.

You Raise me Up to walk on stormy seas.

I am strong when I am on your shoulders.

You Raise me Up to more than I can be.

Consider reading our page on Faith.

It was created

to stir up godly courage and faith.

It is called:

The Shield of Faith

1 John 2:6

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Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Daily Inspiration

Is God's will always done?


Overcoming Offense

New Page:

How to Capture Thoughts
2 Corinthians 10:5

New Page:

Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

Morning Prayer for

New Page:

Mother-in-law Prayers for

New Page:

Walking Supernaturally

* * *

Finding Noah's Ark

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Victory, Power Prayer

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Increasing JOY


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Opposites attract and then...




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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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