Daily Easter Prayers
This page has multiple prayers.
They are written to
inspire you
to pray
for your loved ones
who are not right with God.
Hi - I'm Beth.
I hope you will join me and
pray during this Easter Season.
Sunday April 9, 2023
Easter Sunday
God Most High,
Praise to the Lamb and the King.
Jesus has Risen.
The Joy of my Salvation has conquered sin and death.
I give praise to the one who loves me perfectly.
And I give praise to the one who loves my loved ones perfectly.
I pray that all my loved ones will ponder your great love.
You reign in my heart. I pray that soon you will reign in the hearts of each of my loved ones.
I pray, in the Magnificent Name of Jesus.
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday April 8, 2023
Saturday Prayer
Easter Sunday Blessings
Lord of Spectacular Love and Mercy,
You reach out to all humanity with your Amazing Love.
You desire a beautiful, close relationship with each person. You want fellowship, friendship, and faithfulness from those you have created. Your arms are open wide this Easter weekend.
I pray that today you would stir my loved ones' hearts
and the hearts of all people.
I pray that the suffering and death of Jesus
would be on the minds of people everywhere.
I pray that people will grow
in their understanding of what Jesus did for them.
May the thoughts they think today lead to a solid commitment to Jesus tomorrow.
I pray that Easter Sunday would be a spectacular day for salvations and re-dedications.
May all who worship you this Easter weekend
find greater intimacy with you,
as we come to celebrate your love for us.
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Good Friday
Heavenly Father,
I come in prayer
on this day of remembrance
of the suffering of Jesus.
While Jesus was on that cross, his mind was on me,
his mind was on my loved ones,
his mind was on all the
men and women, boys and girls
that he lovingly created.
His sacrifice was Powerful.
His sacrifice was Complete.
Jesus paid the price and atoned for all our sin.
We are free.
That is The Good News.
The Bad News is that
many of my loved ones
are not moved by
The Good News.
because of your great love
take them into a spiritual cul-de-sac.
Remind them of the truths that they try so hard to avoid.
I pray that they would get face-to-face
with their sins and their rebellion toward you.
Remind them of the huge price that Jesus paid.
Remind them
of their future
if they do not turn to Jesus.
Thank you for everything you are doing
to persuade them to get right with you.
You are so humble.
You are so merciful and compassionate.
You are my God,
I will worship you.
In Jesus' Saving Name, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday April 6, 2023
Heavenly Father,
I give you thanks for the blessings of
through believing in Jesus Christ
and transformation
through following Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the sweetness of the
that you offer us.
Thank you for the beautiful world
we are viewing
as spring flowers
with color.
I lift up in prayer
my loved ones who have never truly
received you as
Lord of their life.
I lift up ______, ______, _____, and _____.
They see the spring flowers
but they do not
realize that
they will never bloom or become fully alive
without following you closely.
I ask that you would keep
on the door of their heart.
I pray that they will open their heart and
discover the wonders of
being right with you.
Oh, how my heart prays
that their
wonderful salvation event
would happen
Easter season.
I pray these things in the Saving Name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday April 5, 2023
Dear Lord,
I am thinking about the
of knowing and being known
by the one
who made it all.
Lord, you are astonishing.
I am
thinking about
all the wonders and helps and protection
that people experience
when we repent of our sins and give our life to you.
you are worthy of all our praise
and all our devotion.
I come before you
that many of my loved ones resist you.
You have been so kind to them.
Romans 2:4b NIV says,
"God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance."
You are a loving Father who continually reaches out
to my wayward loved ones to draw them toward you.
Yet they resist you.
my heart aches with you
as we watch them continually decline the offer
of your love and forgiveness.
thank you for continuing to reach out to them.
Thank you for reminding me
that you love them even more than I do.
My prayer request today
is that
you will continue to send out
faithful followers
to speak to them and to give them
to re-consider their hasty rejection of you.*
Thank you for all
love and fellowship and help
that you
continually shower on me.
Thank you
for all the closeness
that you and I share.
You are the
Shepherd of my Heart and I will follow you.
In Jesus' name, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
* Matthew 9:38
Tuesday April 4, 2023
Easter Prayer
Father God,
I come to you today to celebrate Jesus Christ - the King of Compassion and Lord of my life.
As my thoughts turn to Easter and that day of suffering,
I realize that day was no ordinary day.
That day stands out from every other day.
That day of suffering and death opens the opportunity for us to choose eternal life.
Father, stir my unsaved loved ones to choose Jesus as their Lord and Savior in this Easter season.
Speak to them in personalized ways that will give them every opportunity to make that choice.
Thank you for your love and mercy.
Thank you for your amazing grace.
Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
From one of our Easter prayer pages
Monday April 3, 2023
Easter Prayer
Loving Heavenly Father,
Yesterday was Palm Sunday. I think about the original Palm Sunday with all the people waving palm branches and calling out, "Hosanna" to Jesus. They were calling out to Jesus as the leader they needed.
Some of them recognized Jesus
as the promised Messiah,
some saw Jesus as just a great leader / teacher,
got caught up in the excitement and thrill of the moment.
I pray that this Easter season,
each of my loved ones would
recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah -
recognize Jesus as the great leader and teacher
that they need in their life.
And above all else,
I pray that they would recognize Jesus as
THE Savior
who is ready to take away their sins
make them right with God.
stir each of their hearts this Easter season.
I desire so deeply for each of them
to yield to you and step into the destiny
that you have for them.
And I know that you desire that even more than I do.
I feel very close to you as unite with you in prayer
for this eternal cause.
In the Saving name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Hosanna means "save us now."
Sunday April 2, 2023
Easter Prayer
Heavenly Father,
I ask that you give
_____, _____, ______, and ______
an encounter with your love
that will solidify and sustain them
in a close relationship with you
all through their life and
up until the day
that they come into your presence.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday April 1, 2023
Easter Prayer for my Loved Ones
Shepherd of my Life,
I lift up _______ and _____ and _____ and _____.
I pray your blessings upon them.
I pray that they will
increase their confidence
that life would be better
if they let you lead and they follow you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Friday March 31, 2023
Easter Prayer for my Loved Ones
Dear Lord,
I lift up prayer for my loved ones who are not right with you.
I lift up _______, ______, _____, and _____.
God help them.
Give them the thoughts they need to hear. Give them the emotions they need to feel.
God, help me. I don't know what to pray, but I am willing to pray.
Give me your words.
Turn my love for them into prayer action.
I will pray!
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday March 30, 2023
Easter Prayer for my Loved Ones
Heavenly Father,
I come today to exalt you and to give honor to your Name and to give honor to your Word.
You are worthy of all my praise.
Your mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Thank you for the new mercies you have given me today.
Thank you for this gift of a new day with all its possibilities and blessings.
I lift up my loved ones to you in prayer. I lift up _____, _______, _______, and _______.
Thank you for all the merciful things you are doing for them.
Through your love and mercy, you reach out to them every day.
I pray that they will respond to you by loving you and becoming devoted to you.
My heartfelt desire is that they will realize that you are an Amazing Father, Friend, Counselor, Coach, and Guide.
May they soon realize that you are worthy of their dedication and devotion.
I pray that they would soon encounter you as Savior and Lord of their life. By repenting and making you Lord of their life, they will be able to discover the awesome wonders of being right with you and having you as their best friend.
I pray my heart to you in the Merciful Name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday March 29, 2023
Daily Easter Prayers
Heavenly Father,
I lift up my loved ones to you.
Help me not to be satisfied with where my loved ones are with you.
Help me to be stirred up to pray
that they come into a
deeper relationship with you –
Deeper passion for you,
Deeper commitment to you,
Deeper revelations about you.
God, give me a passion to pray for my loved ones.
Give me a passion to love them in more selfless ways.
Strengthen me and encourage me to be a Prayer Warrior for my family and friends.
In Jesus’ name,
and in loving devotion I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Tuesday March 28, 2023
Daily Easter Prayers
Mighty God of Goodness and Mercy,
Your daily love refreshes me and guides me.
You are the awesome God of my Salvation.
I give you praise.
I come before you to lift up in prayer _____, ______, _____, and _____.
These loved ones need your life-changing salvation.
They need to surrender their hearts to you.
Thank you for continually reaching out to them to stir them to come closer to you.
Your Word advises us in Hebrews 3:15 CSB, "Today, if you hear God's voice, do not harden your hearts."
I pray that today when you speak to my loved ones, they will not harden their hearts toward your message.
My deepest desire is that
my loved ones will begin to
respond to you
tenderness toward you
tenderness toward your Scriptures.
I pray
in the Miraculous name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Monday March 27, 2023
Easter Prayer
for my loved ones
Lord of my Life,
I pray that each of my loved ones will soon call you - Lord of his or her Life.
I long to hear each of my loved ones say that YOU are the most important thing in his or her life.
I fervently pray to you to awaken each of my loved ones to the Gospel message.
You created each of them to be a Mighty Follower of God.
You created each of them to Stand Strong on your every Word.
You created each of them to live each day giving you glory and honor.
I pray that each of them will yield to your will.
Do miracles, Lord, so that each of them will run to the foot of the cross and be forever changed by your love.
In the Saving Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Sunday March 26, 2023
Today we have an introduction before the prayer.
John 3:16 tells us that
we believe in Jesus,
we will have eternal life.
The Hebrew word translated "Believe" does NOT mean that
we just believe that
there really was and is a person
named Jesus.
The devil
and his fallen angels
believe that.
they KNOW that Jesus is God
and that
he came to earth to die for the sins of the world.
The Greek word translated
means that
a person trusts in Jesus -
it means that the person
has made a commitment to Jesus -
it means
the person
has confidence in the words of Jesus -
This believing is not transitory.
It is a belief that has become the foundational basis
of the person's life.
"Believe" indicates a FIRM commitment.
Come Follow Me |
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Below is a
John 3:16 prayer
for our loved ones.
For each colored section,
choose the name of one person you are praying for
and put that name in the blanks in that section.
Easter Prayer
Heavenly Father,
I am so glad that
I have followed you for all these years.
Today, I come to this prayer time to pray on behalf of
my loved ones who are not right with you.
John 3:16 says,
For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God so loved ________
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that if _________ believeth in him
________ will not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God so loved ________
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that if _________ believeth in him
________ will not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God so loved ________
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that if _________ believeth in him
________ will not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God so loved ________
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that if _________ believeth in him
________ will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that each of these loved ones
would realize the great love and sacrifice of Jesus.
I pray that each one would soon repent and
his or her whole heart
live for Jesus every day of their life.
I pray these things,
in the Saving Name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday March 25, 2023
Prayer for my Loved Ones
God of Goodness and Love,
You are the God of Peace.
You are the God of Mercy.
You are the God of Salvation.
You are my God, and I will worship you.
I come today with several loved ones on my mind.
I lift up in prayer
_______, ______, _______, and _______.
I ask you to rescue them from living a life without you at the center of it.
Bring your words of tender love and your sentences of persuasion to my loved ones. They need to escape the snare of the devil as 2 Timothy describes. They need to repent and give their life to you.
In Matthew 9:38 NRSV you say,
"Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Father, I will obey your command.
I will pray Matthew 9:38 today.
I pray to you to send out laborers to minister to my loved ones who are not right with you.
Father, send out devoted followers of Christ to speak your words to my loved ones.
Send out dedicated followers of Christ to live out their dedication to you in full view of my loved ones.
I pray that my loved ones will be stirred
as they listen to the words
watch the actions
of those who are
Faithful Followers of Jesus Christ.
I pray that my loved ones will be
inspired and motivated.
Thank you for sending people to my loved ones who will give them a real - life view of what dedication to God looks like in 2023.
And may my life be among those you use to shine the light of Jesus before them.
Lord, the world is getting darker. Protect my loved ones from those who say they know you but their hearts are far from you. (Matthew 15:8)
I pray that my loved ones
will soon
joyfully receive Jesus as their Savior
and as the
Lord of each of their days.
In the Saving Name of Jesus,
I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Friday March 24, 2023
Daily Easter Prayers
Dear Lord,
You are the Shepherd of my heart.
Today I lift up my loved ones who are not right with you.
I pray for ________, ________, _______, and ______.
Visit my loved ones with your miracles.
Visit my loved ones with your wisdom.
Visit my loved ones with your life-changing love.
May they turn from their sins and their spiritual apathy - and yearn for a right relationship with you.
Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Thursday March 23, 2023
Prayer for the Easter Season
Lord of Everlasting Love,
Thank you for filling my life with your love and kindness.
Thank you for filling my life with your guidance and your goodness.
Today, I reach out to you in prayer for ______, ______, and _____, and ______.
Bless them today and every day during this Easter season.
Whisper words of wisdom to them.
Stir them to draw closer to you.
Make stale the things of the world.
Make fresh and exciting the things of you.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Wednesday March 22, 2023
Prayer for the Easter Season
Father of Mercy and Lord of Love,
Your Bible words are precious to me.
John 3:16 says that
you desire every person to accept Jesus as Savior and Lord.
You want to rescue every person
the captivity of
their sins
you want to
bring each one into your kingdom of light and life.
In Isaiah 61:1,
you tell us that
Jesus came to set the captives free.
So I pray for ____, _____, and ____ to be set free.
I come today asking for miracles.
I ask that you would do miracles
open their eyes
to the truth about
the end result of the path that they are walking on.
I ask that you would reveal needed truths to them.
And I ask that
you would expose the lies that they are believing
that are keeping them from a
close, satisfying relationship with you.
You say in Psalm 25:8-10 that
"The Lord is good and glad to teach the proper path to all who go astray;
9 he will teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to him.
10 And when we obey him, every path he guides us on is fragrant
with his loving-kindness and his truth."
I ask you to continually reach out to ____, _____, and ____
to show them the proper path.
I pray that you would whisper to them
the ways that are right and best.
I pray that
they would yield to you and humbly turn to you.
I praise you that,
when they submit to you,
every path they walk on will be
your lovingkindness and your truth.
I pray,
in the Saving Name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Tuesday March 21, 2023
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of salvation. Thank you that I am saved from my sins and am headed toward a wondrous eternal home.
I ask that you would bless _____, _____, and _____ with the knowledge that they need in order to get right with you.
I ask that you would bless them with the urgency they need in order to get right with you.
And then, I ask that you would bless them with the steadfastness they need in order to stay right with you.
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com
Monday March 20, 2023
Lord of Miracles and Mercy,
I lift up praise to you for you are my Rock of stability and steadiness as I move through my day.
And Lord, you are my Fountain of hope and encouragement as I pray for my loved ones.
My heart cries out for _______, and ______, and _____, and ______.
Direct their attention toward you. Open their eyes. Guide their steps. Shower them with wisdom.
Move people out of their life - and move people into their life - in order to protect them, bless them, and direct them.
May your desires for their life become their desires.
I pray these things in Jesus’ name,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Sunday March19, 2023
Please join me for
Scripture and prayer.
Psalm 103:7...
He [ God ] revealed his will and nature to
Moses and the people of Israel.
Psalm 103:7 TLB
In thinking about that verse.
I have realized that
what my loved ones need is a
of God's will and nature.
They need to realize how valuable God is.
They need to realize how much God loves them.
Please join me in prayer...
Heavenly Father,
I praise you for your all your Easter blessings.
I pray for my loved ones who are not right with you.
I pray for _____, _______, and _______.
I pray that you will reveal your will and nature to my loved ones.
I pray that you will reveal your great love to each one.
I pray that you will
tell them
the things
that they need to know in order to
make a
solid commitment to you.
And I pray that you would reveal to them
the lies that they believe
that are
keeping them from you.
I pray that
they will yield to you, repent, and receive your
In Jesus' name I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
Saturday March18, 2023
This is my first entry.
This morning when I woke up, I had a song on my heart.
I was singing the song posted in the video below.
The words of the song
formed a prayer for my loved ones
who are not right with the Lord.
I've been thinking
about doing an
Easter prayers page
for loved ones who are not right with God.
Today I have started.
Here is the prayer that I prayed.
Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is The Holy Spirit.
Spirit of the Sovereign Lord,
Come and make your presence known -
the glory of the living God.
Spirit of the Sovereign Lord,
Come and make your presence known -
the glory
of the living God to my loved ones
who are not right with you.
I pray for
______, _______, ______, and _______.
I pray that they would desire the weight of your glory to bless them.
I pray that they would desire the life of your river to flow in them.
I pray that they would desire the truth of your kingdom
to reign in them.
I pray that
as you call to them during this Easter season,
they will not harden their hearts to your voice.*
I pray that
they will yield to your love and mercy.
In the Saving Name of Jesus, I pray,
Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
* Hebrews 3:15
The Song of my Inspiration
This March 18th entry continues -
it will be longer than the other entries.
Youtube suggested the next video to me
I looked up the song of my inspiration
to post for YOU.
I think the following video
will inspire many of you.
Paul is giving his testimony.
Paul is also giving us
a devotional about the
Power of Praise to change things.
It is - Very inspirational...
Paul begins with
giving us some of the Hebrew Bible names for
God the Father and Jesus who is God.
For more information about the Trinity - Click Here
An Inspiring Testimony
God of Wonders,
I pray that those who come to this page,
will be
inspired and motivated
to pray for their loved ones.
I pray that
Faithful Followers will be the result.
You do miracles!
I pray this prayer
in the miraculous name of Jesus,
We welcome you to send us the
FIRST names of those
you are praying for.
The names will be visible to visitors.
See the invitation below.
Or Jump to the top of Daily Easter Prayers
Please feel free to give us the first names of the loved ones you are praying for so we can pray with you. And instead of writing YOUR name, you can write anonymous.
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