Calvinism versus the Bible
Calvinism is
incorrect and harmful.
This page will explain.
But first,
I will share what Salvation correctly is...
Salvation is like
the ancient Jewish marriage tradition.
A young Jewish man falls in love with a woman.
He comes to her house to
"propose marriage."
He brings
wine with him.
He pours a cup of wine in front of the woman.
If she drinks the wine,
they are engaged to be married.
In Salvation...
The young man = God.
God loves us as strongly as any person ever could.
God wants to "marry us" so to speak.
Jesus is even called
"The Bridegroom."
God seeks to draw us into a relationship with him.
just like the ancient Jewish man,
Jesus must
the woman for her hand in marriage.
The woman can
accept or reject
the marriage invitation.
We can accept or reject
Jesus as Savior and Lord.
God chooses us as his own
and he woos us
to come close to him and walk with him each day.
We know that not everyone accepts God's invitation.
God is ONE God with Three Personalities.
God the Father.
God the Son.
God the Holy Spirit.
Want to know more about God being a Trinity?
Click here
Calvinism versus the Bible
The Dangers
There are few topics that I am more passionate about.
I have
seen and heard
much about
the destruction
that Calvinism has caused.
The main lie of Calvinism
it says that
God does not love everyone.
And then,
it says that only the people God loves goes to heaven.
All other people are doomed to hell.
This belief
ignores, mangles, and misrepresents
Bible verses.
For example,
This belief
completely destroys the simple message of
John 3:16
which says,
so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life."
And Calvinism destroys
1 Timothy 2:4-6 KJV
Who [meaning Jesus] will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
God's Amazing Love
is extended toward everybody.
The Gospel is simple.
Anyone can believe in Jesus
as their Savior and LORD of their life
and then
he or she
will be saved from hell and live in heaven forever.
Jesus said,
"I came
not to
judge the world
but to
Jesus died for the WHOLE world.
The Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons.
(Scriptures about that further down.)
God gives everyone the opportunity
to get saved from
It is the same for everyone.
If you want to understand
how to
get saved and go to heaven
click -
The Bible tells us that
whether the sacrifice of Jesus
a difference in your life
or not
The Bible says that
"God is no respecter of persons"
That means that God does not give preferential treatment.
That means that God does not show partiality.
It means that God is fair.
It means that God wants to bless everyone.
As I have read the Bible, I have been making a list of times that I find that idea in scripture. Here is my partial list:
James 3:17, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9,
James 2:9, 2 Chronicles 19:7, Leviticus 19:15,
Deuteronomy 1:17, Colossians 3;25, 1 Peter 1:17,
Galatians 2:6, Deuteronomy 10:17
I hope you are becoming more convinced each day
that God wants to bless You.
God does deal differently with different people,
but it does not have to do with partiality.
It has to do with the unique differences in people.
My point in sharing this is that
God shows no partiality.
don't listen to thoughts that diminish God's love for you.
Calvinism slanders God's character.
who believe Calvinism
are probably saved and going to heaven after death,
they are hindering some people from salvation.
Notice that
preachers who are Calvinists
rarely teach
on its points
who wants to preach that God does not love everyone?
Highlighted Videos
First video
is a more complete video.
Second video
is short
and the best I could find about
limited atonement,
But it does
use some theological terms that are not used a lot.
This excellent video
highlights two Christian men
who have realized that Calvinism is wrong.
One realized recently.
It begins slowly.
What happens to people
who live in a place
where they never hear about Jesus and the Bible?
See our Psalm 19 page.
Calvinism versus the Bible
The Bible says...
Salvation is YOUR choice.
(God draws everyone to salvation.)
God says ALL...
"God our Savior
who wants all people to be saved
and to come to the knowledge of the truth."
1 Timothy 2:3b-4 NKJV
"Turn to the Lord!
He can still be found.
Call out to God! He is near.
7 Give up your evil ways
and your evil thoughts.
Return to the Lord our God.
He will be merciful
and forgive your sins."
Isaiah 55:6-7 CEV
Calvinism says...
Salvation is not for everyone.
Calvinism says...
Jesus did not die for all.
See the video below on this topic.
It uses some rarely - used theological terms
but it is the best short video
I could find on this topic.
( Specifics about Calvinism and TULIP further down the page. )
Calvinism says...
God arbitrarily decides who goes to heaven.
He chooses some people and not others.
It has nothing to do with
your desires toward God.
It has nothing to do with your heart or your actions.
People who believe in Calvinism
I'm sad to be so blunt - but I say that...
Calvinism is a devilish idea.
It obviously came from the devil.
~ ~ ~
tells people
that God doesn't love everybody
when it is clear
in Scripture
that he does.
The result of this devilish belief
is that
who do not know Scripture and believe Scripture
will decide that
God doesn't love them...
so why pursue a relationship with God?
I have known people
who say,
"God decides who goes to heaven.
I have nothing to do with it.
So I might as well enjoy life on earth and sin.
Nothing I do matters.
If God wants me in heaven, I will be there
and if not,
I will at least enjoy my time on earth.
The above words
make it clear
this belief is used by the devil to take some people to
when you carefully look at their beliefs,
you can see that this belief system
discourages people
and depresses people.
For example,
Calvinism makes you consider that
maybe your loved ones aren't loved by God.
Calvinism misinterprets
the phrase
The Elect.
Here is a page I did on explaining what God actually says about
The first time
I heard about Calvinism
was when
I was in seminary.
The ideas of Calvinism
were presented
(and rejected by my seminary)
my first reaction was
"Calvinism is ridiculous.
Who in the world would believe in Calvinism?"
I found out that
some of my loved ones
believed in Calvinism.
And from talking to them,
I became even more horrified
at what
Calvinism can do to a person.
lost sinners
feel justified
in ignoring the Gospel.
As I have talked to people who believe in Calvinism - including loved ones -
I have found that
many people
who are lukewarm toward God
in the tenants of Calvinism.
Many of them
do not know the word
but they believe its tenants.
Calvinism is used by the devil
to get people to be oblivious to God.
After all,
if God decides who goes to heaven -
even to
the point of who WANTS to go to heaven -
then I might as well ignore God.
If God wants me,
then he will do what it takes
Calvinism says that I cannot resist God.
Those are Devilish Doctrines!
Tulip stands for the beliefs of Calvinism.
In Calvinism -
God varies in the way he deals with people -
people seeking God or not
doesn't matter when it comes to who God loves.
T -
Stands for Total Depravity
Adam sinned and therefore the whole human race is affected with sin. Humans are too wicked to choose God.
U -
Stands for Unconditional Election
This Calvinist view says that God chooses who will be saved. Because people are dead in their sins, they are unable to initiate a response to God. In eternity past, God elected certain people to be saved. The saved people are called the Elect. God picks them based not on their personal character or merit, but out of his kindness and sovereign will. It also means that election for salvation is not based on God's foreknowledge of who would come to faith in the future.
Since some are chosen for salvation, others are not. Those not chosen are the damned, destined for an eternity in hell.
L -
Stands for Limited Atonement
This point says that Jesus didn't die for everyone. Jesus only died for those God is going to choose and take to heaven.
I -
Stands for Irresistible Grace
Those God chooses to go to heaven have to respond positively to the call of God. This point says that God's conviction of sin is irresistible. If God stirs you to get saved and follow him - you will. You cannot say, "No," to God.
P -
Stands for Perseverance of the Saints
God not only causes you to accept Jesus as Savior, he makes sure you continue in following Jesus.
T in Tulip is for
Total Depravity.
Calvinists do not believe we have free will
to choose Jesus.
This video
Total Depravity.
God gives us Free Will.
In order to freely love God,
we have to have a choice.
Check out our God's will is not always done
'As I live," says the Lord God,
‘I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
but that
the wicked
turn from his way and live.
Turn, turn from your evil ways!
For why should you die, O house of Israel?’
Ezekiel 33:11 NKJV
Calvinists are usually not concerned by their contradictions.
They just label them mysteries and ignore them.
This video explains.
Sometime speakers use humor to get people to agree with them.
Calvinism versus the Bible
I am probably going to make a
page 2
for those who want more videos on this topic.
If you are interested in page 2
contact me,
and I'll send you an e-mail when it is finished.
Consider our page: God's will is not always done
Jump to the top of Calvinism versus the Bible
Calvinism versus the Bible was posted in September 2023.
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