This Bedtime Prayer
was created
to be prayed regularly for a season.
It was designed
to prepare
your mind, will, and emotions
to follow God more closely.
As you regularly read it,
you will find yourself
becoming more like Jesus.
The first couple of times you read this prayer, you will feel like you can't honestly say these things.
But if you will say them by faith, you will grow into this prayer.
How this Prayer Works:
For Example -
When you find yourself facing
a choice or a temptation
during your day,
- you will remember -
the words of this prayer
feel drawn to make a wise decision.
This prayer will be used by God
to help you become a more mature believer.
This bedtime prayer is designed
to gently draw you into maturity.
Do not accept any condemnation
from the enemy.
If you feel that you need to repent for a sin or sins,
then ask God for forgiveness - and then
refuse to allow the enemy to bother you.
We are children of God.
As children, we have to allow ourselves
the grace to grow
without berating ourselves.
Record Yourself.
Record Yourself reading this Prayer.
I suggest that you record yourself reading this prayer.
Then each night after you get under your blankets, you turn on your recorder and listen to this bedtime prayer being prayed over you.
We begin with Scripture:
"It is good to say, 'Thank you' to the Lord,
to sing praises to the God
who is above all gods.
Every morning tell him, 'Thank you for your kindness' and every evening rejoice in all his faithfulness."
Psalm 92:1-2 TLB
Almighty Father,
I want to thank you for the richness of this day. I want to thank you for your faithfulness.
Lord, you have protected me this day; you have showered down on me mercy and compassion. You have been loving, and your lovingkindness has been shown to me all day. You have guided me. You have blessed me.
I have grown this day. I am more Christ-like than I was this morning. My shield of faith is bigger than it was this morning. I am more prepared for my destiny tonight than I was this morning.
You have increased, and I have decreased this day.**
I have accomplished everything that you ordained and planned for me to do. I have walked with you. I have worked for you. The work that you gave me to do has flourished this day.
I have had understanding poured into me this day. I have learned more about subduing my flesh. I have learned more about following your desires. I have learned more about laying my plans down and picking up your plans.
I have seen your handiwork for me in this day.
I feel content that I have done what you wanted me to do, and that
I am where you want me to be.
When you first made time, you saw this day, and you are happy that it came - and you are happy in what I have done in it.
Thank you, Lord, for protecting me, for encouraging me, for strengthening me this day. Thank you for bringing greater healing to me this day.
Yes, I have learned this day - sometimes through stumbling - sometimes through victory.
I have felt you with me this day. I have felt your power.
I have felt your love.
Now as I get ready for sleep, I lay down all my assignments for the day.
I lay down all the things that happened that disturbed me.
I lay everything at your feet. I receive your love and acceptance this night. I receive the gift of rest and sleep.
Copyright © 2003 Beth McLendon of Inspirational -
Bedtime Prayer Scripture:
** "He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30 (based on the King James Version)
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