Autumn Romance Ideas

Autumn Romance Ideas




Stirring up


on a cool autumn day

to warm-up your Marriage


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Copyright © 2016 Beth McLendon of

E-mail your Spouse


warm wishes:

Roses are Red,

Violets are Blue,

Some spouses are nice,

But the only perfect one is you!

"Some trees are turning Red,

Some trees are turning Yellow,

On this brisk autumn day,

I am sending love to my fellow."


"Some trees are turning Red,

Some trees are turning Yellow,

On this brisk autumn day,

Your getting a love poem from your fellow."

And consider sending this love poem:

"Roses are Red,

Violets are Blue,

I miss you and want

a big kiss from you!"

Flirt a little.

Be silly and fun!

Welcome Home Your Spouse

If you get home first one night, greet your spouse with
a dinner table with a nice table cloth and pretty fall leaves on it.

Write a card or note that says,

"I have noticed that the leaves are beginning to fall.

Have you noticed that I fall for you every day?"

Have a candlelit dinner ready and waiting when your spouse comes home.

Be careful to not have an expectation - only hope for a happy time. Please read our Tips on Expectations found on our "Secrets for Spouses at Christmas" page.

And if he or she is a Gruppy Gus - just say in a flirty way, "Wow, you missed a great opportunity for some awesome smooching."

Then smile and happily go do something.

Be mysterious. Be fun. Be an amazing spouse.

Consider Creating

  Spectacular Fireworks

this fall!

Autumn   Romance   Ideas!

Make September Sizzle -

Make October Outstanding -

Make November Noteworthy -

by doing things such as:

1. Watch a football game together and decide to have a major kiss every time your team scores.

Be sure and make the game extra memorable by adding sports napkins, special snacks, and wearing team shirts.

Give me a "K", give me an "I", give me an "S" , give me an "S". What does that spell? KISS!

Also consider making these

Fabulous Football Sandwiches!

2. October has an emphasis on costumes. Consider buying both of you a clown costume. Pick a day to dress up and visit a nursing home. Clowns create smiles and help the seniors feel better.

You might want to give the seniors something. For example, cut out construction paper leaves and write on them "Jesus loves you" or "Happy Thanksgiving."

Making other people feel good

makes us feel good.


Volunteering together
often creates a strong glue
between husbands and wives.

3. This is an idea for an average day - not for a special occasion.

Create or order a special cake with writing such as:

My Hunk is the greatest Husband on earth!


My Bride is the most awesome Wife on earth!


Such and such day was the most wonderful day of my life.

** Such and such could be your anniversary date. In which case you could place candles according to how many years [or decades] you have been married.

Notice I said to do this on an average day - not on your wedding anniversary because this is supposed to show that you think about that wonderful day all through the year!

4.  Cut and paste a picture of a Hershey's kiss on an e-mail.

Then write: I'm sending you a kiss.

5. Before breakfast, spell out "Love You" with Hershey kisses (or red hots) on the kitchen table where he/she sits.

Stir up the Heat.


Create Romantic
days and nights
with a few of our suggestions.

6. If you live near the mountains, take a drive to see the colorful leaves.

Be sure and pack a picnic lunch.

7. Take a leaf pattern and cut out red construction paper leaves. Make seven of them. Put something you love about your mate on each of them.

Sprinkle them on a nicely decorated dinner table.

8. Print out a love coupon for your mate.

Slip it in his/her coat pocket or place it on his/her bedside table.

You can find great printable ones online, or you can make your own.


This coupon good for one full day of uninterrupted sports television -  with me providing snacks and meals for you in front of the television.

This coupon good for your favorite meal.

This coupon good for washing and cleaning out your car.

This coupon is good for one afternoon of taking care of the kids while you go do something with your friends.

This coupon good for getting a break from helping take care of the pets for a week.

This coupon good for an evening of star-gazing.

This coupon good for thirty minutes of cuddling.

This coupon good for one late-night craving delivered.

This coupon good for a foot massage.

This coupon good for one-hour talking together with the cell phones off.

This coupon good for thirty minutes of dancing together.

This coupon good for a lunch date at your favorite place.

This coupon good for one walk in the park.

This coupon good for one "Go out for Coffee" date with no cell phones!

9. Plan a romantic camping trip. 

10.  Go to a playground and swing on the swings.

Take pictures of one another.

11. Football -  Go out to a restaurant that has the football game you want to watch on TV.

Watch the game and have an appetizer together.

Then at half-time drive to another restaurant that has the game on and have your meal.

Then end the game and the night with going to a third restaurant that has the game on TV and share a dessert. (If the game score is close, you may have to wait to have dessert after the game.)

12. E-mail your spouse and tell him/her one of your favorite dating memories.

"Hi Honey. I was just thinking about the time...."


Seek to be an amazing spouse


even before you have an amazing spouse.

* * * *

Consider visiting our

Loving Marriage Prayers

* * * *

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